Can dandruff be dealt with quickly, easily and permanently? The answer is yes! For effectiveness, shampoos and folk remedies go into battle, we checked all the options, which caused a storm of positive reviews and comments
Let’s immediately clarify what dandruff is, and then it will be clear how to effectively deal with it. Dandruff, in fact, is the cells of the epidermis, which, as a result of disruption of the sebaceous glands, are not washed off, but exfoliated in groups. And they form the very “snow” on our shoulders. The exfoliation process is always there. And to remove the scales, the person is washing. This is a normal skin self-cleaning process. When it intensifies and we already see the scales, then this indicates a violation of the process. In this case, doctors talk about seborrhea (what we call dandruff among ourselves).
Getting rid of dandruff means curing seborrhea
There are several forms of seborrhea: oily, dry, mixed. There are also several reasons for its appearance. It can also be an early sign of an autoimmune disease (such as psoriasis). It can also be an increase in hormone levels. For example, an increase in the male sex hormone testosterone leads to an increase in sebum production, resulting in plaque (dandruff) on the scalp. It can also be a fungal infection. In principle, fungi always live on the skin, but during a malfunction (hormones, stress, etc.) they begin to grow at an increased rate and have a negative effect. That is, in this case, in addition to disrupting the process of exfoliation of the upper layer of cells, there is also an inflammatory process. Therefore, an itchy scalp is a sure sign of a fungal disease. But all this can be fought. Moreover, it is quite simple and effective. So what are the ways you can get rid of dandruff?
Fast / in one day: shampoo
If dandruff is not a symptom of a serious illness, but is conditionally cosmetic in nature (for example, due to improper shampooing or hair coloring), then just go to the store and buy anti-dandruff shampoo. But it is important to choose the right shampoo that would achieve the goal – dissolve and remove scales. It should contain acids (for example, salicylic, lactic – they help exfoliate). At the same time, keep in mind that if you have oily seborrhea, then you need to wash your hair every day. Unlike dry seborrhea, where daily washing will only bring harm instead of benefit.
If you wash your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo, and it does not disappear, then this is not a cosmetic problem, but a disease.
Then you have a direct way to the pharmacy – for a therapeutic shampoo, which includes, among other things, antifungal drugs. More about it in the next chapter.
Folk remedies for dandruff: to each his own
In this case, complex therapy will help fight dandruff. It includes several components at once. First, antifungal drugs (for example, “Ketoconazole”). Secondly, shampoos with antifungal drugs (Octopirox, Piroctone, Olamine) and exfoliating components (salicylic acid). These are the same medicinal shampoos for seborrhea that are sold in pharmacies. The first 2-3 weeks they are used actively, then – as maintenance therapy. Thirdly, antihistamines (they have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve irritation). Fourth, topical ointments, if seborrhea has already turned into seborrheic dermatitis. Fifth, the diet.
To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, give up fatty, fried, alcohol
Increase in the diet the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids (they are especially abundant in fish, nuts), B vitamins (wholemeal bread, milk, cottage cheese, liver, cheese, eggs, cabbage, apples, tomatoes).
Good help is also provided by ozone therapy, cryomassage (with severe itching), mesotherapy (in the inter-crisis period).
Important! To get rid of dandruff, you need to wash your hair with medicated shampoos correctly. Basic Rules:
– The water should be warm – 36-37 degrees, since hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands and contributes to a favorable environment for the growth of fungus, and cool simply will not wash the hair.
– Shampoo must be shaken before use so that the medicinal component, which could settle at the bottom, mixes with the bulk.
– Apply shampoo with gentle massaging movements first on the scalp. And only then go down the entire length of the hair.
– Hold the shampoo on the head for 3-5 minutes – for the effect of the active antifungal ingredient. Massage periodically to redistribute the shampoo over the scalp. Wash off with warm water.
– At the end of the washing procedure, be sure to rinse with cool water – to narrow the vessels of the scalp and reduce sebum secretion.
– In case of scalp hypersality, you can use a regular shampoo first, and then a medical one.
Folk remedies for dandruff: to each his own
Geneticists from the University of College London have made an interesting discovery. According to scientists, they managed to find a number of genes responsible for graying and thick hair. Now it became clear why some people have thick hair, while others, on the contrary, suffer from early baldness. In addition, the researchers were able to identify the gene responsible for curly hair, as well as the gene for thick eyebrows.
Hair masks made from natural ingredients have long been recognized. And grandmother’s secrets are still relevant today. If you want to cure dandruff at home and inexpensively, choose your own folk remedy.
Beetroot juice. Apply freshly squeezed beetroot juice to your head. After an hour, wash off with shampoo. Better homemade: an egg, a pinch of borax (sodium tetraborate) and a little water.
Sea salt. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of natural sea salt (unflavored) in a glass of water. Apply to scalp and hair. Massage for a few minutes. Wash off with shampoo.
Hop cone infusion. Boil 1 tablespoon of pine cones with a glass of boiling water. Insist 40 minutes. Apply to the head. Wash off after an hour.
Aspirin. Add 2 crushed aspirin tablets to a regular single serving of shampoo. Wash your hair, massage, rinse. Aspirin can be replaced with baking soda.
Nettle decoction. Use for rinsing. 1 cup dried nettle in 1,5 liters of water. Cook in a water bath for 20 minutes.
Lemon decoction. Use for rinsing. Boil the peel of 5-6 lemons in 1,5 liters of water for 20 minutes.
Folk remedies for dandruff: to each his own
Masks and compresses:
– Castor oil and alcohol in equal proportions.
– Apple cider vinegar and water in a 1: 1 ratio.
– Vegetable oil and sea buckthorn oil in a ratio of 1: 9.
– 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and honey.
– 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon each of castor oil, honey, lemon.
– 1 yolk, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon each of honey, lemon juice and fresh persimmon puree.
– 1 yolk, juice of 3-4 young nettle leaves, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 teaspoons of mustard oil and oatmeal flour.
– 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and aloe juice, 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil.
By the way, for the lazy: for masks, you can use only one of the ingredients, be it an egg, yogurt, brown bread (diluted with water until mushy), aloe juice, castor, burdock, sea buckthorn, linseed, olive or jojoba oil.
Important! It is necessary to keep the masks on the head for 30-60 minutes so that the active elements have time to act. Apply to hair roots. After applying the mask, arrange a “bath” for your head – wrap it up with cellophane, and on top – with a towel. The course is at least 10 procedures.
Almost all of the above hair masks can be used not only to treat dandruff, but also to improve the condition of your hair.
And remember, dandruff is just a symptom. For proper treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause. To cope with this, of course, a doctor (dermatologist or trichologist) will help.
– The main causes of scalp problems are associated with internal disorders in the body. They are caused by an unbalanced diet, a lack or deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, the harmful effects of the environment, constant stress, heredity, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, digestive or hormonal systems, bacterial and viral infections, improperly selected cosmetics. Understanding this connection between the inner and the outer, one can determine the first steps in correcting the listed conditions. First, choose the safest and most natural shampoos and styling products. Secondly, consult a trichologist and dermatologist. Find a specialist who approaches human health holistically. Then you will normalize the work of organs and systems as a whole, and will not heal the problem locally.
Elena Pritupova, Anna Gerasimenko, Rumiya Safiulina, Editorial