How to get rid of crows in the yard, on the site
Any birdwatcher in defense of crows can say that these birds are smart birds and good parents. They take care of their chicks at the beginning of spring from aggressive people, whom they feel intuitively. However, when a sad croaking is heard around the dwelling from morning to evening, the question invariably arises: how to get rid of the crows. After all, these birds not only interfere with sleep, they can destroy the chicks of their smaller counterparts.
Knowing how to get rid of crows can help keep your yard calm and your garden safe.
How to get rid of crows in your yard
Shooting these annoying avian species is a bad option. First, it is prohibited by law in many regions. Secondly, this method is unlikely to be effective. Some people advise breeding larger birds (eagles, golden eagles) that will destroy crows naturally. However, this option also cannot be called ideal, since these birds are considered freedom-loving and it is rather difficult to tame them.
It remains to hope for other means. For example,
- keep the yard clean. Ravens do not live where there is no food for them. Therefore, waste containers must be emptied in a timely manner. It is desirable that they be closed with lids that will close access to their contents;
- eliminate areas potentially suitable for nesting. You need to watch out for trees growing nearby – sawed off dead branches. This usually helps, as crows nest in open areas rather than on branches covered in greenery.
- install spikes against the birds. You can buy these devices at hardware stores. They are mounted on fences and roofs. Crows will not be able to settle on such thorns.
To deal with these annoying neighbors, one method will not help, they must be used all in a complex.
How to get rid of crows in the area?
It is even worse if crows have chosen your garden area and interfere with the ripening of the crop. In this case, the following can help:
- frightened, especially in the form of animals. These birds are frightened off by the sight of their dead relatives;
- reflective tape. You can put up poles and hang shiny strips on them. Another option is to stretch reflective strips around the perimeter;
- bioacoustic products. Quite an effective remedy. The operation of such a system is based on reproducing the alarm calls of birds.
Crows are afraid of noise, but fireworks and sirens are unlikely to please neighbors.
It is quite possible to expel annoying neighbors. Rid your territory of crows to enjoy a comfortable life.