How to get rid of crickets
Insects in the home are a problem that even occurs in sanitary rooms. Crickets do not bring tangible harm, but their trills interfere with sleep and annoy, it is hard to endure a noisy neighbor. How to get rid of crickets in a short time? It’s not that hard, just know a few simple ways.
How to get rid of crickets?
How to get rid of crickets?
These insects can survive on the street, but with the onset of cold weather, the temptation to bask in a warm house increases. Inhabitants of the first floors especially suffer from the invasion of Orthoptera. Insects prefer secluded corners, darkness, crevices. During the day they behave modestly, at night they loudly remind of their presence.
You can expel an uninvited tenant in the following ways:
- attach adhesive tape in the corners at night and wait for the catch of the “talker”;
- pour molasses into a plate and add water. Place the utensils in the room where the cricket is found. The smell will attract an insect, in the morning you will find it trapped;
- if the pest is caught red-handed, spray with a pest control spray. Observe the correct concentration, after the procedure, thoroughly ventilate the room;
- Vacuum through the rooms to collect cricket eggs. Otherwise, after 2-3 days, your house will announce the chorus of insects.
You can try to catch the violator of the silence with your hands. But remember: he has excellent hearing and he senses the approach of a person at a distance of five steps.
How to get rid of a cricket at home: prevention
So that the insect does not disturb your home again, it is necessary to eliminate all ways of penetration of the pest.
This is done as follows:
- try not to keep doors and windows open, especially in autumn. Fasten the mosquito net on the window;
- throw out the garbage in time, because the smell of waste attracts crickets;
- if you live in a private house, install light bulbs on the porch and around the perimeter of the house. Crickets do not like light, so this precaution works unmistakably;
- “Make friends” with birds and lizards. These animals feed on crickets, do not disturb them to feast on Orthoptera near the house. To attract birds, you can install a feeder;
- do not neglect wet cleaning, thoroughly wash dust and crumbs from the corners. After all, secluded places and crevices are a favorite refuge for noisy insects.
Now you know how to get rid of a cricket at home. It is not necessary to use a chemical arsenal to capture an intruder. To win this battle, natural means and folk cunning are enough.