How to get rid of constipation at home

How to get rid of constipation at home

Many people face the problem of prolonged stool retention or difficulties in emptying the intestines, but in this case, home remedies that do not have any side effects on the body successfully cope with the malaise. Such a healing effect is capable of producing various vegetable oils, herbs, as well as the inclusion in the diet of a number of products that help to cope with constipation: bran, some dried fruits, cereals, dairy products, juices and honey.

A certain mechanical effect can alleviate a person’s condition and help avoid the consequences of prolonged stagnation of excrement in the body – these are special enemas and abdominal massage. A somewhat unconventional way to get rid of constipation – soap, although effective, can be a health hazard, especially when it comes to young patients, so this method should be carefully studied before use.

Oil for constipation

Various oils are considered the main remedy for stool problems. Their effectiveness is explained by the fact that they can have a laxative effect, act as a lubricant for the intestines and stimulate choleretic processes, which also help to eliminate constipation. To eliminate the disease, they use vaseline, castor, linseed, sunflower, olive, sea buckthorn and pumpkin oils, each of which in its own way solves the problem of delaying bowel movements.

vaseline oil for constipation

Vaseline oil for constipation successfully copes with the task of removing feces. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the peculiarities of this substance, otherwise called liquid paraffin. It is derived from oil, therefore it is considered a natural, environmentally friendly, but non-vegetarian remedy, non-toxic, non-carcinogenic and mutagenic, and after consultation with a doctor, it can be used even in infants.

The chemical stability of vaseline oil does not allow it to be absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract after ingestion, which distinguishes it from organic analogues. Consequently, liquid paraffin is distributed along the intestinal walls, penetrating between them and stagnant contents, stimulating motility. The special viscous structure allows the oil to be retained even on vertical surfaces. The feces begin to slide freely along the intestines treated in this way, while they themselves are softened by vaseline oil, which greatly facilitates defecation.

Features of receiving funds are as follows:

  • time: 2 hours before or after a meal;

  • doses: infants – 0,5 teaspoons, older children and adolescents – 1-2 teaspoons, adults can take up to 2,5 teaspoons.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage and the indicated time frames, exceeding the norm threatens with the appearance of the opposite effect – the development of chronic atonic constipation, weakened immunity and the occurrence of beriberi due to difficulties with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Vaseline oil cannot be used for prevention, the duration of the treatment course cannot exceed 5 days.

Contraindications to taking vaseline oil are an ulcer or intestinal obstruction, the presence of infectious diseases in the abdominal cavity, pregnancy, during which stimulation of smooth muscle motility can lead to uterine tone.

Castor oil for constipation

Castor oil is taken orally for constipation, after which the acids that make up its composition – linoleic, ricinoleic, oleic – are broken down by the action of lipase with the release of thermal energy, which irritates the receptors of the large intestine and increases the activity of contractions of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, spontaneous excretion of feces begins.

It is impossible to take castor oil for a long time without consulting a treating specialist, it is fraught with addiction, indigestion and weakening of intestinal motility. In addition, this substance can lead to impaired salt metabolism and dehydration.

Proper use of castor oil can last no more than 3 days and the dosage should be 10 grams. for children and up to 30 gr. for adults 1 time per day. The action of the drug begins in the interval from 2 to 8 hours after ingestion in the form of a liquid or capsules. Castor oil is quite unpleasant in taste, so it is recommended to drink it with tea, milk or ginger drinks, or add it to any drink.

How to get rid of constipation at home

Flaxseed oil for constipation

Flaxseed oil has a particularly gentle effect on constipation. Its biologically active substances – vitamins and omega acids – not only cope with disruption of the intestines, but contribute to increase immunity and have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, including the activity of the digestive system as a whole. Flaxseed oil neutralizes saturated fats and becomes a natural lubricant that helps relieve chronic constipation.

There are several ways to use flaxseed oil, here are some of them:

  • a tablespoon of the remedy should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning, washed down with cold water an hour before meals;

  • mix a spoonful of butter with half a glass of chilled milk and drink before going to bed;

  • before a night’s rest, you can prepare a special mixture of honey and flaxseed oil, taken by a tablespoon, added to a jar of natural yogurt.

In addition, this wonderful product can be used as a dressing for various dishes, the main thing is not to heat them after that.

But there are a number of contraindications to taking flaxseed oil, these include diseases of the pancreas, disorders of the gallbladder, especially accompanied by the formation of stones, pregnancy, lactation, the passage of a treatment course with antiviral drugs or antidepressants, taking oral contraceptives.

sunflower oil for constipation

Sunflower oil for constipation is used as a therapeutic and preventive measure. It helps to cope with constipation and has a beneficial effect on the overall well-being of a person. To combat constipation, it is better to use unrefined varieties of sunflower oil, in which the composition of useful substances is the most complete.

Take this product on an empty stomach, a tablespoon is enough, and an hour later they start breakfast. This oil should be actively used as a dressing for the prevention of constipation. A good result is the use of the product along with cereals. A tablespoon of sunflower oil is added to a portion of the finished dish and eaten once a day. To eliminate constipation in this case, oatmeal, buckwheat and millet groats are better than others.

Sunflower oil practically does not give undesirable effects, especially if it is not abused. It is not recommended to use it only for obese people.

Olive oil for constipation

Olive oil for constipation is used in different forms, the choice of which depends on whether the task is therapeutic or prophylactic. In order to prevent the occurrence of an ailment in its chronic course or rare manifestations, an hour before breakfast, drink a tablespoon of the product with a glass of warm lemon water.

At the time of exacerbation of constipation, it is recommended to make cleansing oil enemas, which successfully cope with fecal stones and other manifestations of malaise. For their preparation, mix 5 tsp. olive oil with egg yolk and pour a glass of warm water. An enema is done at bedtime and left until waking up, and in the morning a positive therapeutic effect is noted. The use of oil increases the therapeutic effect and allows you to simultaneously relieve the patient of constipation.

good prevention The appearance of problems with the stool is the daily use of olive oil in small quantities as part of various dishes.

The use of this product can give an undesirable effect only with individual intolerance and the presence of problems with the gallbladder due to the pronounced choleretic effect of this plant substance.

Sea buckthorn oil for constipation

Sea buckthorn oil for constipation is used to treat advanced and chronic cases. The product of sea buckthorn processing, in addition to anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound-healing properties, has a pronounced laxative effect, which determines the high efficiency of this remedy in solving a delicate problem. 

The therapeutic dose of sea buckthorn oil is 1 tsp, which, if necessary, can be divided into two doses, but should be taken on an empty stomach. The therapeutic course is about 4 weeks.

Sea buckthorn oil can be included in microclysters to increase their effectiveness. For such a therapeutic measure, take half a liter of warm liquid and add 20 g to it. oils.

Pumpkin seed oil for constipation

Pumpkin seed oil for constipation has proven effectiveness. The rich composition and laxative abilities allow it to become an important component of various recipes aimed at eliminating problems with timely emptying of the intestines and its atony.

No significant contraindications allows you to safely use pumpkin seed oil for the most vulnerable category of patients – pregnant women, who, due to the peculiarities of prenatal physiology, often experience constipation. But even here it is impossible to do without the advice of a specialist.

Pumpkin seed oil is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals for no longer than 10 days and after 3 weeks the course is repeated.

Pregnant women take it in a teaspoon three times a day to completely normalize the stool.

Sometimes they make a mixture of a tablespoon of pumpkin seed oil and a teaspoon of honey added to a third of a glass of yogurt. Thoroughly mixed ingredients are eaten an hour before bedtime.

Pumpkin product can be used for 5 ml microclysters, which are made at night after cleansing.

Bran for constipation

How to get rid of constipation at home

One of the causes of unstable stools is the lack of plant fibers and fiber. Therefore, the inclusion of bran in the diet helps to successfully fight the manifestations of constipation and cope with their root cause, wheat and rye are especially effective. By itself, this product is a waste product formed after grinding cereals.

Penetrating into the body, bran absorbs water, swells, loosening the feces and increasing their volume, thereby contributing to quick and easy defecation. In the process of digestion, they absorb various harmful microorganisms, toxins, bacteria, food debris, waste food, cleansing the body, improving and stabilizing the intestinal microflora, that is, they help prevent the recurrence of constipation.

Here are some recommendations for taking bran for constipation:

  • within a month in the morning 2 tbsp. l. bran should be poured with a glass of hot milk or boiling water, leave for an hour and eat for 30 minutes. before breakfast;

  • pre-steamed bran can be consumed for lunch and dinner, the course of treatment lasts a month;

  • 1 bran water recipe – 4 tbsp. l. bran pour 20 tbsp. l. water, insist for several hours, strain and drink the liquid on an empty stomach, mixing with honey, fruit or berry juices;

  • 2 bran water recipe – pour a glass of bran with a liter of chilled water, hold for 8 hours, take small sips three times a day immediately before meals until the problems with the stool are eliminated;

  • in order to improve intestinal motility, remove cholesterol and cleanse the body, pure bran is introduced into ready-made drinks and dishes;

  • a few tablespoons of a mixture of bran, dried fruits and honey eaten before bedtime will help to get an enhanced laxative effect.

Including bran in the diet, it is necessary to increase the daily intake of fluid in order to avoid dehydration.

It is worth avoiding excessive use of this product, and also refrain from it during an exacerbation of gastritis, colitis, enteritis, peptic ulcer. Before using bran for medicinal purposes, you should consult your doctor.

[Video] Dr. Berg – FIBER FOR CONSTIPATION, the benefits and harms of fiber for constipation:

Beet juice for constipation

Beet juice with constipation gives a positive result due to its laxative abilities. In addition, the use of this drink leads to the cleansing of the body of toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances, which improves the functioning of the digestive system and the body as a whole, as well as the complete elimination of unpleasant signs of intestinal inoperability.

Pure beet juice can be too strong, up to unpleasant symptoms, therefore, they always begin to take it as part of mixtures, which only increases the therapeutic result and positively affects the taste of the final drink. Initially, the proportion of the beet component in a glass of such a healing cocktail should not exceed 20 ml., With a positive reaction of the body, it is gradually brought to the indicated therapeutic norm.

The optimal recipe for a vegetable mixture for constipation consists of carrot, cucumber and beetroot juices, taken in a ratio of 10:3:3. The drink is taken in the morning half an hour before meals on an empty stomach. For prevention, a glass of beetroot juice is divided into several doses and taken throughout the day.

The preparation of a drink from beets has its own characteristics. His it is not recommended to drink immediately after push-ups, it is better to leave it in the refrigerator for 3 hours, so that dangerous essential substances can evaporate, during which time a precipitate forms, which must be drained.

Herbs for constipation

How to get rid of constipation at home

Medicinal plants give a good effect with a long delay in defecation, caused by a variety of reasons. The most effective remedies are prepared on the basis of rhubarb, senna and buckthorn. Decoctions of them stimulate the intestines, having the same effect as laxatives.

To prepare a medicinal product from these plants, one of them in the amount of 20 g is poured into a glass of water, boiled for about 20 minutes. on slow fire. The finished product is added with water to a whole glass and they drink half of the finished norm twice a day. The therapeutic effect appears after 8 hours.

It is not recommended to resort to this remedy constantly, since may be addictive, after which the dose of the drug will have to be increased periodically.

Herbs included in the following recipes have a milder effect:

  • You need to take a tablespoon of elderberry flowers and joster fruits, brew with boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion is filtered, cooled and consumed in a glass in the morning and evening.

  • Medicinal collection of 20 g of stinging nettle leaves, 15 g of yarrow herb and 30 g of buckthorn bark in the amount of 1 tbsp. Spoons pour water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then cool and take the remedy 100 g for 30 minutes. before bedtime.

  • Chamomile for constipation is mixed with an equal amount of oregano, a tablespoon of the mixture is placed in a thermos, poured with boiling water and left to infuse overnight. The next morning, filter and take twice a day, 200 ml. This remedy is used for spastic constipation, since the flowers of this plant have a pronounced antispasmodic effect.

  • The use of dandelion root is explained by its choleretic abilities. The production of bile stimulates intestinal motility and eliminates the symptoms of constipation. The infusion is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. crushed roots or leaves, which insist in a thermos of 400 ml. boiling water during the night, and the next day they drink, divided into 3 doses.

The use of various herbal infusions and decoctions must be agreed with the doctor without fail in order to avoid unwanted side effects.

Porridge for constipation

One of the main reasons for the disruption of the normal functioning of the intestine is malnutrition. Therefore, in some cases, it is enough to change your diet to forget about this delicate problem. The porridges familiar on every table can help with this, but not all, and they should be prepared differently for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

To combat constipation, barley, buckwheat and oatmeal are ideal. They are seasoned with vegetable oil, enriched with raw vegetables, which also help improve digestion. In this case, you can not use semi-finished cereals, only full-fledged grains. The groats are cooked for 10 minutes, then removed from the heat, wrapped and finished cooking under the influence of steam. Only porridge prepared in this way will help to improve well-being.

Garlic for constipation

This wonderful product enhances the secretory and motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, is able to suppress fermentation in the intestinal cavity caused by a decrease in its motility, and also relieves pain caused by such ailments. Not surprisingly, garlic can help manage the symptoms of constipation.

It is enough to eat 1 clove of garlic in the evening, rubbing it on bread or a bite with a small (up to 10 g) piece of fat, in order to empty the intestines without any problems in the morning. In the latter case, the fat will also have a choleretic effect and improve intestinal peristalsis, enhancing the effectiveness of this remedy.

Kefir and milk for constipation

Dairy products can affect the digestive system. Fresh kefir contains bacteria that have a mild laxative effect, which is especially noticeable if you drink it right after waking up.

The so-called daily kefir has special healing properties. It is made from 800 ml. unhot milk, to which a spoonful of ordinary kefir or sour cream is added, stirred and placed in a dark place for a day. After 2 hours, the drink is ready, they drink it to solve problems with constipation.

Ordinary kefir will also have the desired effect if you add a spoonful of vegetable oil to a glass of this fermented milk product and drink it in small sips before going to bed. After a few days, the stool is completely normal.

Dill water for constipation

The effectiveness and safety of this drink has been proven by practice and allows it to be used to treat ailments even in infants. Dill water is used for atonic constipation. Interestingly, this drink can be prepared not only from dill, but also from fennel seeds. The latter has a milder effect and taste, therefore it is more often intended for children.

To prepare dill water, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. seeds, pour 0,5 liters of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Ready solution can be bought at a pharmacy. Take a ready-made drink of 90 ml. three times a day 20 minutes before meals. For children, the ratio of ingredients is somewhat different – half a teaspoon of seeds for half a glass of boiling water. The prepared water is filtered and fresh is prepared daily.

Honey for constipation

How to get rid of constipation at home

This product has a mild laxative effect and has hygroscopicity, that is, the ability to absorb moisture and retain it for a long time. Thus, getting into the intestines, honey moisturizes and softens the stool, ensuring timely defecation.

Additional components from which various mixtures are prepared can increase the effectiveness of the product:

  • Melt honey in a water bath, mix with 50 g of dried crushed viburnum berries, wrap and leave for 8 hours. You need to take this remedy up to 4 times a day half an hour before meals, 2 tsp.

  • 2 tsp grind honey with 200 g of pumpkin baked in the oven and eat at a time.

Honey can be used to prepare enemas, as well as a lubricant for mechanical action:

  • enema – dilute 15 g of white and honeydew honey in a glass of warm milk (this dosage is designed for children, adults can increase it);

Only those who are not allergic to bee products can take advantage of the proposed recommendations.

Soap for constipation is an unacceptable method!

It is quite old and now rarely practiced. Soap gives a very quick and sharp result, but this method of getting rid of constipation should not be used, especially for children. The fact is that soap consists of fat and alkali, which under certain conditions may not enter into the required reaction and remain unchanged in the finished product. When interacting with the mucous membrane, it can be released, which will be harmful to health.

Stomach massage for constipation

The effectiveness of mechanical action in case of stagnation in the work of the intestine is very high. There are several types of massage that are used to treat constipation – segmental reflex, hardware, acupressure and self-massage. The latter may be the most sought after, since the help of professional massage therapists is not always available.

Before you start self-massage, you need to fulfill a number of conditions:

  • Before the session, you need to empty the bladder, as well as the intestines, if necessary, using an enema. This requirement is explained by the fact that the deep impact during the massage process should reach the front and back walls of the internal organs, and the solid masses in them can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes and poor blood circulation.

  • You can start self-massage no earlier than one and a half hours after eating, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes.

  • The body and hands must be clean.

  • The abdominal muscles should be as relaxed as possible, for which it is necessary to take the most comfortable position.

  • The direction of massage movements should repeat the flow of lymph to the nearest lymph nodes.

Self-massage starts from the right iliac side, then moves towards the right hypochondrium, bypassing it, descend to the left iliac side. The first movements are in the nature of light strokes, gradually turning into spiral or circular rubbing with weights, intermittent pressure, shaking. The session ends with vibration and circular strokes.

The use of massage for constipation is not allowed for people with diseases of the skin, blood, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract. Sessions are not carried out during pregnancy and for 2 months after childbirth or abortion.

[Video] Bowel Exercises:

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