How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment tips

Moles, cockroaches or ants have settled in your apartment and do not allow you to enjoy your home comfort and coziness? Do not despair, Woman’s Day knows how to get rid of intruders with the help of fragrant herbs, spices, boric acid and petroleum jelly.

Signs in the topic: Cockroaches in a dream – for profit, in the house – for well-being.

Whatever the signs may be, you must admit that it is somehow unpleasant to see a red-haired something with a long mustache in your own kitchen, so we will try to preserve our well-being and get rid of cockroaches. Moreover, we will use methods that are reliable and safe for others.

1. I state purity

Rinse kitchen cabinets and food storage areas water with ammonia (sold in hardware stores), firstly, it will knock cockroaches off the beaten path, and secondly, the pungent smell of ammonia will scare away insects.

Into the water for cleaning floors add citric acid (for 3 liters of water ½ tsp acid). After such cleaning, the pleasant smell of lemon freshness will remain in the apartment for a long time, and as for the cockroaches, the adults will be frightened and leave, and the young will die.

2. Cooking a “treat”

Need to cook one potato and one hard egg, cool them and mash with a fork, mix the ingredients, then add boric acid powder (sold in pharmacies) or 8-10 drops of boric alcohol to the resulting thick mass. We put on gloves and sculpt small balls from the resulting egg-potato mass. We put them in the places where the mustachioed aliens were seen.

Mix baking soda and powdered sugar and sprinkle the mixture on the places where the insects have been seen. Cockroaches will not survive such a “treat”. By the way, soda can be replaced with gypsum powder (sold in hardware stores). And then the “dessert” will simply crush the redheads and the mustachioed ones to the floor.

3. Making traps

This method is for women with strong nerves, because the results of the fight against cockroaches will have to be destroyed on their own. So, we take the usual half-liter jar and medical petroleum jelly. We grease the inner surface of the dishes with petroleum jelly, put a piece of yummy on the bottom (a slice of apple, a piece of banana, or something else that is not a pity) and set the trap in a secluded place. Cockroaches, attracted by the smell of food, will climb inside, but they will not be able to get out – and they will die.

Pour coffee grounds into the jar, pour water so that 2-3 centimeters remain to the edge of the jar. Cockroaches will come running to the smell of coffee, climb into the jar – and drown.

4. We ventilate the apartment

Cockroaches are thermophilic creatures, they literally flee from where it is cold. Therefore, do not forget to ventilate the rooms in the apartment (even if it is cold outside, open the vents for 5-10 minutes).

Read next: cockroaches in a dream

Anecdote in the topic: A husband and wife walk into a fur store. The woman looks at the fur coats enthusiastically. The seller runs up: “Are you looking after something?” “Food for moths,” the man replies solidly.

So that a fur coat or hat bought by a loved one does not become food for moths, we use folk remedies.

1. Change the smell

Put in a closet with clothes, on shelves with linen, hang sachets with lavender or fir (a woolen bag made of thin fabric filled with flowers or pine needles) on hangers with fur coats and woolen things. You can replace the sachet with a piece of cloth soaked in the essential oil of these plants. The moth does not tolerate a strong smell, so it will simply disappear from your apartment.

Put pieces of strawberry (any other tasty smelling) soap, geranium leaves, mint leaves, orange or lemon peels on the shelves of the cabinet, clove flowers, sprigs of thyme or rosemary in the pockets of your fur coat. “Pepper” the shelves of the cabinet with black pepper – the pungent smell will scare away moths.

2. I state purity

Moth loves dust and dirt, so every 3-4 months we hang clothes on the balcony and ventilate them (under the influence of oxygen and sunlight, moth larvae die), and rinse the cabinet with water and vinegar. Before storing woolen items, we wash and rinse with clean water with the addition of essential oil.

If you suddenly find moth larvae in the seams of woolen jumpers and sweaters, wash the thing, then iron it from the wrong side through cheesecloth dipped in a solution of vinegar.

Sign in the topic: If you dreamed that you caught an ant, your financial situation will improve.

It’s good if ants are only dreaming, but what if they, without asking permission, settled in an apartment? Trying to evict them, of course.

1. Making traps

Pour sweet (with honey or sugar) water into a half-liter jar. Insects, attracted by the smell, will crawl into the container and drown.

2. Cooking a treat

Mix boric acid (1 tsp powder) with sugar and add a little water. Within a week, you need to drip the mixture from a pipette where the ants are scurrying. Insects will begin to carry the “treat” to their home, as a result they will die themselves and destroy others. Boric acid can be mixed with boiled potatoes and egg yolk or minced meat, roll up (you must first wear rubber gloves) small balls, which are then laid out in the secluded corners of the apartment. After two or three weeks, you will forget about ants.

Anedot on the topic: “I am our good mosquito repellent,” one lady says to another. “Which one?” She asks. “In the evening I turn on the light in the apartment and open the windows and doors. And when all the mosquitoes fly into the room, I go to sleep on the balcony. “

Mosquitoes are insidious creatures and can ruin any rest, wake up in the middle of the night, leave ugly red spots on delicate skin and literally drink blood. How to prevent such an attitude towards yourself? Prepare yourself a repellant from volatile bloodsuckers.

1. Mosquito repellent oil

2 tbsp olive oil + 1 tsp. aloe juice + 4-5 drops of geranium essential oil (rosemary, lavender, basil, peppermint, lemon balm). Mix all. Apply the oil to the body before going on vacation or lubricate the neck, arms and legs before going to bed.

2. Spray mosquito

50 g of water + ½ tsp. salts + essential oils of geranium (rosemary, lavender, basil, peppermint, lemon balm). Mix everything thoroughly, pour into a bottle with a spray. Apply to hair, neck, arms, legs.

3. Mosquito repellent essential oil

No time to mess with making oil or spray? Buy clove or anise, basil or eucalyptus, tea tree or cedarwood essential oil from a pharmacy, apply a few drops to your palms and rub your hair, face, neck, arms and legs. Mosquitoes do not like strong smells, so they will fly around you for a kilometer.

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