How to get rid of circles under the eyes?

Many are faced with the problem of dark circles under the eyes, it is because of them that women often look older than their years. It is possible to deal with such a problem, and most importantly, it is necessary. In order to start a successful fight against dark circles under the eyes, first of all, you need to find out the cause of their appearance.

Method 1: Address the Reason

How to get rid of circles under the eyes?

  1. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep and rest negatively affects the condition of the skin. She looks much paler, and the blood begins to circulate worse. Another cause of dark circles can be unwashed makeup before going to bed. The skin before rest must be clean, otherwise your eyes will look very tired in the morning.

    • The first thing to do is to calculate how many hours the body can fully relax. If you follow the correct mode, the result will be noticeable in a few weeks.

    • It is very important that your body receives the vitamins it needs to promote sleep. Insufficient amount of vitamins and lack of sleep primarily affect the state of the adrenal glands. How much vitamin B can be absorbed by the body depends on their work. However, the work of the adrenal glands depends on vitamin B, such a continuous circle in the body must work correctly. The body will work well if you try to provide it with a good rest and a properly selected vitamin complex.

    • Eliminate, if possible, alcohol, and also completely abandon drugs, including light ones.

  2. Treat Allergies. Unfortunately, many do not know that allergies very often provoke the appearance of dark circles. It is worth finding out what acts as an allergen and choosing the right medicines. If the allergy is seasonal, then its attacks can also be stopped with medicines. In the event that dark circles do not go away and are accompanied by swelling, then the reason may be an allergy to chemical products that are at home or at work. In such a situation, you should definitely consult a dermatologist. He will be able to accurately identify the allergen.

    • If there are any allergic reactions in the body, the ability to perceive folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12 decreases. In this case, you should start taking a multivitamin complex.

    • Another common type of allergy is gluten intolerance. In addition, there may be a disease of the abdominal cavity. You should definitely contact a specialist, pass all the necessary tests to find out what is the cause of their occurrence.

  3. Eliminate nasal congestion. A stuffy nose can often lead to dark circles, if this problem is corrected, the veins around the nose will narrow, and the problem may disappear.

  4. Eat well. You must remember that the way of life, diet and diet affect the condition of the whole body and skin in the first place. The simplest advice is to drink clean water. If the diet is balanced, vitamin-rich, then many cosmetic problems that bothered you before will disappear on their own.

    • It is worth diversifying the daily diet with spinach, cabbage and other green vegetables. No need to forget about vitamins and continue to drink them if necessary.

    • Another fairly simple advice is to reduce the amount of salt because it leads to fluid retention in the body and, as a result, you can get swelling under the eyes. Excess salt can cause poor circulation and the appearance of blue blood vessels under the skin.

  5. Quit smoking. If there are bad habits, then they should be forgotten. Tobacco smoking leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and can cause the appearance of blood vessels on the skin.

  6. Stress should be avoided. You need to be able to relax, if you are in a state of constant stress, then the body simply cannot get any proper rest. Such a tense internal state and all experiences will certainly affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, proper rest and relaxation are so important for a good appearance.

    Accept what you cannot change:

    • Skin pigmentation problems – in this case, very often there are dark circles under the eyes.

    • Long stay in the open sun, which provokes excessive production of melanin.

    • Age changes. The process of aging and skin changes is inevitable, over time, the amount of collagen and fat decreases and this leads to certain changes.

    • Genetic factor – it is impossible not to consider the option that circles under the eyes are hereditary. And then you need to work much longer and more carefully to eliminate this problem.

    • Shape and facial features – sometimes there are no dark circles, it’s just a shadow, and the best way out of the situation is to learn how to make the right accents on the face with the help of cosmetics.

Method 2: natural remedies

How to get rid of circles under the eyes?

Natural remedies include:

  • Use cucumber mugs. In order to reduce puffiness around the eyes and give them a fresh and rested look, you can use cucumber mugs. You just need to put such circles on your eyes every day for 10-15 minutes.

  • Use chilled tea bags to reduce dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles can be reduced by using tea bags or ice cubes. Sachets should be applied to the eyes and lie down for 10-15 minutes. Thanks to the tannin contained in the tea, the skin around the eyes will become lighter. This procedure can be done in the morning or in the evening.

  • Make a saline solution. To do this, you need 2 cups of boiled water and a quarter teaspoon of salt, and you can also add half a spoon of baking soda. With this solution, you can rinse your nose by pouring it into one nostril and tilting your head so that the solution flows out through the other. This remedy is great for relieving nasal congestion.

  • Use potatoes. Raw potatoes, crushed to a state of puree, can be applied to the eyes for half an hour. It will be enough for you to take one potato. Rinse off this mask with warm water.

  • Try a cold spoon. Another home remedy is a spoon chilled in the freezer. This tool does not help everyone, however, it’s worth a try. Hold a cold spoon in front of your eyes until it warms up.

Method 3: cosmetic solution

Here are some tips:

  • Apply eye cream with vitamin K and retinol. It is because of the lack of vitamin K that dark circles under the eyes can appear. The use of such products will help relieve puffiness and improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. The result will be visible if such procedures become regular.

  • Use an under eye cream. Properly selected concealer and light powder will perfectly hide all dark circles.

  • Do a skin patch test. Before using a new cosmetic product, you should definitely do an allergy test. To do this, the remedy is applied to another area of ​​​​the skin, most often on the hand, if there is no redness, itching or other negative manifestations, then this remedy suits you.


How to get rid of circles under the eyes?

  • Drink up to two liters of pure water every day, it will help the body relax and will be an excellent tool for you in the fight against dark circles.

  • Pay special attention to your diet – it should be healthy and balanced. Do not forget about vitamins C, D, E.

  • Try not to drink a lot of liquid at night, otherwise there may be swelling in the morning.

  • Be attentive to the delicate skin around the eyes, all cosmetic and folk remedies should be selected very carefully.

  • Try not to rub your eyes as this can also cause puffiness.

  • Don’t forget your sunglasses.

Dark circles under the eyes are a problem that you can deal with on your own, you just need to make a little effort, and also be attentive to your health. These simple tips will help keep your skin young and beautiful.

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