How to get rid of centipedes
Insects in the house are an unpleasant sight and a reason to sound the alarm because of the threat of infection. Centipedes, although they look frightening, do not tolerate dangerous diseases, and yet such a neighborhood should not be tolerated. How to get rid of centipedes for good? A few tips will help you solve an annoying problem.
How to get rid of centipedes?
How to get rid of centipedes in a private home?
An unpleasant-looking roommate with many legs loves moisture and darkness. Therefore, these pests often inhabit basements and bathrooms.
Sanitizing centipede housing includes the following methods:
- washing floors and walls with water and soda or bleach, special attention should be paid to baseboards and linoleum joints;
- pour 5-10 drops of boric acid on the habitat of centipedes;
- grind secluded corners with special crayons to kill insects. Be careful: this product is toxic, so keep children and pets away from the processing area;
- sprayers. This method is safe if the room is ventilated for at least 2 hours after the procedure;
- Centipedes are nocturnal predators, so tape the corners and baseboards with duct tape before bed. In the morning, the pest must be trapped;
- diatomaceous powder is the safest remedy. Sprinkle it on the habitat of the centipedes.
Observe the correct concentration of chemicals. If you are not sure if you can handle pest control, call the sanitary service for safety.
How to get rid of domestic centipedes: prevention
Treating centipedes at home requires care and patience. It is easier to prevent conditions under which the pest will feel comfortable.
Basic rules of sanitation against centipedes:
- wipe walls and floors dry;
- ventilate the house at least once a day, and preferably in the morning and evening;
- water in potted flowers should not stagnate, empty the trays in time;
- put linen in the closet after ironing, do not keep wet things in the house, it is better to hang them on the street or balcony;
- put only dry dishes in the cabinet;
- Place mosquito nets on the windows so that the centipede does not sneak into the house from the street.
Do not forget to seal the inlets and outlets of the pipes with sealant, this procedure will save you not only from these predators, but also from other insects. Only an integrated approach to pest control will give guarantees and quick results in the extermination of an unpleasant neighbor.