How to get rid of cellulite quickly? Video

How to get rid of cellulite quickly? Video

Cellulite occurs when the structure changes in the subcutaneous fat layer. It usually attacks the thighs and buttocks, but sometimes appears on the abdomen and arms. figured out how to get rid of cellulite, or at least make this cosmetic defect less noticeable.

Proper nutrition is the key to beauty and health

How to get rid of cellulite quickly?

In fact, nutritionists have not yet been able to prove that healthy food can help get rid of cellulite. But, as studies show, reducing the consumption of fatty foods, smoked meats, pickles has a beneficial effect on the body and skin condition.

Take advantage of simple tips for a healthy and balanced diet. Lean meat, boiled turkey, white fish, fiber-rich vegetables, non-carbonated mineral water – all these menu components will not rid you of the “orange peel”, but will also help to make the skin healthier and more elastic, that is, return to it the properties that it begins to lose when cellulite occurs.

Before you decide on your new – healthy – menu, consult with a dietitian. Your doctor may recommend a blood test for food intolerances. It is also important to find out how much water you can drink daily without harming your health. Determine the volume of water needed by the body will help mobile application – program “Water balance”.

In addition, grapefruit is an important component of the anti-cellulite menu. This citrus fruit contains the flavonoid naringin, a special substance that helps remove excess fat from subcutaneous tissues.

How to deal with cellulite at home

An important step in the fight against cellulite is skin care at home. Adequate hydration and nutrition of the skin will help reduce nervousness.

Home Anti-Cellulite Arsenal is not only a moisturizer, but also an anti-cellulite body scrub that not only removes dead skin cells, but also stimulates blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. Using scrubs twice a week has a beneficial effect on the skin and makes cellulite less noticeable. And the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

Cosmetologists tell you how to make a scrub at home. Depending on your preferences, professionals recommend choosing from several types of ingredients – for example, lemon zest, banana pulp. Still, the recipe for a homemade body scrub is always based on palm (or other) oil and sea salt (brown sugar).

Mix oil and salt in a 1: 2 ratio, add a drop of essential oil for aroma and additional moisturizing or toning effect. They need to apply such a scrub and massage with gloves.

Salon treatments against cellulite

Anti-cellulite programs in the salon

What salon treatments will help get rid of cellulite? First of all, you should pay attention to the ways to get rid of excess fluid – one of the main factors conducive to the emergence of “orange peel”.

Cosmetologists recommend starting a course of combating cellulite with wraps. The salons offer two types of anti-cellulite wraps – cold and hot. Cold wrap typically uses algae and clay based masks. For example, the “Rejuvenating Algae Slimming Wrap” cold wrap program available at the Palestra Spa includes an anti-cellulite Fucus algae wrap and a massage with almond, jojoba and shea oils.

Sweet almond oil normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, absorbs excess sebum, helping to lose weight. Jojoba oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Shea butter restores the elasticity of the skin and creates a protective film on its surface, preventing moisture loss. Sugarcane extract contains glycolic acid, a natural exfoliant and whitening ingredient.

The next step in the salon program to combat cellulite is ultrasonic lymphatic drainage. NSThis method of getting rid of cellulite helps to soften the subcutaneous fat tissue in the problem area. Thanks to him, there is an active movement of lymph and the elimination of toxins from the body.

Exercises against cellulite

Fitness instructors consider jumping rope, which is familiar to everyone from childhood, to be one of the most effective exercises against cellulite. True, to achieve a visible effect, you need to skip at least twice a week for about 45 minutes. And the breaks between sets should not last more than 2 minutes.

Those who prefer walking to jumping on the spot should master the elliptical trainer, or, as it is also called, the “step”. The principle of exercise on this machine is based on the descent and ascent, like walking up the stairs, during which the muscles of the thighs work well.

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