How to get rid of cat hair; the cat sheds a lot, what to do

How to get rid of cat hair; the cat sheds a lot, what to do

Cats can be considered valuable domestic animals: they relieve stress, warm, amuse, delight the eye, and in addition, thanks to them, you can increase the number of subscribers on your Instagram. Cats are pleasant to the touch, as they wear a fluffy fur coat all year round. But people are inconsistent: they like ironing soft cat fur, but they don’t like light balls of wool in the corners of rooms and on sofas. Therefore, every cat lover wants to know how to get rid of cat hair.

Spring is the time for molting for pets. A healthy animal living at home sheds its hair all year round, but this process intensifies in the spring.

Carrying and giving birth to kittens provoke increased hair loss in cats due to hormonal changes.

If it seems to you that the molt is too abundant and does not look like a seasonal renewal of wool, and bald spots have appeared on the animal’s skin, you should show your pet to the veterinarian. Perhaps he is tormented by skin diseases – eczema, lichen, scabies, demodectic mites or allergies.

How to remove cat hair from furniture?

When starting to clean, remember: to get rid of wool, move from top to bottom. But pre-humidify the air in the room with a fine spray bottle. So, first we remove the fluff from the surfaces of the cabinets, from the upper shelves, we vacuum the curtain rods. Then we “go down” to the sofas and carpets.

So far nothing has been invented better than a vacuum cleaner for cleaning cat hair at home. There are even special robotic vacuum cleaners designed to remove animal hair.

Another option is electric turbo brushes – nozzles for the pipe of a conventional vacuum cleaner, equipped with a bristly roller. The electric scrubber brush not only draws in air strongly, works with a hard nap, but also creates vibration that enhances the quality of cleaning.

However, an ordinary vacuum cleaner is also suitable. The simplest, not cumbersome and “quiet” methods of cleaning furniture are ironing it with a rubber brush or with rubber gloves. Or simply tear off pieces of scotch tape from the roll and collect hairs on its sticky surface.

Gender separately, wool separately

To prevent the downy tumbleweed from wandering around the rooms, after cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or sweeping with a damp broom, you should wipe the floors with a wet rag. It is customary to practice this even in those families where there are no cats.

The coat looks good on the cat, and not on its owners. Therefore, cat lovers are advised to especially carefully monitor the cleanliness of their clothes.

You will be helped by:

• Stroking yourself, dressed, with wet hands (it is easier to roll the hairs this way).

• The same piece of scotch tape.

• Sticky roller for cleaning clothes, a must-have for all cat lovers.

• Specialized roller made of hardened gel for cleaning textiles (you can simply wash it).

• Antistatic spray – can be used on clothes, furniture and carpets.

Let’s say a cat is lying on a pillow with his eyes closed. You believe he is asleep. But no: he is also thinking how to get rid of the cat’s hair. The cat uses its own hygiene technique known as licking. Then he, a clean, poor fellow, coughs up wool and listens to your complaints.

Meanwhile, cat breeders interested in keeping their home clean regularly comb their pets, and during the molting period, almost every day, paying special attention to the animal’s downy “pants”, tummy and “collar”. Moreover, hard traumatic slickers do not use, but take frequent combs or high-quality brushes from a pet store. And also such caring owners feed the cat correctly – they give him special vitamins and dietary supplements, complementing the main healthy diet. Fresh grass, malt-based paste, an abundance of water and fiber in the diet help animals to cleanse the stomach of fur.

Pay attention to modern life hacks in the form of wall angled cat brushes. They are strengthened on a protruding corner, sprinkled with the scent of catnip, and the cat will come and rub against them with his whole body.

Choose the right animal shampoo for your mustachioed pet – it makes the hairs smooth, removes static, so the hair is combed better and easier to clean.

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