How To Get Rid Of Blackheads Once And For All: Dermatologist Tips

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads Once And For All: Dermatologist Tips

A dermatologist told how to properly deal with one of the most common problems.

Doctor cosmetologist, dermatologist

Do no harm!

Blackheads are the result of improper facial skin care. As a rule, representatives of the skin belonging to the oily and combination types have a tendency to form blackheads. They occur most often in the area of ​​the nose and chin. It is necessary to get rid of blackheads in time and correctly cleanse the skin so that these points, which are pores clogged with exfoliated fat, sebum and dust, do not turn into an even bigger problem – comedones, a type of cysts that cannot be eliminated on our own.

Home care to get rid of blackheads

To treat blackheads, you need to start with proper cleansing of the skin at home, in which products that match the skin type come first. These include:

  • gels and foams for washing;

  • hydrophilic oil;

  • cream (oily skin needs care like any other, so the use of a moisturizer is mandatory);

  • a mandatory tonic to complete the skin cleansing process.

To the choice tonic must be approached with full responsibility. Important: under no circumstances should alcohol-based options be used. The fact that alcohol is a good solution to oily skin problems is a myth. On the contrary, it creates new ones, as dry skin will begin to secrete more fat. The tonic’s task is not to dry the skin, but to restore the necessary pH balance and complete its cleansing.

Also at home it is recommended periodically (1-2 times a week) gently cleanse the skin… But no face scrubs! On the Internet, you can often find the opinion that oily skin needs effective cleansing. However, excessive scrubbing will not relieve skin problems, since oily skin is sensitive and prone to irritation and inflammation.

Therefore, for cleansing, it is better to use gommages и masks… For oily skin, masks made of clay and based on AHA acids are ideal – they not only effectively cleanse the skin, getting rid of blackheads, but also eliminate irritation, redness, and also relieve inflammation.

To press or not to press

Often women are concerned about one pressing question: is it possible or impossible to squeeze out blackheads on their own at home? A specialist, of course, will not advise you on this, since squeezing out black dots is a potentially dangerous business. After all, everything can end with an inflammatory process.

If you still cannot resist this activity, remember the basic safety regulations:

  • before squeezing out, wash your hands thoroughly and work them off with an antiseptic;

  • the face must also be pre-cleaned with micellar water or washed.

 Blackhead patches: pros and cons

To get rid of blackheads, many people today use special plasters. How effective is this method? Like extrusion, patches only have a temporary effect. Moreover, they are certainly safer than mechanical extrusion. However, by the evening or the next day, the pores in the nasal area may again be clogged with sebum and dirt. To prevent this from happening, try a compress to tighten the pores.

Compress recipe to tighten pores

Take ¼ glass of lemon juice, add half a glass of water, soak a cotton pad in this solution, and wipe the nose and / or chin area.

 Do I need to see a beautician?

Ultrasonic face cleansing and superficial peels with fruit acids help to tidy up the skin, get rid of blackheads for a longer period than using plasters. In some cases, the patient may even be recommended laser treatment. The beautician will not only tell you your skin type, carry out the appropriate skin cleansing, but also recommend proper home care that will help keep your skin beautiful and healthy for a long time.

By the way, the cosmetology market in general and beauty services in particular have undergone significant changes during the quarantine period. This is evidenced by the study of the main beauty trends of recent months. The platform’s CEO Elena Sukhovey told more about this.

General Director of Price Express LLC (brands and

We are witnessing very significant changes in the demand for services in the beauty industry. It cannot be said that the Russians have completely ceased to be interested in this issue; rather, they have adjusted their needs to the current situation. The exit from quarantine for many representatives of the beauty industry may be associated with a drop in demand if they are not able to adapt to new consumer demands. Self-isolation pushed Russians to learn how to do some of the cosmetic procedures on their own. For example, the number of requests for clipper training increased by 228%. This is due to the fact that people learned how to cut their family members by video tutorials.

The most important trend in recent months is beauty taxis. The demand for the services of a “beauty salon in the car”, where you can get a manicure or a haircut, increased by 13% during the pandemic. Also, the demand for training on how to make a natural face mask (+ 133%) and how to remove varnish and gel polish on your own has significantly increased – in the first case by 1687%, in the second – by 73%. As for eyebrow correction and cosmetology, they became less interesting (by 95 and 36%, respectively).

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