How to get rid of belly fat at home
Removing fat from the abdomen at home is easier than it seems – you need to act comprehensively. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” offers to correctly compose a menu and choose exercises. Look for expert nutrition tips in this article!

Let’s say right away: you won’t be able to go on a diet and keep your stomach flat forever. If you have embarked on this difficult path, you must adhere to it all your life. Periodically visit a nutritionist – with age, the body changes, and the causes of obesity also change. Therefore, we recommend starting with a specialist and then aiming for the best!

What is fat, why does it appear on the stomach

In general, fats play an important role in human life along with carbohydrates and proteins. They give us up to 80% of energy. But sometimes the process is disrupted, and we notice folds on the stomach.

According to the MedicalForum, the causes of obesity are different:

  • age-related changes – hormone production and metabolic rate decrease;
  • stress – a quarrel with superiors, lack of sleep increase the production of cortisol, which suppresses natural processes and provokes body fat;
  • hormonal problems – the production of large amounts of testosterone in women can lead to this condition;
  • consumption of a large amount of fast carbohydrates – those that the body does not have time to process and “lays off”;
  • lack of healthy fats in the body – these include mono- and polyunsaturated fats. They suppress those very fast carbohydrates.
Fat on the abdomen can be subcutaneous, or it can be visceral (around the internal organs). But any of them is formed due to poor nutrition, low physical activity, sometimes due to health problems.
Alexandra ZhitskayaNutritionist

How to remove belly fat: instructions

Decide on a comfortable weight

It is important for someone to be like their favorite stars with a flat tummy. And someone is pleasant softness and “roundness”. Appearance is a controversial criterion, so watch your health. If shortness of breath appeared, it became difficult to bend down – it’s worth losing weight.

Choose your diet

Proper nutrition will help not only remove existing fat from the abdomen, but also prevent new ones. Properly composed diet is important, otherwise health problems may appear. We strongly recommend that you do not listen to your friends and do not look for folk methods, but go to a specialist. The nutritionist will conduct a study, possibly send it for analysis. Sometimes wrinkles in the abdomen indicate problems with the thyroid gland, hormones, or stomach. Only after making sure that the body is in a normal state, you can engage in appearance.

General recommendations – “tie” with sweet and flour (an exception is only for whole grain bread, they have a minimum of sugar and yeast); forget about fast food, because it contains “fast carbohydrates.” They are well absorbed, but do not turn into energy, but into fat folds. Refusal of alcohol is also important – it would seem that the liquid should not be high in calories. But this is so: in 1 gram of ethanol there are 7,1 kcal. The body throws all its strength into the fight against alcohol, the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates slows down by 70% – this is how deposits appear.

Important! A specific diet is prescribed by a specialist. This is preceded by analyzes; otherwise, you can earn serious problems like ulcers or diabetes.

The question of whether there is after 18:00 is moot. Some nutritionists forbid, citing weak stomach activity. However, the pace of life in the metropolis is such that dinner happens after 19:00 – or even later. We recommend the same trip to a nutritionist (he will make a schedule based on individual characteristics), as well as a conscious approach to your body. Remember that digestion takes 2 hours. Calculate dinner in advance, choose light snacks – and go to bed peacefully.

Move more actively during the day, eat light meals

Food is needed for energy to appear; the more you eat, the more you need to move – so that the body has time to “spend” the calories received. Replace elevator rides with walking routes. If the weather allows, and the office is located nearby, why not take a walk to it? Yes, you have to get up early. But in the process of walking, about 200 muscles are involved, significant energy is needed – and calories! An added bonus: you don’t have to spend money on the gym.

For lunch, choose vegetable salads or light soups, give up fatty meat in favor of boiled.

Strengthen your muscles

It is not enough to remove fat from the abdomen at home; if you want a toned belly, you have to go in for sports. In the process, calories are burned, the muscle corset is strengthened, and the load on the spine is reduced.

Do 1-2 simple exercises every day:

  • “Bike”. The task is to raise your legs in the air and turn invisible pedals. 10 times forward, 10 back.
  • The fight against the “roller”. Tightening the lower abdomen is easy if you perform this action. Raise straight legs up, then lower without touching the floor – 20 times.

Do not forget to rest, because out of habit there can be pain and even convulsions. The “baby pose” from yoga will help to remove discomfort. To do this, kneel down and lower your pelvis on your heels. Then stretch forward, putting the whole body on your knees. Hands also forward, forehead rests on the floor. Rest in this position for 1-2 minutes.

Buy good cosmetics

It’s not just about anti-cellulite creams (although they will remove 1-2 cm by burning subcutaneous fat). With a sharp weight loss, the skin does not have time to “rebuild”, stretch marks (stretch marks) may appear. Help your body recover faster with hydrating and nourishing products. In the composition, look for hyaluronic acid, Aloe Vera extract, collagen, seaweed, cocoa butter, natural clay or vitamins.

Popular questions and answers

Answered the questions of Komsomolskaya Pravda Alexandra Zhitskaya, nutrition expert. The girl became interested in losing weight after the guy’s offensive remark about her weight. As a result – a slim figure and 8 years of work as a certified nutritionist.

What should be avoided in order not to get fat?

– It will not be news if I say that you need to limit sugar, sweets, starchy foods. But the truth is, these foods can be eaten too. Much more important is the overall balance in nutrition. And if the nutrition is really correct (the number of calories is suitable), then there is a place for your favorite treat.

The question to itself should not sound “what is harmful to remove?”, But “what is useful to add?” So healthy food will replace the “harmful” products in itself!

How many kg can you really lose weight on a diet without resorting to training?

– If the diet is really right, and it suits you, you can lose weight by following only the scheme. 80% of success in losing weight is nutrition, sports are only 20% additional. If you connect workouts, the process will simply be faster, and the body will pull up beautifully.

Give advice on how to lose belly fat at home, please

As I said earlier, the main thing is nutrition. You need to collect your diet from all the basic macronutrients: proteins / fats / carbohydrates. It can be meat, poultry, fish, seafood, dairy, eggs, grains, nuts, vegetables and fruits. Let them be the basis; add the rest in a small amount to your liking. It is important to remember that the less processed a food is, the healthier it is.

When a healthy diet is collected, you need to adjust the portions. This is an individual question. You can understand your portions by experimenting, relying on feelings of hunger / satiety, evaluating the results by the end. Or contact a nutritionist for a personal calculation of norms and portions for the day.

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