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We will tell you which doctors should be visited before September 1 and on which anti-aging procedures you can save in the summer.
Summer is vacation time, but vacation doesn’t always mean relaxing on the beach. Someone is waiting for him to finish construction or repairs, someone – to work hard in the country. As a result, the pain in the spine aggravates, and instead of the long-awaited rest, fatigue and blues come.
Doctors advise to devote at least a few days of vacation to your health, especially since many medical centers in the summer offer discounts for examinations by specialized specialists and for anti-aging procedures.
Neurologist Mkheyan Lusina Serzhikovna.
So, in the medical center “VRACH” (Prospect Budennovsky, 65) until September 1, inclusive, there is a 50% discount on the initial examination by a neurologist. Reception is conducted by a doctor with 12 years of experience, Lyusine Serzhikovna Mkheyan. A neurologist specializes in diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Most often, specialists of this profile are consulted for pain in the chest and spine, with osteochondrosis and numbness in the arms and legs, with chronic fatigue, surges in blood pressure, sleep disorders, memory and attention disorders, irritability and increased anxiety.
Back pain can be a symptom of a variety of conditions, from internal diseases to osteoporosis, and it can be difficult to understand the cause. Finding it and developing an individual plan for examination and preventive procedures is the task of the therapist, with a visit to whom it is recommended to start visiting the clinic.
Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist Dadayan Zarine Artavazdovna.
By the way, before September 1, a 10% discount on plasmolifting, a popular rejuvenating procedure shown to strengthen hair and scalp, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands, has been announced in the MC “VRACH” until September 863. Reception is conducted by cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist Zarine Artavazdovna Dadayan. You can make an appointment by calling (30) 30-380-XNUMX.
When choosing a clinic, we pay attention to the recommendations of patients, the qualifications of doctors, the availability of modern high-precision equipment and our own laboratory. For more than ten years, the medical center “VRACH” has been providing medical services to the residents of Rostov on both compulsory medical insurance and voluntary health insurance and has a staff of experienced specialists. In the branch at Budyonnovsky Prospect, 65 patients are received by Ph.D., a practicing psychiatrist Tatyana Vladimirovna Zalevskaya – the author of 39 scientific works, nine of which are recommended for study in medical universities.
Psychiatrist Ph.D. Zalevskaya Tatiana Vladimirovna.
The sphere of her scientific interests is psychological and medical support of children with delays in speech and mental development, autistic behavior and hyperactivity, including schoolchildren. Within the framework of the action in the MC “VRACH” there is also a 25% discount for the initial appointment with a psychiatrist.
The clinic provides consultations with doctors of various specialties: therapists and pediatricians, obstetricians-gynecologists, gastroenterologists, dermatovenerologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, otorhinolaryngologists, mammologists, neurologists, reflexologists, urologists, and surgeons. The cost of an initial appointment with specialized specialists is from 1200 rubles, a second consultation within a month is from 800 rubles.
G. Rostov-on-Don, pr-t Budennovsky, 65
Hours of operation:
Mon-Fri: 07: 00-20: 00
Sat: 07: 00-18: 00
Sun: 07:00 to 16:00
Phone: 8 (863) 30-30-380
Administration: 8 (863) 2-688-308