How to get rid of back acne? Video

How to get rid of back acne? Video

Back acne is not the most pleasant phenomenon. They can appear due to diseases of internal organs and hormonal disruptions, neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, due to prolonged wearing of synthetic clothing, and improper nutrition.

How to get rid of back acne

You can get rid of acne at home with masks. They should be done several times a week; the product should only be applied to clean skin. Therefore, it is advisable to take a shower before that.

A honey mask will help dry acne. Combine 1 tablespoon of liquid honey with 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. Apply the mixture to problem areas of the skin with gentle movements and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water and pat your back dry with a clean towel.

Another ingredient that can be used to cleanse problem skin is cosmetic clay.

To make a mask, dilute 2-3 tablespoons of black clay with warm water until the consistency of sour cream. Add 2-3 drops of cinnamon oil to the resulting mass and mix well. Apply the product to the inflamed areas of the skin, keep until completely dry. Then rinse with warm water and rub the skin with lotion.

You can fight pimples with yeast. Dilute a tablespoon of dry yeast with warm water so that you get a thick gruel. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Apply the finished mask to problem areas, rinse off after 20 minutes.

Well removes inflammation and dries the skin mask from sea salt

Take a few tablespoons of sea salt and add some warm water to it. Gently apply the product to the problem area, trying to avoid scratching the skin. Keep the mask for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

You can reduce acne with potatoes. Boil large potatoes and mash them in mashed potatoes. Add a raw egg to it, mix well and apply the mask to the skin, remove after 10 minutes.

Cleansing baths help reduce inflammation and make the skin smoother and cleaner. You need to take baths every other day, with a course of 10-15 procedures. Before the bath, it is advisable to wash in the shower; after the bath, you should not rinse the body. A bath with sea salt has a beneficial effect on inflamed skin. Dissolve a pack of salt in a full bath of warm water and submerge it for 15-20 minutes.

A bath with coniferous infusion has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Take 200 g of pine needles and pour boiling water over it. Insist for half an hour, then strain and pour the product into a bathtub of water. You should stay in the water for 10-15 minutes.

Chamomile will help to cope with acne on the back – a wonderful natural antiseptic

Pour a glass of dry herbs with a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Then strain the infusion and pour it into a bath of water. You need to take a bath for 15 minutes.

Another popular remedy in folk medicine, with which you can cure acne-affected skin, is the herb of a string. Pour a glass of dry grass with a liter of water, bring to a boil over low heat, turn it off and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Then strain the broth and add to the water. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes.

You can dry acne with potassium permanganate. Add a little of this substance to the water, the solution should be pink. You need to stay in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

A Russian bath will help to cope with acne. Visit her once a week, always with a visit to the steam room. It is better to use an oak broom, it dries the skin well

Drying tinctures and solutions for acne

There are inexpensive but effective acne treatments available at the pharmacy. They need to be used daily for 1-2 months; the product should be applied to clean, dry skin.

Alcohol tincture of calendula dries out inflammation well. Lubricate acne with this tool should be 1-2 times a day. Effectively affects acne-affected skin with 1–2% salicylic acid solution. It is necessary to treat problem areas with this solution 2 times a day.

As an anti-inflammatory agent, you can use a solution of chloramphenicol. It can be alternated with boric acid, which can also help reduce inflammation.

Tar soap is another assistant in the fight against acne. Use it in the shower or bath and after a while your skin will become much cleaner.

Proper nutrition is the key to clear skin

Quite often, acne occurs due to improper diet. Therefore, be sure to reconsider your diet. If recently you began to lean on fat. Spicy, floury and sweet food means you need to switch to a healthy diet.

Include fiber-rich foods in your menu. They improve bowel function and normalize bowel movements.

Try to include foods high in pectin in your daily menu.

This substance absorbs various toxins, which means it frees the entire body, including the skin, from slagging.

Eat fresh vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that are responsible for the normal condition of the skin.

Also interesting to read: sun allergy symptoms.

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