How to get rid of aphids on pepper
Aphids are small pests that feed on plant sap. Aphids on peppers are common as peppers contain a lot of juice and water. Due to the appearance of aphids, the plant begins to hurt and die. To prevent this situation, you need to know how to properly get rid of aphids on pepper.
It is important to notice the appearance of insects in time and get rid of them until the harvest is damaged. Keep an eye on the seedlings and check them for pests.
Aphids appear on pepper due to the fact that it contains a lot of juice and water.
Signs of the appearance of pests are the following points:
- The leaves began to turn yellow, curl and fall off.
- White marks appear on the leaves: old insect skin.
- Slime.
- If you turn the leaf over, you will notice an accumulation of insects on it.
Once you notice these signs, try to get rid of the problem as soon as possible.
How to get rid of aphids on pepper
There are several ways in which you can treat aphid peppers:
- Plant flowering plants next to the pepper that will attract ladybirds and lacewings.
- Use a variety of leaf treatments such as fitaverm or boverin.
- Laundry soap solution: add 10 grams of soap to 300 liters of water.
- Try using an ash solution. Add 10 grams of wood ash to 300 liters of water.
- Baking soda solution: Take a liter of water and add 10 grams of soap and a tablespoon of baking soda. Apply the composition right away.
- Ammonia: Add 10 tablespoons of ammonia and a tablespoon of liquid soap to 2 liters of water.
- Hydrogen peroxide: Take a liter of water, add 2 tablespoons of alcohol, 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 3 drops of liquid soap.
- Use chemical agents “fury”, “karbofos”, “aktara” and others.
Pick one method and apply it. If most of the plant is affected, then use chemicals immediately.
Carry out prevention to avoid the appearance of aphids:
- Check peppers regularly for pests.
- Remove weeds, leaves and plant residues.
- Choose quality seeds.
By following these simple rules, you will make it easier for yourself to care for your pepper.
Pests on plants are always unpleasant. Because of them, the plant begins to hurt and die, so it is important to notice the pests in time and get rid of them. It is also important to do this on time, because aphids are able to multiply quickly, and it will be more and more difficult to remove them.