How to get rid of aphids on indoor plants at home

How to get rid of aphids on indoor plants at home

Aphids are small insects that harm houseplants. They suck the juice out of its soft parts, preferring young shoots. As a result, the leaves curl into a tube, the buds do not bloom, the previously blossoming flowers are deformed, and the stem takes on an ugly shape. How to get rid of aphids quickly? How to protect home flowers from pests?

House aphids on houseplants

How to get rid of aphids on indoor plants

To protect your greenhouse, you need to immediately isolate the sick flower and start treating it. Indoor aphids on their favorite indoor plants very quickly move to uninfected flowers.

In the fight against aphids, time-tested folk recipes help well. With their regular use, a positive effect is achieved. Here are some simple recipes:

  • infusion of onions. 2 tbsp. l. Pour chopped onion with a liter of warm water and insist for a day, before use, add 5 g of grated laundry soap to the resulting solution; spray the buds, the lower part of the leaves and the top of the plant;
  • Pour ½ glass of ash with 2 liters of water, bring to a boil and add 15 g of any liquid soap, stir thoroughly and, after cooling, water the flowers with this solution;
  • dissolve 40 g of tobacco in a liter of water, and after the solution has been infused for 24 hours, strain it and dilute it with clean water in equal proportions;
  • wipe the leaves and stem with pure alcohol;
  • the fight against aphids on indoor plants will be especially effective if fragrant pelargonium is placed near the infected plant for several days. Aphids cannot stand its scent and soon disappear by themselves;
  • Wipe the leaves, branches and stem of the plant daily with a cool solution of laundry soap (brown), you do not need to rinse;
  • wrap the diseased plant with polyethylene and let smoke from cigarettes inside. Tie tightly and leave like this overnight. After a couple of procedures, there will be no trace of aphids;
  • Soak 250 g of chopped orange or lemon peel in boiling water and leave warm for 4 days, then treat the affected plants.

Choose the recipe that is most convenient for you, try it on your plant, and soon you will notice a positive effect.

Prevention of the appearance of aphids

In order for aphids on indoor plants not to destroy flowers, it is necessary to inspect them more often. The pests are clearly visible, with a thorough examination it is simply impossible to miss them. By the way, ants help aphids to survive, so it is also necessary to actively fight with them.

It is necessary to remove the affected flowers, leaves, branches in time. Recently purchased flowers are also a risk factor.

The air inside the room must be humidified, and the place where the indoor beauties are located must be properly insulated.

When aphids appear on a plant, do not panic. After all, it is not so difficult to cure it, especially at the initial stages of the appearance of parasites. And simple folk remedies will help with this!

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