We are talking about folk and modern ways to destroy insects in the country.
Nature has no superfluous creatures. And even ants serve some important purpose. But what to do when there are a lot of them and they cause harm or discomfort to life or gardening and horticulture? Get rid of, of course! And there are many different ways to combat annoying insects.
Why ants start in the house and greenhouse
The reasons are different: for example, the ants may not have wanted to stay on your territory, but the greenhouse for them is a safe and comfortable refuge, so they revised their plans and formed an anthill there. If the insects have not yet managed to start a nest, then there is a chance to quickly drive them away.
The house is also a very attractive place for ants: it is warm and dry, there is always something to eat and where to hide from people trying to settle on the territory.
What harm can they do
Ants feed on plant shoots, fruits, insect larvae, so this can ruin the harvest. They also release acid into the soil, which not all plantations will like, and transfer weed seeds to greenhouses, which germinate and interfere with plants. Anthills, which extend deep underground, also impede the normal growth of plantings. Even aphids, which are propagated by pests, devour plants and damage the crop.
How to get rid of ants in folk and simple ways
In order not to resort to chemistry, but to amicably resolve the issue, you need to maintain in the greenhouse high humidity… The ants do not like her, therefore, most likely, they will voluntarily leave your territory.
If this does not happen, you can scare them away. pungent odor: they will not destroy pests, but they will definitely scare them away and put them to flight. Use garlic, cinnamon, mint, wormwood, anise, cloves.
Fight the anthill will help sunflower oil or it is connected with vinegar. The mixture will need to be poured into the nest. This method is remarkable in that it does not harm the soil.
Other ant repellents include herring or tobacco dust… They need to be laid on the nest and wait for the agitated insects to retreat.
Ammonia – a very effective tool, but you need to be careful with it. If you water an anthill with it, all its inhabitants will not stand the fumes and will die. The recipe is as follows: dissolve 2 tablespoons of alcohol in 5 liters of water and fill the holes in the ground with this mixture. In the house, you can moisten the fabric with a solution and leave it in the corners and places where insects most often roam.
Baking soda will also help control pests. We take 2 tablespoons of soda, dissolve in 2 liters of water and fill the course in the ground.
And here is a cheap, but time-tested option: to the anthill sprinkle with millet or semolina… The ant will go out to feast on grains, but they do not digest this type of cereal. Therefore, this will be the last meal in their life!
Have you decided to fry potatoes? Excellent! Do not throw away Cleaning: throw them on an anthill or pest in the house and wait for the victory. Starch has a detrimental effect on these insects, and they die. For reliability, you can arrange a poisonous trap: grease potato peels with honey or jam, attract ants and wait until they stick. Then scald everything and remove!
Modern ways to eliminate ants
If the folk methods of fighting ants did not help, heavy artillery will come to the rescue: the means of industrial production. In other words, chemicals. They are available in the form of gels, pastes, powders, crayons and solutions. And they need to be used as carefully as possible, with the use of gloves and a mask.
As the experience of summer residents has shown, industrial remedies are more effective for the home, and folk remedies are for the greenhouse. But each person has their own conclusions and favorites among the methods.
For the home, the most convenient means will be gels and crayons. Their action is based on luring ants with the smell and nourishing them with a substance from which they die. A few days – and there will be no trace of the colonialists.
Powders and solutions such as “Anteed”, “Muratsid”, “Grom-2”, Expel and others are convenient for greenhouses and outdoor summer cottages. The solutions are poured into the nests, and even if the agent did not hit all the insects, those that had time to “bathe” in it will certainly infect others with poison. This is how all the ants will be exterminated!