World beauty standards dictate their own rules, according to which vegetation on a woman’s body is welcomed only on the head. Well, if it can be seen above the upper lip, then all the means to get rid of them are used, especially since their arsenal is quite wide.
How to get rid of the tendrils above the upper lip
This is the easiest and most economical way to get rid of the tendrils above the lip. For him, take tweezers and pluck one hair at a time until they disappear completely. After this procedure, lubricate the irritated skin with a moisturizer. Use tweezers when there are not too many dark hairs, otherwise there is a risk of excessive skin irritation.
Be prepared for the fact that plucking will have to be carried out regularly, as the hair follicles remain in place and new vegetation will soon appear from them.
To remove hair above the lip using a similar method, take 6% hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol in equal proportions, mix and rub the mustache with them. When the composition is dry, wash it off with a sponge dipped in lemon juice. It is necessary to bleach hair every evening until the moment when it becomes light and thin.
If you don’t feel like bleaching your hair or this method seems too long, purchase wax strips for hair removal from the store and use them according to the instructions included. To do this, stick the strip on the area of the skin above the lip, carefully smooth it and tear it off sharply in the direction against the growth of vegetation.
The effectiveness of this method is higher than that of simple plucking, so the next waxing will be required only after a few weeks, depending on the individual rate of hair growth.
Apply a special cream to the skin, withstand the time indicated in the instructions for it, and then rinse. Use this method with caution on sensitive skin prone to allergies, as components of the product that dissolve the hair structure can cause severe skin irritation. Also, a prerequisite for this method is a mandatory preliminary test for allergies.
This homemade recipe works like waxing, but the wax is replaced with a sugar mixture. To get it, mix equal amounts of sugar and water and cook until caramelized. When the mixture thickens and darkens, turn off the heat and wait until it cools down to a comfortable body temperature. Apply the syrup to the hairs and, after hardening, tear off the resulting strip along with the hair.
If you want to get rid of the hair above the lip permanently, go to a professional beauty salon. There, in several sessions of photoepilation, it will be possible to achieve the death of the hair follicles themselves, as a result of which the hair will stop growing forever. As a disadvantage of this method, its relatively high cost can be noted, but its effectiveness overtakes all the above methods of fighting hair and allows you to get perfectly even skin above the lip.
Read also an interesting article on how to get a perfectly clean face.