
If good annoying thoughts revolve around the right one and revolve correctly, there is no need to get rid of them. Probably, we are talking about the fact that annoying thoughts are empty, stupid and negative, right? It may be self-blame, it may be a desire to take revenge on someone, it may be a memory of grievances, it may just be a stupid catchy song …

Then, there is no need to waste time and energy to get rid of these thoughts. For most simple situations, the simplest helps:

  1. Internally decide how to think about what stupid or negative thoughts are spinning about: positively, constructively, responsibly.
  2. Occupy yourself with the right thing, thoughts will go there.
  3. Start humming something upbeat and upbeat to create the right positive backdrop.

If your situation is more serious, annoying thoughts oppress, kill the desire to work and simply distract you from work; in short, if you are sure that you need to seriously get rid of annoying thoughts, then first of all start changing the situation.

For example, it will be useful for you to go for a walk outside, or even better, go for a run! It is better if you are not very comfortable, for example, dress cooler so that it is a little cold and run faster — then thoughts switch faster. Even cooler are team games, during which all extraneous thoughts run away instantly. And after such energetic physical education, come home, take a contrast shower — and go to bed, relax, unwind. And if possible, then sleep.

And when you wake up, everything will be already — excellent!

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