How to get rid of acne blemishes? Video

How to get rid of acne blemishes? Video

Red spots on the face can be the result of improper skin care, improperly selected cosmetics, food allergies, or excessive excitement of the girl. In any case, it is necessary to get rid of redness by returning the skin to an even, healthy shade. Review your facial program, buy quality hypoallergenic products and use them daily.

How to get rid of acne blemishes?

Spots and the reasons for their appearance

Before starting treatment, find out the cause of the redness. Perhaps they are allergic in nature – the skin may react to certain products or poorly selected cosmetics. Allergic spots can be accompanied by itching, tingling, and swelling. To identify the source of the problem, analyze your menu and revise your cosmetic bag.

Sometimes spots, red spots, and pimples only appear on the skin during a certain period, such as summer or winter. In this case, their occurrence can be triggered by frost, heat, excessive dry air. Procedures to strengthen immunity, vitamin complexes and gentle facial care will help to eliminate the problem.

Care program: cleansing and protection

Irritated, hypersensitive skin needs very careful care. Eliminate aggressive grooming procedures:

  • mechanical and chemical peels
  • hot wraps
  • contrast compresses
  • massage

Limit yourself to gentle cleansing and nourishing with proven hypoallergenic products that can remove impurities without injuring your skin.

Purchase a cleansing milk and a mild, unscented toner for morning and evening care. For additional hydration and soothing of the skin, you will need thermal water in a spray, it effectively removes redness and is suitable for use all day. For makeup, apply a day cream or fluid with sunscreens.

To nourish the skin, choose a cream with a simple composition – without acids, mineral oils, harsh fragrances. Eliminate factors that can contribute to skin irritation and redness

Home masks are an effective care product. Try to apply them twice a week, the masks will even out the texture of the skin and return it to a healthy color. A mask of warm milk and fresh yeast, a mixture of egg yolk and olive oil is very useful. Wash your face with herbal decoctions; chamomile and lime blossom are suitable for whitening and soothing the skin.

Decorative cosmetics: quickly remove stains

Correctly selected decorative cosmetics will help to restore an even complexion. Use a water-based liquid foundation daily, it is able to hide not only small spots, but also more extensive redness. A foundation with a yellow undertone will help level redness. Apply it with a soft sponge, gently hammering into the skin. Wash the sponge after each use; it must be spotlessly clean.

If the blemishes are too noticeable, use special camouflage creams available from your pharmacy. These products are oil-free and fragrance-free, they lay in a very dense layer, creating an even skin tone without irritating it.

Do not overuse blush, they will only highlight your problem. Instead, focus on the eyes, drawing attention away from the reddened skin.

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