Even high-quality alcohol invariably leads to intoxication of the body, causing unpleasant sensations that spoil life. I will share recipes for a hangover based on natural remedies that will save you from running to the nearest pharmacy. Everyone checked it personally – it helps in half an hour.
Removes toxins quickly. Helped with headaches and nausea. Invigorated and eliminated discomfort in the stomach.
1 small beetroot and half an avocado, peeled and cut into pieces. I fell asleep in a glass of a blender. Added 1 tsp. cocoa powder and honey.
1 green apple also cut into small pieces. Extracted the seeds. I recommend using a green apple, not red or yellow. It relieves migraines faster. By the way, green apple juice also helps to get rid of headaches.
I threw a piece of ginger root about 1 cm in size into a glass of a blender. I added a chopped apple. Grind and mix the ingredients until smooth.
The resulting remedy was used on an empty stomach. To avoid unpleasant consequences, I do not advise drinking drinks made from natural ingredients with water or mixing with cucumber pickle.
This drink brought me to my senses instantly. However, some ingredients had to be stocked up in advance. I advise you to place the ingredients for the cocktail in the refrigerator in advance. Then the drink is much more pleasant to drink.
1 medium banana cut into slices. Combined in a blender glass with 15 g of oatmeal and 50 g of frozen berries. Any will do. I used raspberries.
I poured 150 ml of unsweetened almond milk and 1 tsp into the resulting mass. coconut oil. Added 2 tbsp. l. cashew butter and 1 tsp. coconut nectar. Beat the mass to a homogeneous consistency.
“Coconut Paradise”
Quickly quenches thirst and makes you feel better. Invigorates much better than coffee, without aggravating dehydration.
2 medium sized bananas cut into pieces Connected with 0,5 tsp. dried turmeric. Pour in fresh coconut water. Grind and mix the ingredients with a blender.
Fresh coconut water can be purchased at some supermarkets or ordered online. Its volume in a cocktail depends on the desired consistency. The more water, the thinner the drink.
“Liver rejoicing”
Helps to remove toxins. Not only makes you feel better, but also awakens your appetite. After this remedy, I had breakfast without negative consequences.
1 large apple (you can take 2 medium-sized ones), cut into pieces, removing the seeds. Combined with fresh ginger root and spinach leaves. I measured them out in handfuls, took three. I think it’s about one bunch.
I added a quarter of an avocado to the mixture. Thanks to him, the smoothie turned out to be creamy and thick. Added celery sticks. 3-4 is enough, depending on the size.
1 st. l. ground flax seeds in a coffee grinder. I poured it into the existing mixture. Pour in lemon juice and clean water. Mix the ingredients with a blender until smooth.
I advise you to adjust the volume of liquids so that the consistency of the final drink matches your preferences. You can take 1-3 glasses of water. I used 1,5. Juice squeezed from half a lemon.
Try it – you won’t regret it!