How to get rid of a hangover quickly
How to avoid and cope with a hangover?
Never drink on an empty stomach… Grab a bite to eat before heading out to the party. This will help not only avoid headaches the next morning, but also keep a sober memory longer at the party itself.
Don’t make yourself dehydrated! Alcohol is renowned for its dehydration talent. It is this property of his that doctors consider the main reason for the unimportant state of health after parties. Do you want to avoid this? Drink more than usual all day before the holiday, and after returning home, force yourself to drink a couple more glasses of non-carbonated mineral water.
Alternate drinks… Don’t skip a glass of wine, champagne, or spirits. Just alternate another drink with a glass of water. As practice shows, this tactical move will help you wake up in a good mood.
Skip tea and coffee… Caffeine can be unexpectedly bad for someone with a hangover. Just don’t risk your health!
Have a sweet breakfast… More precisely, products that contain a lot of fructose. Scientists are confident that fructose copes well with hangover. Honey is an excellent source of fructose. The simplest anti-hangover recipe with it is simple: dissolve a few tablespoons of honey in a glass of chilled water and drink this simple cocktail.
Give up aspirin and pain relievers! Doctors insist: these drugs are not a way to fight a hangover, they are intended to treat other ailments. In addition, the abuse of such pills can in itself be harmful to health.
Eat a banana. Together with the liquid, Akogol also removes from the body some types of salt, which are necessary for the organization of our nervous activity. Scientists at the University of Michigan believe that banana is one of the best sources of these salts. But you can also just drink freshly squeezed orange juice or eat salad in an avocado.
Go to workout. Exercising or even just walking is the perfect way to flush out the toxins from the previous night. Pull yourself together and go to workout or at least to the nearest park for a walk and get some fresh air.