How to get rid of a hangover – 12 universal recipes

Dedicated to post-holiday mornings (as well as to all those who have not read this article).

You have to pay for everything in this life, and, regrettably, our health very often becomes the currency. A hangover syndrome, also known as a “hangover”, is the scourge of all mankind, and this is exactly the case when our body becomes a universal currency that everyone pays for a well-spent “yesterday”. But today it has already come and we have to think about how to get rid of a hangover, and even at home, that is, with only a limited set of “tools” at hand. But that’s not a problem.

How to get rid of a hangover

Don’t treat everyone – it is dangerous to health. If something you need was not at hand, and you don’t have the strength to go to the pharmacy, it’s better to ask a friend or loved one.

Do not force eat – if the body does not take in food, then it does not need it. Also, not all foods are created equal (this article describes foods that help fight alcohol and its breakdown products).

Do not take aspirin, paracetamol, citramon, phenazepam and their analogues – aspirin after drinking can damage the intestines, paracetamol and citramon during the period of intoxication are dangerous for the liver, and phenazepam is simply incompatible with alcohol and is very dangerous to health.

Don’t fight nausea – do not suppress the natural defense mechanisms of the body, it is better to drink more water (! but wisely) and rinse the stomach until the nausea passes. Again – no nausea pills!

Do not take sorbents at the same time as medications – activated carbon and other sorbents can absorb drugs. Between receptions of sorbents and medicines it is necessary to maintain an interval of 2-3 hours.

Don’t neglect your health – felt severe pain in the chest, blurred vision, saw blood in the urine – call a doctor without hesitation.

What is useless for a hangover

The following folk remedies will not harm a hangover, but will not bring any benefit either: coffee (except that it will increase pressure and dryness in the mouth, which is not good), tomato juice, marinades (not to be confused with brine), soda, multivitamins (vitrum and etc.), hepatoprotectors (milk thistle preparations, etc.), afobazole. Do not waste your time on this, but rather go to the list below.

How to treat a hangover the right way

To begin with, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the theory (if you have the strength and opportunity): article one – it describes the root causes of a hangover, article two – it describes the basic principles of treating a hangover.

Recipe 1. Get drunk.

This is a quick, but at the same time short-term way to get rid of a hangover, which only removes some of the symptoms, but does not cure the “disease” itself. If you drink a bottle of beer or 50-100 ml of vodka, it will turn out to improve the general condition of the body for a short period of time, since alcohol will have a calming and anesthetic effect. During this short period of time, you should start cleaning the body from the decay products of alcohol with even greater enthusiasm. By the way, you can get a hangover with non-alcoholic beer, which is less harmful to the body.

It is better to get drunk with vodka, as the purest alcoholic product. Third-party impurities in “noble” drinks, such as whiskey, tequila or gin, additionally load the liver, and this is very, very not good.

Recipe 2. Take a contrast shower.

Hot water promotes sweating, and this process is accompanied by the removal of toxins and other harmful substances from the body. In addition, profuse sweating evens out the fluid balance in the body, which is disturbed as a result of libations. A contrast shower should be started with hot water, and then alternated with cold water, which will wash away sweat and unclog pores. Not suitable for hypertensive patients, as well as people suffering from diseases of the blood, cardiovascular system and circulatory disorders of the brain.

Recipe 3. Go to the bath.

A visit to the bath is akin to a contrast shower, but the bath also speeds up metabolism, enhances skin respiration, eliminates dehydration, and kills unwanted bacteria. It is the sauna that is recommended, and not the Russian bath, which creates a big load on the heart. For the treatment of a hangover, three sets of 5, 10 and 20 minutes will be enough.

Attention! People suffering from cardiovascular diseases should not go into the steam room. If your heart rate is above 110 beats per minute, and your blood pressure is above 140/90, do not go to the bath, it is better to get rid of a hangover in other ways.

Recipe 4. Get rid of poisons.

The breakdown products of alcohol are poisons, and they poison your body. To get rid of them, drink: Activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg) or any other sorbent, succinic or citric acid, Eleutherococcus tincture, fermented milk products (especially useful for a hangover koumiss), unpasteurized kvass.

Recipe 5. Drink a glass of brine.

Better than cucumber or cabbage – it contains a lot of electrolyte salts that normalize the osmotic pressure in the blood plasma. It is important to drink no more than 1 glass, otherwise the swelling of the tissues will only increase. By the way, it is better to drink cabbage brine, as it already contains succinic acid.

Recipe 6. Drink plenty of water and take diuretics.

Improper distribution of fluid is one of the root causes of poor health with a hangover (there is a lot of water in the tissues, and a shortage in the vessels). This is eliminated by taking a large amount of water and diuretics (non-alcoholic beer, green tea, veroshpiron, strawberries, etc.), but here it is important to maintain a balance of salts in the blood, otherwise there will be little sense from all this. That is why you need to drink the brine first.

When the hangover has come, you should drink as much water as the body requires. In principle, 0,5 water for every half hour will be enough. If a large amount of water causes vomiting, then this is only for the best – toxic products will leave your mortal body even faster.

Recipe 7. There are citrus fruits and bananas.

Citrus fruits contain citric acid, which will speed up the metabolism and, as a result, the removal of toxins from the body. Bananas contain a lot of potassium, which is excreted from the body during frequent visits to the toilet in a small way.

Recipe 8. Drink a decoction of St. John’s wort and / or wild rose.

St. John’s wort has a sedative (relaxing), antidepressant and anxiolytic (relieves anxiety and anxiety) effect. It also improves blood circulation, has a tonic effect. How to use: 4 tbsp. spoons of crushed St. John’s wort, pour 0,5 liters of boiling water and hold in a boiling bath for 20-30 minutes. Drink a decoction every hour and a half for half a glass.

Rosehip broth contains a huge amount of ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins A, P and K. Rosehips should be brewed like tea, and not boiled, since ascorbic acid is partially destroyed during intensive heat treatment.

Recipe 9. Drink lemon juice.

All the same citric acid. Squeeze the juice of two or three lemons, and dilute it in double the amount of boiled water.

Recipe 10. Eat half a glass of honey.

Experiments show that at home, you can get rid of a hangover by intensive bowel cleansing and taking honey. Treats should be consumed in small portions. Honey contains a lot of fructose, which speeds up metabolism and stimulates the so-called “pentose shunt” – the process of restoring the most important coenzyme nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate (NADP, NADP).

Recipe 11. Sleep well.

Sleep is the best cure for a hangover, because during sleep, cholinergic processes are activated in the body, aimed at restoring homeostasis (the constancy of physiological processes). It is important here that someone monitor the drunk person, since in this state the “patient” may begin to vomit and will need to be turned on its side. In addition, it is undesirable to lie in one position for a long time, as this can lead to kidney failure as a result of crush syndrome (a syndrome of prolonged crushing, which occurs as a result of prolonged pinching of body parts).

Recipe 12. Go in for sports.

After sleep, you can go in for sports, but this option is only suitable for trained young people who do not have heart problems. During physical exertion, the body quickly gets rid of harmful substances due to sweating, redistribution of vascular tone, glomerular filtration in the kidneys.

How not to get sick with a hangover when it’s “just bad”

There is such a thing as dysphoria (the opposite of euphoria) – this is when nothing in particular hurts, but the mood is depressed and it seems that everything is gone. This is due to the fact that during libations the balance of some neurotransmitters, substances due to which the brain works (serotonins, dopamines, etc.) was disturbed.

To gain time and engage in serious treatment, you should: drink cocoa, pantogam, picamilon, magnesium preparations or energy drinks, if there are no contraindications to the latter. For example, taurine, contained in many energy drinks, plays the role of a neurotransmitter amino acid that relieves anxiety, improves blood flow, and reduces headaches (the main thing here is to know when to stop). And cocoa contains a number of antidepressants, only you need to cook it with water, since milk impairs the “bioavailability” of the drink.

As you can see, getting rid of a hangover at home is not as difficult as it might seem because of poor health. Follow these recommendations, tell about them to all those whose health you care about. In the next article, we will tell you about drugs that should and should not be taken during a hangover.

The article used material from the site, the authors of which are qualified doctors. Recommended for review.

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