How to get rid of a bruise?

How to get rid of a bruise?

A bruise is a common injury that can be obtained almost anywhere: in the gym, at home, at work, during a conflict that escalated into a fight. There can be any reason, but the result is always the same: soft tissues and blood vessels are damaged, hemorrhage occurs, and a bruise appears.

The injured area swells and may hurt. The reason for the appearance of a hematoma (subcutaneous hemorrhage) is that the scalp is abundantly permeated with blood vessels. It is their rupture that provokes the appearance of a bruise.

Regardless of the condition of the injured person, a medical examination is highly desirable. After all, the damage can be quite serious.

Causes of bruising

A bruise resulting from a blow appears due to rupture of blood vessels. The blood flowing out of them accumulates in the injured soft tissues. At its core, a hematoma is an internal hemorrhage. Blood does not flow out, but is evenly distributed under the skin.

Over time, the bruise changes its color, which is due to the breakdown of blood and plasma. First, the bruised area turns red, then turns blue, or acquires a purple hue. Closer to the time of recovery, the injured area turns green, after which it turns yellow.

How long do bruises last?

It takes about 14 days for the blood to completely dissolve under the skin. The duration of the recovery period is affected by several factors at once, including:

  • The severity of the injury;

  • Patient’s age;

  • The state of his health;

  • Quality and timeliness of first aid. The sooner cold is applied to the site of injury, the better.

There are several ways to help get rid of a hematoma (bruise) faster:

  • You need to sleep on a high pillow. Elevated position of the head promotes better outflow of blood.

  • When applying ice or a compress, when performing a massage, do not press hard and press on the damaged area.

  • Physical activity should be abandoned. People involved in sports are advised to take a break. With physical activity, the blood flow increases, the pressure inside the vessels increases, which can lead to an increase in hematoma.

Stages of bruise healing

How to get rid of a bruise?

Any bruise undergoes certain changes that can be seen with the naked eye. First of all, this concerns a change in its color. It turns from blue to yellow, after which it completely disappears.

There are several stages of tissue repair:

  1. The moment of injury. The impact site acquires a dark red or scarlet color. It depends on which vessels were damaged to a greater extent: arteries or veins.

  2. First 24-48 hours. There is a slow destruction of hemoglobin, which gives a purple or black tint. If a lot of blood has flowed out of the vessels, a pronounced edema appears.

  3. From 3 to 10 days. The color of the bruise becomes uneven, sometimes it is yellow, sometimes green. The redness goes away as the red blood cells break down. Bilirubin (yellow bile pigment) gives yellowness. The swelling is getting smaller every day.

  4. After 2 weeks. A small yellow spot remains at the site of impact. After a while, it completely disappears.

How to smear a bruise at each stage?

How to get rid of a bruise?

The timing of getting rid of a bruise can be brought closer if you use the right tools at each stage of recovery.

In the first 24 hours gels or ointments containing heparin are applied to the damaged area. With their help, it will be possible to reduce swelling and pressure on soft tissues. Heparin easily overcomes the skin barrier, increases blood flow and thins it. The hematoma will be smaller, which means that recovery will not take much time.

If the injured area hurts a lot, you can use drugs from the NSAID group. They are applied to the bruise 2-4 hours after the appearance of the hematoma.

After 24 hours it is not advisable to use funds with heparin, since the effect cannot be achieved. The blood has already penetrated into the tissues, the process of its decomposition has started. The injured area becomes blue. It will remain bright until hemoglobin is completely broken down to bilirubin.

You can speed up the process of its decay with the help of warming ointments that increase blood flow. At home, it is permissible to use products containing dimethyl sulfoxide. It is found in hot peppers, so it warms up tissues perfectly. If the bruise is small, then with the help of such an ointment it will be possible to get rid of it in a couple of days.

Gels and ointments with medicinal herbs

Compositions with medicinal herbs are applied to the injured area several times a day. When a bruise forms, the treatment is reviewed.

  • Arnica ointment will help reduce tissue swelling and relieve inflammation. In 2010, a study was conducted in which it was possible to prove that this remedy really has the ability to reduce bruises. [1].

  • For a speedy recovery, you can use ointment with comfrey. It is used to treat skin diseases and relieve inflammation.

Taking vitamins

Vitamins K and P are necessary for normal blood clotting. Creams containing vitamin K can reduce bruising that occurs after undergoing laser therapy. Apply the composition to the skin 2 times a day [2].

Vitamin C helps relieve inflammation and accelerate tissue healing. Ointments and gels with it are applied to the damaged area. To reinforce the therapeutic effect, it can be taken orally. [3].

Food can be an alternative to synthetic vitamin C. It is found in high concentrations in thyme, broccoli, parsley, Brussels sprouts, currants, strawberries, kiwi and citrus fruits. [4].

bruising products

How to get rid of a bruise?

You can speed up tissue repair if you include in your diet foods that have the ability to strengthen the vascular walls.

These include:

  • Lemons, oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits.

  • Spinach, lettuce, strawberries, blueberries, broccoli, soy. These foods are rich in vitamin K.

  • Apples, cherries, onions, leafy vegetables. They contain quercetin.

  • Poultry, fish, low-fat meat, tofu. They are a source of protein.

When should you see a doctor?

How to get rid of a bruise?

Not always a bruise allows you to be treated at home. There are situations when you should not hesitate to contact a specialist:

  • Edema continues to grow, although the person is treated correctly.

  • Due to a bruise, the work of the organs of vision is disrupted.

  • The man was hit on the back of the head and bruises formed under his eyes.

  • A bruise appeared, but the cause is unknown.

If pus begins to ooze from the affected area, an ichor appears, the body temperature rises, this indicates the addition of an infection. You need to consult with a specialist as soon as possible, as the help of a surgeon may be required.

If bruises appear on the legs, this may indicate diseases of the venous system. In this case, a consultation with a phlebologist is required. The damage to the hematopoietic system is signaled by bruises that appear even with a slight application of force. Treatment should be handled by a hematologist, but first you should consult a therapist.

Answers to popular questions

K. Bocharova (hematologist) answers the questions:

  • How long will the bruise be visible? As a rule, immediately after the impact, the injured area swells and slightly reddens. A bruise forms within a day, and takes about 14 days.

  • What is the danger of such an injury? The bruise is not dangerous. If not necessary, you can even refuse treatment. Tonal means are often used as a means of disguise.

  • Is it possible to remove a bruise in a day? Any bruise goes through 3 stages of development. You won’t be able to get rid of it overnight. However, proper treatment will speed up the process of tissue repair.

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