How to get rid of a bear: folk remedies and methods

Medvedka is a large burrowing insect that leads an underground and predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. In the garden, the bear is dangerous for any plants: it feeds on root crops, and can ruin almost the entire crop. Those plants that are not suitable for food can suffer when the pest makes a nest: it needs well-warmed soil, and the bear simply gnaws at the roots of plants if they shade the chosen place.

How to use folk remedies

The fight against Medvedka must be constant and complex. As usual, it is easier to prevent its appearance on the site than to deal with the consequences. Although the bear flies beautifully and can simply fly to your site from the neighbor’s, especially if any anti-medved remedies are used there.

When planning measures against this pest, it is worth starting them before the breeding season, which falls in May-June. Accordingly, it is necessary to deal with adults in advance. Folk remedies for combating a bear are preferable for those gardeners who, for various reasons, are afraid to use pesticides on their site. It should be borne in mind that the struggle with folk remedies can be laborious, although the same can be said about any work in the garden and garden.

But some of the folk methods have an additional effect – saturation of the soil with useful substances. Conventionally, all methods of dealing with a bear can be divided into three large groups: traps with bait (beer, honey), scaring away (pungent odors) and mechanical barriers. If you can’t get rid of the pest, even using the whole range of measures, then you should think about pesticides.

Catching beer

Medvedka loves beer and willingly comes into such traps. To equip a beer trap, you need to pour about 50-100 ml of beer into a bottle with a wide mouth. You need to make several such bottles – the more the better, but at least three for every hundred square meters of the garden. Bottles are dug into the ground, in places where the most bear moves are seen, using a special technology. First you need to make holes five to ten centimeters deep and up to twenty centimeters in diameter. It is necessary to place a bottle in such a hole – obliquely, at an angle of 45 degrees, so that the lower edge of the neck is at the level of the bottom of the hole.

But near the neck itself, you need to put a piece of film or any other protective material – so that the earth does not get into the bottle. From above, the hole must be covered with a dense opaque material – plywood, old linoleum or something similar. Medvedki come to the smell, and then they can not get out of the jar and are easy prey for angry gardeners. At the beginning of the season, such traps need to be checked daily – up to twenty bears can be packed into a bottle. You can take them out with a wire hook. If necessary, change beer to fresh, since bears are not picky about varieties, but yes, to freshness.

Similarly, you can equip a trap with honey water. Or just smear a jar with a wide mouth with honey and dig vertically into the ground. Top the neck with straw. Pests go to the smell of honey, and then they cannot get out of the jar. Also, raw potatoes or porridge seasoned with unrefined sunflower oil can be poured into jars. Necessarily unrefined, this smell is very attractive to the bear and can even mask the smell of poison for this pest.

Video “We effectively fight the bear”

how to effectively #get rid of #medvedka

Onion skin tincture

How to get rid of a bear: folk remedies and methods

Medvedka is afraid of pungent odors and therefore the fight against it can occur with the help of plants or parts of plants. Let’s start with the bow. A good deterrent against the bear is a tincture of onion peel. You need to take about a kilogram of husks and onion peels in a ten-liter bucket, fill it with water to the top. Leave for four days, maybe a little longer. Filter and squeeze the cake. Dilute the resulting liquid with water at the rate of 1 to 5, water the plants once a week. Important! You can use the tincture either after rain, or, in arid areas, after abundant watering with plain water. After several applications of the tincture, the bears go away.

You can do it easier – scatter onion peel in the aisles. In addition to the effect of scaring away the bear, this will be a fertilizer. Onion’s closest aromatic relative, garlic, also helps. You can fight the bear by throwing garlic cloves into the holes when planting any seeds or seedlings.

Needle recipe

Any conifers will help get rid of the bear – the pest does not tolerate this smell. Fresh branches of pine or spruce should be chopped and laid out on the beds, lightly sprinkled with earth so that they stay fresh longer and scare away the bear with aroma. But needles will have to be used throughout the site in order to prevent the pest from crawling from one bed to another. At a minimum, you will have to scatter the needles between the rows.

How to get rid of a bear: folk remedies and methods

Another option is to throw a handful of pine needles into each hole when planting potatoes. Also, experienced gardeners give advice – to mulch the soil, including with a thick layer of needles (up to 20 centimeters). Thus, more moisture is retained in the ground, and this is not to the taste of the bear. True, this method is applicable only for those parts of the garden that for some reason were left without planting. You also need to remember that the needles strongly acidify the soil, and therefore this method of dealing with a bear is not suitable for every garden.

Water with iodine

Fighting with iodine is a non-standard and rare remedy. Its smell is not liked by the pest and helps to get rid of it. It is necessary to add 15 drops of a seventy percent iodine solution to a bucket of water and pour the resulting mixture on the beds before planting seedlings or sowing seeds of root crops.

You can also fight with a bear with other folk remedies – surround the garden around the perimeter with trenches with gravel, dig strips of plastic or roofing material along the rows of seedlings, pour a solution of laundry soap into the holes, leave manure traps or dig up the garden during laying and maturation of eggs. Usually two or three years of hard work is enough to eliminate this pest in your area.

Video “We fight cabbage with folk methods”

To get rid of this pest, it is not necessary to resort to chemicals and solutions. It is enough to use the tips that you will find in the video below.

How to get rid of cabbage (bear)

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