How to get rid of 90% of diseases with the help of psychosomatics

Hello dear friends, today I have prepared an article for the blog for you, Yulia Pavlova.

I am glad to you, guests of the blog. Let’s talk about the science of psychosomatics and illness, which cannot be defeated without it. You will learn to recognize the enemy and build your own strategy for protecting and promoting health.

Surrender and treaty on favorable termsyah

The bastion of your body is only 35, it seems to be holding up well on the outside. But you are well aware that the inner walls are trembling and the guns are falling into disrepair. The personnel are fighting with their last strength, and have already thought more than once: should not give a signal for surrender?

Meanwhile, armies of harmful microbes, bacteria and viruses are advancing from all sides. We can only dream of peace, we are already accustomed to stressful bombing. And the shaky fortification of the 70-year-old neighbor in the stairwell steadfastly holds the defense even through the smoke screen of the White Sea Canal and the gas attack of hawthorn tincture. It’s a shame, right?

It seems to those born in good health: this is forever. Until the age of 25, few people think about the value of life energy capital. As well as the fact that good health in youth is not a gift, but a loan. Yes, yes, the very one, very profitable, without a visit to the bank with a certificate of income. Did you sign without reading?

How to get rid of 90% of diseases with the help of psychosomatics

Then listen to the terms in full. The interest rate on the loan increases with every year you live. Delays in payments are punishable by an increase in the amount of debt. We do not have early repayment, and no one knows the loan limit. What for do you need it? Exhaust — you will understand. Straightaway. No, it is no longer possible to terminate the loan agreement, but no one forced him to conclude it.

When we overestimate our capabilities, do not pay attention to fatigue and resentment, grief and anger, fear and sadness, we borrow from the body. The saddest thing is that both sides of the agreement have the same signatures.

Without a declaration of war: know the enemy by sight

How to get rid of 90% of diseases with the help of psychosomatics

Is the enemy looking out of the mirror? No, self-critical reader, the mirror reflects the battlefield. The fighting is within us: the soul and the body are on the warpath. Instead of unitedly guarding the borders, they fight to the death. As a result, we are defenseless against any virus, like our homeland on the morning of February 24th. What do you think is the reason for the war?

A clash of interests is a dispute between a parent, a child, and an adult within us. Ideally, they are present in equal proportions, but the more multifaceted the individuality of a person, the more difficult it is to conclude an alliance. The simpler the mechanism, the harder it is to break and the slower it wears out. Our 70 year old neighbor is as healthy as a moose. He owes this military merit to the precious stone of his personality — a close relative of the brick. So the secret is not in the hawthorn tincture.

Thank you, dear Petrovich, for the vivid allegory and the high-quality installation of plumbing, God forbid you the same amount, half a liter from me.

But it is very difficult for the Little Prince, middle manager and senior ensign Dedalo to get along in one man. If one of them feels unfairly forgotten, this trinity begins a struggle for the redistribution of territory. When the manager with the ensign, after exhausting bargaining and scuffle, unite to attack, the Little Prince realizes that it’s time to fly to the stars…

But the owner of these guys courageously pulls the strap, and so far does not think about suicide. It just starts to hurt. In such cases, where it is thin, it breaks there. The slightest predisposition to illness? Chronic illness? Wait for development or exacerbation. Still healthy? This is not for long: at first, the body will signal tension headaches, increased pressure and vegetovascular dystonia, and later a more serious diagnosis will be tightened.

A young woman has problems with gynecology, although the profession is far from being the oldest. Beautiful Belle and smart baby Alice from Wonderland are locked in her mind by a strict mother boss. And shackled by fear: men cannot be trusted. Count on yourself, baby. Maximum — Mad Hatter once every five years.

Dear modern Alice and Little Princes! If you feel like this, do not try to repeat the feat of Petrovich. In terms of mental organization, you are more like an iPhone. Treat the mechanism the way it deserves.

Combat Diplomacy: Reasons We Don’t Know

How to get rid of 90% of diseases with the help of psychosomatics

Problems of well-being bring not only trouble. In some cases, they give a conditional bonus: solving problems that are much more serious. The catch is that the trouble is not necessarily as great as it seems to the sick person. But the service disorders are real, nothing to do with inflammation of cunning and hypochondria.

Often the gate for illness breaks through the battering ram of the hard experience of the past, which is carried by childhood traumas. They know how to hold a siege for years and decades, imperceptibly undermine immunity, until a person’s mental balance is shaken, in order to turn around at the right moment in full force. In the crazy rhythm of our lives, they do not have to wait too long.

The loss of a loved one is not in vain for anyone. Especially for those who tend to identify themselves with their father, teacher, spouse, child. The worst thing is when there is no hope, but the process is dragging on. The pain and grief of compassion turn into suffering. Negative emotions cause the flesh to copy the symptoms seen in the patient. This happens even if the threat to the life of a loved one is not genuine. And for the mind — true.

The power of persuasion is both medicine and poison. Especially if the owner is a luminary in his field. Or was near in the hour of spiritual bad weather. Perhaps the authoritative opinion is not addressed to you, but it sounded against the backdrop of a personal tragedy. And so — firmly crashed into memory. When the ground slips from under your feet, even the most sane people are completely unwilling to criticize. The mind unconditionally believes what is said, and the body believes the mind. Can you guess the result?

The feeling of guilt, really deserved or far-fetched, can torment not only the soul. Professionally, this condition is called «auto-aggression»: the body’s energy is concentrated not on protecting its own life, but on destruction. Such a mood of the spirit is expressed in the abuse of something: the main goal of attempts to get drunk, get drunk, work to death — in the last six letters.

Interrogation with passion: the secrets of the Russian language

How to get rid of 90% of diseases with the help of psychosomatics

But where, after all, to look out for the enemy, because the listed states are only a consequence of his presence?

The correct answers will be given to you by your native language and your own feelings: select the appropriate figurative phrase for the symptoms and continue as honestly as possible.

If your eyesight falls, think about what «my eyes would not see.» Is it possible to contemplate this performance less often, since it costs so much?

If your stomach is bothering you, ask yourself whose grievances you are swallowing. And why?

Issues of spinal disorders depend on its department.

If you are worried about the neck-collar (upper back from the base of the neck to about the end of the ribs), who are your “back-biters-backbones”? Why are they allowed to behave like this?

The lumbosacral region (the pain in it radiates to the lower extremities) answers the questions: where do your “legs not carry you”? Where «my foot will not be»? How long do you intend to continue these perilous walks?

I think the principle of searching for questions and answers is clear. You can stand guard with a clear conscience: do not miss the enemy.

Locked borders: world experience

The search for a way to gain health and longevity through spiritual practices has occupied the sages of the East since ancient times.

How to Strengthen Morale: The Path of Harmony

How to get rid of 90% of diseases with the help of psychosomatics

Back in the XNUMXth century AD, at the dawn of the emergence of samurai, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun noticed the connection between the strong inner core of a warrior and endurance and physical strength. Today, wizened old men effortlessly scatter two-meter mullions around the corners. The spectacle is impressive.

The warrior filled the cry with the strength of the spirit, with which he threw the enemies to flight, and his body became indifferent to pain. The keeper of the world of willow and flowers shone with joy and participation for each guest, no matter what was going on behind the walls of the tea house.

How did they do it? The requirements of the Bushido code are a hybrid of home building with an army charter and a set of rules for office subordination. And the polite Japanese smiled every moment and still pass this gift on to others. How to gain experience?

The names of martial arts in China and Japan speak for themselves: wu-shu — self-improvement, judo — the gentle way, aikido — the way of harmony. Martial arts are not just a set of stances and techniques. Today’s samurai have lost their ferocity, but without understanding the philosophy of the process on the tatami, there is nothing to do. Training and meditation will strengthen the muscles, and will be a good therapy for anxiety, fear and aggression.

Warriors of Light: How to Find Peace in Yourself

How to get rid of 90% of diseases with the help of psychosomatics

500 years before our era, the Indian prince Siddhartha Gautama did not spare half his life to bring out a formula of happiness and harmony for humanity. His Highness so convincingly proved the theory by personal example that today those who have passed this path and reached nirvana become Buddhas — enlightened ones. Or they choose the path of the bodhisattva in order to help others find a state of peace and serenity.

The medicine of Japan, China, India and Tibet is famous for the extensive practice of the ancient traditions of acupuncture, acupressure and yoga. They treat the person, not the disease. And they understand that the patient cannot be divided into body and soul.

Heavy artillery: men in white coats

How to get rid of 90% of diseases with the help of psychosomatics

This sound idea visited Europe and America only at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. Before that, they zealously filled out the world map, drowned witches and searched for the philosopher’s stone. But by the middle of the XNUMXth century, they realized the scale of the problem. Since then, they have not stopped in experiments and creative search.

As a result, an official scientific trend appeared — a synthesis of psychology and medicine, where every movement of the human soul that affects one’s well-being is carefully monitored. And the manifestations of diseases that are not confirmed by the results of analyzes and examinations are called «psychosomatosis».

Treatment in European practice involves taking chemical antidepressants or tranquilizers and talking with a psychotherapist who will help the patient understand the cause of the disease. Contact a specialist to eliminate psychosomatosis or treat yourself — everyone’s personal choice.

Let me just remind you that the client of a psychologist, the patient of a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist are three different people. Only the latter can be registered and forcibly delivered to the hospital department. If you need help, don’t hesitate to visit.

Airborne assault: the power of the family and the power of the word

How to get rid of 90% of diseases with the help of psychosomatics

Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, also had knowledge of invisible bodily-spiritual connections. Russian knights and heroes knew about harmony with nature no less than the Japanese, and on the battlefield they had nothing to reproach themselves with.

The god Rod, revered by the Slavs, is undeservedly forgotten in our time. But he will definitely hear a request for help when you go with your family to nature, not only to fry a barbecue. Take a walk in the forest, listen to the living silence. Hug a tree — an ancient symbol of the family, and feel the generous surge of heroic power.

Slavic traditions — a guide to crisis management of stress in the field: remember fisticuffs wall to wall, crying at weddings and funerals, dancing until you drop on the holiday of Ivan Kupala and Maslenitsa. It is no coincidence that many of us love rock concerts: this is a good way to throw out negative emotions and clear the spirit.

In Russia, the foundations of quackery and herbalism were laid. Healing fees are now sold in pharmacies, they restore health without the intervention of more serious drugs.

But both of these directions are inconceivable without conspiracies that healers uttered at the bedside of the patient over prepared infusions and powders. No, witty reader, it was black magicians who measured time in such a way that, when paying with a client, they would not be mistaken in his favor.

In conspiracies in Russian, in addition to rhythm, there was also a meaning. Our grandparents put their soul into every word, and it did not fail: the illness receded, fear passed, the strength of the healed returned.

Create your own plot for yourself and loved ones: pay attention to the book Louise Hay «Heal Your Life». It contains a table for unraveling the diagnoses and the famous affirmations of the author, which will help to cope with the disease and find harmony.

Have you already chosen a strategy to protect and strengthen your bastion? I am confident in your victory!

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