How to get pregnant? Tips and advice for women who want to get pregnant

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Pregnancy and motherhood is a special time for every woman. During this particular period, we can see both purely physical and mental changes. However, it is not uncommon for couples to encounter problems when trying to conceive. Inability to get pregnant can be caused by various diseases and conditions. Some of them, unfortunately, cannot be cured, but these may not be the only reasons. There are many factors that make you more or less likely to become pregnant. How to get pregnant? What is worth remembering? What to Avoid? We invite you to read a short article that will help answer the above questions.

How To Get Pregnant – Know Your Menstrual Cycle

If you are wondering how to get pregnant, the first thing you should do is find out about the basics of a woman’s menstrual cycle and then take a look at how it works for you.

The main issue is the determination of fertile days. To do this, you need to calculate how many days the cycle lasts, and then find out when it ovulates, that is, when an egg is released into the fallopian tube. Only during this time is the egg able to fertilize. It can survive for a very short time, only 24 hours. However, it is different with sperm. They can survive in the female genital tract for up to several days (3-5). Therefore, although the life of an egg is so short, a woman’s fertile days are said to be around 5 days before and up to 4 days after ovulation.

So how to get pregnant? It is best to have sex during the fertile days. So let’s start taking notes on this topic, marking the fertile days in the calendar. It will also help you see changes throughout the cycle. In pharmacies, ovulation tests are also available, with the help of which we can also determine when ovulation occurs. There are two types of such tests – saliva or urine tests.

See also: Planning pregnancy – benefits. research, diet, lifestyle

How to get pregnant – give up stimulants

In addition to controlling fertile days, there are other steps that will help increase the chance of becoming pregnant. First of all, it is worth thinking about the elements that make it difficult to try for a child. How to get pregnant? First of all, say a firm “no” to all stimulants.

Not only drugs are adversely affected, but also alcohol, cigarettes and even an excessive amount of caffeine. Caffeine can reduce the activity of the muscles responsible for the proper transport of the egg from the ovaries to the uterus. Smoking, on the other hand, is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. Smokers have significantly lower levels of estrogen, which can lower the likelihood of ovulating in a given menstrual cycle and potentially affect the maintenance of pregnancy. Consuming alcohol during pregnancy can have serious consequences for your baby, ranging from birth defects to learning disabilities.

Therefore, it is worth limiting this type of stimulants while trying to get pregnant, and it is best to give them up completely. This applies to both the future mother and the future father, because sperm cells are also very sensitive to many different factors.

Find out more: Contraception and pregnancy. How Does Contraception Affect Pregnancy?

How to get pregnant – rest and don’t stress

Adequate rest is also important. In order to increase the chance of getting pregnant, it is worth realizing that stress does not help us in this period. Fatigue and nerves can make your efforts much more difficult. So let’s remember about the right amount of sleep (interestingly, it has been shown that having an irregular sleep schedule can potentially increase the likelihood of irregular periods, which in turn does not increase the chances of conception), adequate conditions for rest, and various methods of coping with stress.

If we come across a lot of stressful situations in our life, it may be worth reaching for regular meditation to help soothe shattered nerves. Good methods of fighting stress are also: yoga, massage, relaxing in the spa.

Also read: Supplementation before pregnancy. What vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy?

How to get pregnant – diet

While this may seem improbable to some couples, diet may also be important when trying to conceive. The main thing to pay attention to is unnecessary kilograms, as they can significantly affect an ovulation disorder.

Underweight, but also overweight and obesity can have a negative impact on getting pregnant, and this is related to the work of the ovaries, which function properly with the body’s energy balance. So let’s give up on fattening, follow an easily digestible diet, and even start regular trainingthat will help keep the body in good shape. However, remember not to overdo it, because slimming also does not have a positive effect on the process of getting pregnant. If, however, we have a problem with maintaining a healthy body weight, despite all the measures taken, it is worth going to a dietitian who will help us normalize our body weight in a rational way and change our eating habits.

When it comes to specific elements that will help in your efforts, it is good to reach for folic acid and omega-3 and omega-6 acids. Interestingly, folic acid not only promotes conception, but also prevents neural tube defects in the fetus at the beginning of pregnancy (folic acid supplementation at a dose of 400 µg daily is recommended at least 6 weeks before the planned conception until the end of the second trimester of pregnancy).

It is recommended to eat nuts and products containing vitamin E, which is sometimes called the fertility vitamin. We can find it, among others, in vegetable oils, seeds and seeds, e.g. pumpkin seeds and chia. It’s also a good idea to add rapeseed oil, olive oil or soft margarines to your diet, which are great sources of fertility-enhancing monounsaturated fatty acids.

However, not only vitamin E is important for fertility, but also vitamin D, B vitamins (especially B6, B12 and folic acid), vitamin A and vitamin C. Minerals such as iodine, zinc, iron, magnesium are also important. and selenium. For this reason, it is a good idea to perform basic blood tests, e.g. blood count with a manual smear, glucose, vitamin D, ferritin and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and in the case of thyroid diseases also selenium and iodine). Thanks to this, every woman can know whether she will actually need to supplement her diet with the previously mentioned vitamins and minerals.

In addition, it is worthwhile for a woman trying to get pregnant to pay attention to a sufficiently large consumption of green vegetables and fresh fruit. Vegetable protein is also very good for fertility, so it is good to eat legumes, e.g. beans, chickpeas, peas or lentils.

Now it is important to say what to avoid in the diet, namely processed foods with a high glycemic index (e.g. white rice, sweet breakfast cereals, sweet sodas or sweets). Don’t follow diets that limit your nutrients (deficiencies may affect the occurrence of miscarriages and malformations in a child). You should also eliminate trans fats from your diet, as they can cause ovulation disorders and are found in, for example, chocolate, hard margarines, powdered soups, and French fries. crisps and fast-food. Of course, fat must also be in the diet of a woman trying to conceive, because its deficiency may result in menstrual disorders and, consequently, infertility.

How to Get Pregnant – Enjoy Sex

Orgasm is very important for women who want to become pregnant. It is not only a source of pleasure, but according to specialists, it makes it easier for sperm cells to reach the egg. According to the data, a female orgasm during sexual intercourse, shortly after the partner ejaculates, preserves 70% of the sperm in the genital area. The muscle contractions that occur during orgasm are also crucial as they also help the sperm reach the egg.

It’s also a good idea to pay attention to how often we have sex. It shouldn’t be done too rarely or too often (it is recommended to have intercourse every 2-3 days). If we do this too rarely, fertile days can be easily missed, and if too often, the partner’s sperm may lose its “quality” and contain less sperm, which may translate into a lower chance of fertilization.

It is not worth worrying about specific sexual positions during intercourse. Research has not shown that there are actually any specific positions that better help women get pregnant quickly. You can get pregnant in almost any sexual position. It’s good to have fun experimenting and finding the sexual position that’s best for both the woman and her partner. Keep in mind when choosing your position so that both partners feel comfortable and can enjoy sex as well as orgasm. After sex, a woman may try to lie on her back, bend her knees, and tilt the pelvis backwards at a 45-degree angle for 30 minutes, which can help with sperm retention.


To increase the chances of getting pregnant, it is better not to use any humidifiers during intercourse as these are fatal to sperm. The same should be done with all intimate hygiene preparations (oils, soaps, deodorants).

How to get pregnant – remember about hormones

When trying to become pregnant, you cannot forget about hormones. The endocrine system of women controls the processes responsible for practically everything (metabolism, weight, skin appearance, well-being), including fertility. It is the hormones that are responsible for the functioning of the ovaries and the secretion of substances responsible for the implantation of the embryo and the maintenance of pregnancy. If the hormone levels are not normal, it will negatively affect the health of the woman.

When it comes to fertility, these hormones are crucial: luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and progesterone. They are very important when a woman wants to get pregnant, so it is good to think about carrying out appropriate tests for them.

Worth knowing: Pre-pregnancy tests – for a woman, for a man, the price of the tests

How to get pregnant – the age of partners

It should be borne in mind that nowadays the biological clocks of women have accelerated. More and more women in their 20s complain of fertility problems. Experts estimate that women aged 19-25 have a 50 percent chance of getting pregnant. In turn, over 27 years of age, the chances of having a child drop to 40 percent. Therefore, it is better not to postpone the decision about the baby too late. It is recommended that couples over 40 who have had intercourse with each other for at least a year without the use of safeguards and failed in terms of fertilization, should consult a fertility doctor.

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