How to get pregnant successfully. Truths and myths (QUIZ)

The title question is, of course, provocative. How babies are brought into the world is perhaps obvious. However, so many myths have arisen around this topic, both old and brand new, that it is worth checking what is actually true.

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Let’s start with an easy question. Do storks actually bring babies?

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Of course not. It is an old Polish superstition (most children are born in spring, when storks start arriving), otherwise quite harmless. However, a relationship was found between the number of storks in a given commune and the fertility rate. In the east of Poland, there are both more of these birds and (on average) children in the family.

Eat bananas if you want a boy

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Research has shown that the pre-conception diet may or may not affect the sex of the baby. If a couple wants a boy, the diet should be high in sodium and potassium. Bananas are very high in potassium, including red meat, fish, avocados, apples, dried figs, sunflower seeds and tomatoes. In turn, sodium can be found in table salt, yellow cheese, beetroot, poultry, herring, olives, spinach and bread. It is important to start the “boy” diet in good time before conception. There is talk of a period from 6 weeks to 6 months.

Only simultaneous orgasm can conceive a child

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Such a belief may be a “cinematic” effect. The scene of the climaxing couple, who some time later learns that they are going to have a child, has appeared in many productions. However, the question of whether female orgasm has an impact on getting pregnant has long been debated. A study conducted several years ago found that it actually increases the chances of getting pregnant by 10-15 percent.

Standing on your head or lifting your legs up after intercourse increases your chances of getting pregnant

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No specific positions, movements or acrobatics affect the sperm reaching the egg.

Only the father is responsible for the sex of the child

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It all depends on the father’s XY chromosomes. A sperm may have an X or a Y chromosome. An egg produced in a woman’s body has only an X. The combination of a sperm with an X chromosome and a cell will result in an embryo at XX, and a girl will be born. The XY combination will give the boy.

Having sex more often increases the chance of fertilization

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Here the principle of “the more often the better” does not work. Too frequent intercourse worsens the quality of the sperm. Sperm takes time to mature, so sexologists believe that the optimal frequency of intercourse when trying for a baby is 2-3 times a week. And you have to hit the fertile days.

Unable to get pregnant during first intercourse (unprotected)

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Any unprotected sexual intercourse can end in conception, the first and the same.

You can only become pregnant on the 14th day of the cycle

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If the cycle lasts 28 days, the actual fertile days are days 12-16 of the cycle. But the cycle may be longer or shorter, then the fertile days occur later or earlier, respectively.

It is possible to get pregnant in the swimming pool

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Only if the couple have sex there. The question, however, is about a very common myth that swimming in water that has sperm in it can result in fertilization. It is rather impossible (possibly possibly to an incredibly low degree). Sperm need a favorable environment to survive longer. Pool water is not.

You cannot get pregnant during your period

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Pregnancy in this case is unlikely, but possible. It all depends on the length of the cycle. If it is irregular, it is difficult to predict your fertile days with accuracy.

You cannot get pregnant while you are breastfeeding

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The hormone prolactin is responsible for breastfeeding. At the same time, it inhibits the secretion of hormones responsible for ovulation. The greatest secretion of prolactin occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, but over time, when the mother breastfeeds irregularly or combines it with bottle-feeding, levels of this hormone decline and fertility increases.

Missionary position is conducive to getting pregnant

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Neither this nor any other. No bed acrobatics have any effect on getting pregnant. Sperm know where to go.

Vaccination against COVID-19 has an impact on fertility

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This rather dangerous myth appeared quite recently during the coronavirus pandemic. No studies to date have shown any negative effects of vaccines on fertility, for both men and women.
Your score: Poorly
Your belief in the fertility myths is probably too great. But you don’t believe in a stork, do you?
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It could definitely be better. Read professional literature and try again.
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You can see that you know where babies come from 🙂
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Your score: Excellent
Way to go! You have no secrets about getting pregnant
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