How to get pregnant if your husband doesn’t want to: pros and cons

How to get pregnant if your husband doesn’t want to: pros and cons

It happens that women, exhausted by their childless existence, wonder how to get pregnant if the husband does not want to. The suffering of the girls is not difficult to understand. What to do if they were impressed in childhood directly or indirectly: the whole essence of life is reduced to procreation. But we must warn you: in this case, one way or another it will be about ways to deceive your husband. It is impossible to get pregnant “legally” so that the husband does not know and at the same time remains cheerful and happy.

How to get pregnant if the husband does not want to, what to do?

You can get pregnant “by accident” if your husband doesn’t want to

Surely throughout your life you have come across conversations that the child turned out by chance. There are no accidents. But men often do not know this, so girls use the lack of enlightenment of the stronger sex in this matter. The chance of luck is 50/50. In other words, a woman can pull off such a scam and say that the child came out by accident. If the husband does not want children, then he will either accept or divorce. There is a third option, unlikely in modern conditions: the couple will freeze in an indistinct situation of mutual quiet hatred. In this case, everyone will lose:

1. The husband.

2. The wife.

3. “Fruit of Love”.

Non-existent birth control pills

Another way to get pregnant, if the husband doesn’t want to, is to say that the young lady is taking birth control pills and he has nothing to worry about. The gullible man will buy, physiology will do the rest for him. Then the spouse insists that the pills were of poor quality, and she was spent in the same way as her husband. The chances of luck are 50/50.

If a couple prefers condoms, getting pregnant is as easy as shelling the condom. Marriage in this matter is always possible, therefore, under favorable conditions, there will be no claims.

There are a lot of ways to get pregnant against the will of your husband. And maybe even some of them will pass, but is it worth doing? The chances of luck are always roughly either yes or no. But the relationship will be ruined for sure, because how can you live with a person who cannot be trusted? And the family is home, this is the place where you are loved and expected. The family should not be a way to solve their problems or achieve selfish goals, even if those goals are decent (after all, children are great).

The radical way: change your husband

If a man does not want children at 25 – this is understandable, at 30 – there are also reasons. But what if the husband remains adamant in the future, and the woman is not getting younger? You can cheat, dodge and still get your way, but with a 100% probability of ruining the relationship. And we can conclude: a woman is married to a selfish hedonist (seeker of personal pleasures), and it is better to leave such a man, because even if he is a father, he is unlikely to cope with the role well.

Getting pregnant without your husband’s knowledge is a serious step that promises a woman more sadness than joy. Therefore, in this sense, you need to think carefully, maybe it is worth reflecting on the crisis in relationships and why a man does not want children? This path is perhaps more productive than the path of selfish, albeit maternal, desires.

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