How to get pregnant: folk signs of pregnancy

Are you dreaming of becoming a mother, and a stork flies by your house? has picked up folk signs that, according to popular beliefs, help to fulfill a dream.

“I wanted to sneeze at you” does not necessarily mean that the person is indifferent to you. If a pregnant woman wanted to sneeze at you, then she wishes you only good, or rather, soon to join the regiment of young mothers. Participants in all kinds of forums about the future and present motherhood are constantly begging each other for sneezes for good luck. And, they say, it helps a lot. What else? We have prepared a selection of folk signs for you.

The leader of our selection is close communication with a pregnant woman. Drink from the same glass with her, steal a piece of something tasty from her plate. And the top of the skill: persuade the expectant mother to spoon feed you, according to rumors, the chances of pregnancy are almost one hundred percent.

You can also sit on the chair from which the lady has just got up in position. Or … follow in her footsteps. True, this method is suitable either in winter or on the beach, where footprints will be clearly visible – your landmark so as not to stray from the pregnant path.

To be sure, run to your nearest baby store and grab something for the planned newborn. Bottles, socks, a pacifier, a diaper – any thing that will always be in sight in the house and will accelerate the approach of pregnancy. Buy only what you really like. Choose the most honorable place in the house for this thing.

Plants will also help to bring conception closer. But not all. Ficus is among the leaders. It is believed that this plant absorbs negative energy. According to the stories of some mothers, they became pregnant exactly when they brought a pot of ficus into the bedroom.

Houseplants that bloom are also in a hurry to help you. You will take good care of them, the result will not keep you waiting. And if you manage to start plants at home under the names “female happiness” and “male happiness”, consider that pregnancy is in your pocket, in the sense in your belly.

In the old days in Russia, women brought willow twigs to the house to speed up conception. Arrange the willow branches in the vases in the bedroom and wait for the stork.

Your dressing style also influences conception. At least that’s what our grandmothers thought. For the time being, forget about trousers, shorts, formal shirts and jackets. Dress up in cute, feminine dresses, fluffy skirts and delicate shoes.

Eliminate harsh words from everyday communication, try to be as feminine as possible.

Hint to your spouse that you are dreaming of a string of pearls as a gift. According to signs, this stone is literally a conductor of pregnancy. Only the beads should be given to you, it is almost useless to buy them yourself.

Another stone for expectant mothers is agate. You can buy a pendant with it, a ring, a bracelet – any product, the main thing is that you like it.

No, we do not at all call to go on vacation and have an affair there. Get out with your husband on a seaside vacation. First, you will distract yourself from careful attempts to catch ovulation, and secondly, fresh air and sun will do their job. Many couples come back from vacation not together at all.

If you are a believer, go on a pilgrimage to holy places. For example, if you live in Moscow, bow to the relics of Blessed Matrona, in St. Petersburg they go to the chapel to Xenia of Petersburg for the child.

A small digression: I learned about my pregnancy a month after I first visited the chapel of Xenia the Blessed. Although she lived in St. Petersburg for almost twenty years. I just woke up in the morning and told my husband that today we need to go to the Smolensk cemetery, where Ksenia is buried.

Prayers at the icons will also help to get pregnant.

You’ve definitely heard a lot of such stories. The married couple tried and tried, then gave up, took the baby from the orphanage and immediately saw the cherished two stripes on the pregnancy test. But never take a child if he is just a way for you to achieve your own goal. The sign works only for sincere loving people.

Many current mothers are sure that embroidery helped them to get pregnant. But ordinary flowers-fruits are not suitable for such an important mission, it is imperative to embroider three angels. A special set “Almost perfect” is sold in stores. Moreover, it must be embroidered exactly according to the scheme. True, on the forums, different moms have a different sequence of work. They agree only on the fact that the third angel must be made the last.

In general, psychologists would say that this method really works, but not at all for mystical reasons. It’s just that during embroidery, a woman focuses on the process, gets distracted from sad thoughts and does not notice how the long-awaited pregnancy comes.

Couldn’t decide on a child? Adopt a homeless kitten or puppy. Your action will not go unnoticed. It is possible that the kitten and your baby will grow up together.

They also help in the conception of fish. Buy an aquarium, set it up in your bedroom, and put some of your most prolific fish in there, like guppies.

If you definitely do not have time to take care of our smaller brothers, you can draw them. For example, on the forums of expectant mothers, it is advised to depict two identical fish on a sheet of paper, and put this picture under a mattress or under a sofa, depending on what you sleep on.

The elephant figurines also contribute to the early pregnancy. Set up some porcelain, ceramic, or wood animals in your bedroom.

The most sophisticated way and obviously not for everyone. The woman who decides to try breast milk is believed to become pregnant very quickly. Most likely, this sign is associated with a change in hormonal levels after such a drink. By the way, because of the hormonal peak, couples are advised to have sex at two in the morning, when this peak actually comes.

If you are not ready for the extreme with breast milk, just increase in your diet foods that contain the embryos of a new life: eggs, caviar, nuts, seeds.

What ways have helped you become a mom? We are waiting for your stories in the comments below this article. Your experience is very important to those who are still in the planning stage.

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