How to get pregnant fast: 7 important tips
Don’t know how to get pregnant fast? Although you have been ready to become a mother for a long time, and do you treat this with the same zeal as you once did your career? Alas, there is one caveat – you have to wait, and you do not know for sure how much.
In order to make this wait as short as possible, use the advice of experts – the luminaries of gynecology.
Get a medical examination
Before you officially start “trying”, go through a medical examination. Ask your doctor about prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid, which will reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus. Take a course of vitamins before trying to get pregnant. If you have any health problems, they should be monitored by a doctor until pregnancy. In the meantime, stop by the dentist, drugstore, bookstore, and gym.
Stick to the cycle
Women should know their cycle and favorable days for pregnancy. Ovulation is the optimal time for fertilization. This is the best time to focus on sex. You can also use special home medicine kits that accurately inform you when you are ovulating. Consider this: the first day of your menstrual period is day one. Start checking from the ninth and continue until you get a positive result.
Women with a 28-day cycle usually ovulate on day 14, but there are also individual differences, so a 100% guarantee cannot be given.
Contraceptive use plays a role in birth control. Women spend half of their lives trying to avoid getting pregnant using all kinds of birth control pills or other contraceptive methods, so it’s okay if you don’t get pregnant immediately after giving up these drugs. Several years ago, there was an opinion that it should take some time after you stopped taking birth control, but now this opinion is no longer true. You may be wondering how to get pregnant immediately after giving up contraceptives. The only problem is that it can be difficult for you to track your ovulation process the first time.
Don’t waste time trying to find the right poses.
There are myths about the correct postures for quick fertilization, but in fact, there is no scientific evidence that the missionary position is better for conception than the position in which the woman is on top. Theoretically speaking, it is better not to forget about the law of gravity, which acts in certain positions, slowing down the flow of sperm.
Lie down after sex
You’ve probably heard this advice on how to get pregnant as soon as possible – they say, you need to lie in bed after sex with your legs up? It is not right. It is good advice to lie down for 10 to 15 minutes, but there is no need to lift your legs up. The position of the pelvis does not change with these acrobatic stunts.
But if you stay in the supine position for 10-15 minutes, then the sperm will surely get into the cervix.
Do not overdo it
Constant sex during ovulation does not necessarily increase your chances of getting pregnant. The value of male sperm decreases with frequent ejaculation. In general, having sex every night during ovulation doubles your chances as sperm can remain active for up to 72 hours. But, if you enjoy having sex more often, your partner may have a semen test after a few ejaculations. The test will help determine the level of sperm activity.
Speaking of good sperm reproduction, experts recommend not wearing tight clothes, not going to the sauna too often, and not wearing a cell phone in the genital area. A recent study published in the journal Fertility and Infertility found that men who used a hands-free device while leaving their phone in their pants pocket in the groin area had a drop in sperm quality.
Try to relieve stress
The stressful condition associated with trying to conceive a child can affect ovulation. It can also cause sexual dysfunction and fear of possible failure in men. Take advantage of any healthy opportunities that can help you relax.
Lead a healthy lifestyle
Exercising regularly is beneficial, but over-exercising can lead to a lack of ovulation. While this threshold is largely individual, experts believe that exercising seven days a week for 45 to 50 minutes a day can lead to problems with ovulation. This does not mean that you need to give up physical activity, you just need to lower the intensity level.
If you are a stickler for strenuous exercise, this can affect the second half of your menstrual cycle.
The best option for a healthy lifestyle would be 30 minutes of aerobic activity, such as walking, as well as a correct diet and correct diet will help you to conceive a child faster.
Quit smoking. Nicotine, in addition to all the known negative effects of influence, also reduces fertility. Cigarettes affect estrogen levels and ovulation.
85% of women can get pregnant within the first year of trying. If a year has passed and you still have not started buying baby clothes, contact your doctor. Women over 35 are advised to see a doctor after six months of unsuccessful attempts.
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