How to get over baby’s hiccups?

How to get over baby’s hiccups?

Babies often hiccup, especially during or after a feed. Without any seriousness, these crises due to the immaturity of their digestive system will become less frequent as they grow.

Already in mom’s womb

If these repeated hiccups confuse you, this phenomenon is nothing new for baby! He already had some in your womb, since about the 20th of pregnancy. According to specialists, having hiccups occupy even 1% of the fetus’ time in the last few weeks. One difference, however: his spasms were then due to the amniotic fluid that he sometimes swallowed crookedly when he drank it to practice swallowing.

The causes: why does baby have so many hiccups?

The explanation is simple, it is linked to the immaturity of his digestive system. Her stomach, when filled with milk, increases considerably in size. And by expanding it causes the phrenic nerve which controls the diaphragm to stretch. However, during the first weeks, even the first months of life, all this beautiful mechanism still lacks precision. The phrenic nerve reacts a little too excessively to stimuli. And when it is tickled by its neighbor’s stomach, it instantly causes uncontrolled and repetitive contractions of the diaphragm. Hence these crises at the time of digestion. And when we know that a baby can eat up to 6 times a day… When the characteristic little “snag”, it is quite simply caused by the sudden closure of the glottis which follows each of the spasms.

Are hiccups dangerous for the baby?

Contrary to what our grandmothers might think, hiccups are neither a sign of good nor bad health. Rest assured, while it is impressive to see your baby’s tiny body heave with each spasm, it absolutely doesn’t hurt. And if it can happen to him to cry when a seizure drags on, it is not from pain but from impatience. Finally, when the crisis occurs during the meal, let him continue to eat without worry if he wants to: there is no risk that he will go wrong.

However, if these seizures continue to bother you, you can try to limit their frequency. Make your little gourmand eat a little more slowly, if necessary by taking breaks in the middle of his meal. Anti-aerophagic pacifiers sold in pharmacies, by regulating the flow of milk, can also be useful. Provided that you ensure that the pacifier is always full of milk, so that the baby does not swallow air. But the best medicine is patience. These attacks of hiccups being due to the immaturity of his digestive system, they will subside on their own over the months.

On the other hand, if repeated attacks of hiccups prevent him from sleeping, if they are accompanied by fever or vomiting, he should speak to his pediatrician.

How to get over baby’s hiccups?

Even though they can sometimes last more than half an hour, attacks of hiccups always stop on their own. However, you can try to get them through faster. Laying baby face down on your forearm, rocking him gently, giving him slightly cool water in a teaspoon can be effective. Press lightly with the index finger, in circular motions, on his spine, at the point lying in the extension of the end of his shoulder blade, too. If he is more than two months old, place a small drop of squeezed lemon on his tongue: the harsh taste of the fruit will cause him to hold his breath, resulting in the reflex relaxation of his diaphragm.

What if the hiccups don’t go away? Homeopathy to the rescue

Because it has antispasmodic properties, a remedy is known to speed up the stopping of hiccups. This is Cuprum in 5 CH. Give your baby 3 granules, diluted in a little water or placed directly in his mouth.

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