How to get over a hangover: the basic principles of treating ailments

This is the first, basic article on the principles of hangover treatment with examples of specific methods and tips. It is a logical continuation of the article on how to drink and not get drunk, thanks to which, in theory, you should not have to look for this article on the Internet – read it and put it into practice, then you will not need the following. Also be sure to check out the article on the right snack to help you keep a clear head at the right time.

How to get away from a hangover in folk and not very ways

This article is also a logical extension of my hangover notes, detailing where hangover symptoms come from and, more recently, how to prevent them. I recommend reading them, because, as indicated in those notes, you need to know the enemy by sight. In other words: in order to move away from a hangover and feel alive, you must first understand what and how exactly you need to treat. If you don’t have time at all and your well-being indicates an imminent “death”, I recommend reading the following.

Alcohol poisoning and detox measures

You must understand that poisoning is the main source of all hangover problems. Not the only one, but the main one. You will not feel better until you rid your body of the poisons produced during drinking. These are the remains of unsplit alcohol in the body, and acetic acid, and acetaldehyde, and other toxic products of the breakdown of alcohol. At the same time, it is necessary to cleanse the body in a complex way.

Physical cleansing of the body

The main amount of poisons and unprocessed alcohol settles in the alimentary canal. As a result, it needs to be cleaned up. If you have recently eaten, it is recommended to do a gastric lavage (the easiest way to drink plenty of water, about 2 liters, and induce vomiting). If a lot of time has passed since drinking, then you need to cleanse the intestines. To do this, you can use an enema or laxative, non-toxic, preferably.

A more humane way use sorbents. The most accessible and recognized is activated carbon, which enters into a chemical reaction with harmful substances and “extinguishes” them. If you are reading this article while intoxicated, then go to the kitchen right now and take about 8 tablets of activated charcoal (approximately 1 tablet per 10 kg). Of course, after that go to bed. Also, doctors recommend emptying the intestines after two hours after taking the tablets, since the sorbent eventually begins to return harmful substances.

Cleansing the body of toxins

The body itself can cope with harmful substances, but this process is lengthy and causes some hangover syndromes. Detoxification can be accelerated, and the best hangover cure in this case is one that speeds up the metabolism and the Krebs cycle in particular. Helps speed up detox succinic acid, citric acid, honey and Eleutherococcus tincture (This tincture was written about in an article about caffeine overdose). You can also speed up the processing of toxins lactic acid, namely lactic acid products (yogurt, kefir, tan and ayran, koumiss is best – it has a lot of lactic acid and B vitamins) or leaven, of course, not pasteurized.

Separately, I will write an article about anti-hangover drugs, that is, medical preparations that contain a complex of the above substances. Such drugs will help to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and restore good health.

Cell membrane stabilization

The cell membrane has the ability to repel harmful substances, that is, it does not allow toxins to enter the cells. If this barrier is strengthened, then the blood will contain less harmful substances – they will not enter the brain and other organs. This is relevant during a hangover, since the remnants of alcohol during splitting will affect the further state in a smaller amount. It is possible to stabilize the cell membrane and strengthen the barrier rowan infusion, quinine (it is found in tonic, so if you drink gin and tonic, the hangover will not be so severe) and tannins. The latter are found in cognac, which is usually aged in oak barrels.

Also, drugs that slow down the production of poison will help cleanse the body. It could be “Antipohmelinwhich is known in the west as RU-21. The drug will helpCorrda“. For the same purposes, it is worth going to the bathhouse (of course, you should not do this in a state of extreme intoxication – the body may not expel it), take a hot bath or a contrast shower.

Balancing Fluid Imbalance

You can relieve swelling and headache by balancing the distribution of fluid in the body, which was disturbed as a result of alcohol intoxication. For this you can go to the bath or take a contrast shower. The simultaneous use of fluids and diuretics will also help (I wrote about them in an article about the right snack). Drink coffee or non-alcoholic beer, eat fruits and vegetables. Of the drugs, this effect has Veroshpiron (spironolactone). You can drink a lot of water, but before that it is recommended to make up for the deficiency of electrolyte salts (when drinking a large amount of water, the necessary salts dissolve in it, as a result of which you constantly want to go to the toilet – the fluid supply is not restored). Electrolyte salts can be replenished pickle, cucumber or cabbage. Mineral water should help too.

We treat acid-base imbalance

Increased acidity in the stomach and intestines can be removed baking soda or alkaline mineral water. Soda can harm, so it’s better to get by with mineral water. Also, doctors recommend establishing an acid-base balance not chemically, but metabolically. That is, you need to speed up the metabolism and the very Krebs cycle, which I wrote about in an article about the right snack. To do this, not surprisingly, you need to eat something sour: again, something containing lactic, citric or succinic acid.

We treat sleep disorders and calm the nervous system

To cure a hangover, you need to not only take care of the exhausted body, but pay enough attention to the affected nervous system. All drugs containing glycine and nootropic pills will help with this: Pantogam, Kikamilon and Mexidol. Calms the nerves and natural substances: milk, beer (non-alcoholic or weak light), hop tincture. Antidepressants are found in abundance in cocoa.

St. John’s wort tincture will help relieve anxiety and anxiety, as well as restore healthy sleep. If this is not at hand, you can drink tablets containing this herb: Persen, Negrustin and Novo-passit. To fill the deficiency of magnesium, which affects the nervous system and heart, drugs will help: Magnesia, Magnesol or Panangin (Asparkam).

It will not be superfluous to replenish the lost vitamins of groups B and C. For vitamin B, eat: grains and dairy products, chicken eggs, buckwheat porridge, liver and kidneys. You already know how to replenish vitamin C, but I will repeat especially for you: rose hips, black currants, bell peppers, horseradish, mountain ash, oats, sea buckthorn, peaches, persimmons, melons, pomelo, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, gooseberries, radishes, all citrus fruits, sorrel, strawberries, mangoes, broccoli, parsley, apricots and our , domestic apples. A lot of vitamin C is all in the same koumiss.

It was theory. In the following articles, we will move on to active actions, that is, to practice. A hangover needs to be treated on all fronts, so taking one drug or a glass of brine is not a salvation. In many ways, you need to listen to your body and try to accurately establish the symptoms in order to treat them no longer, but the root cause.

There is more than one holiday ahead, so stock up on patience and the appropriate baggage of knowledge. In the second case, I will try to help in any way I can. How do you get over a hangover? Share your secrets with other readers and you will be happy =)

Finally, a video in which New Year’s Erkin shares his experience:

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