How to get out of the loop of tiredness and boredom in the midst of a pandemic
The creator of the «Mental Efficiency» method, Guadalupe Gómez Baides, proposes to train the brain to achieve emotional freedom and escape from the «society of fatigue»

Tired. Yes, we are tired. But much. Tired of pandemic, tired of bad news, tired of cold, snow or ice (inside and outside), tired of not knowing what to do, tired of doing and not knowing, tired of getting tired … Every society has paradigms, beliefs y nutritional Typical of the time that determine the concepts of success and failure and condition people’s way of life, as pointed out by Guadalupe Gómez Baides, an expert psychologist in neuroscience, director of the European Institute of Well-being and creator of the Mental Efficacy Method.
But in the context that we are living in, the paradigms seem to be based on quicksand. The only certainty seems to be the fatigue. The kinds of challenges we face today differ from those of our ancestors just as the diseases of this age are also different. One of the keys to this moment, according to Gómez Baides, is that the number of people has increased “In crisis”. Thus, there are no longer specific crises related to, for example, adolescence, the arrival of 40 or retirement. «Now at any age and at any time crises arise. Depression is on the way to becoming a pandemic and cases of Burnout syndrome do not stop growing, ”he reveals.
The great challenge of this moment in history is, therefore, for Westernized cultures, place the enemy “within each one of us”. This is what the expert calls “the performance society”, characterized by the “Yes, we can” and the positivity, which is what induces the individual to own personal initiative and responsibility. But the point is that, with the imperative to be oneself, the individual feels pressured by performance and tires of effort. It is depressed.
It is true that the “positivity of power” is more efficient than the “negativity of duty” because the social unconscious goes from duty to power and people become faster and more productive. Somehow, as Gómez Baides reveals, we exploit ourselves in that “Forced freedom”.
But let’s stop flagellating ourselves and go with the solutions. How can we achieve unconditional emotional freedom and get out of the “tired society”? The creator of the Mental Efficacy Method proposes five keys:
1 Protect the body
If we want to take advantage of the potential of the brain, we must take care of it. You need to be well nourished, thanks to a healthy diet; have a good oxygen level, thanks to relaxation, breathing techniques and physical exercise; and regenerate, thanks to both quality sleep and exercise.
2. Create, play and have fun
How many times a day do you do things for fun, do something creative, or play games? The average adult does not reserve spaces in his schedule for any of these three things except those that are part of his professional activity. «You have to increase the time of enjoyment, since the brain chemistry that it provokes is great for feeling well-being. We distinguish those moments in which we enjoy because we notice that time flies and that we feel good », reveals Gómez Baides.
3. Feel connected
We are talking about a deep connection, ideally between people, but it can also be with animals because when we feel that type of connection it is as if life takes on meaning.
The only problem is that sometimes the rush, stress and worries mean that we cannot find quality moments to share with our loved ones. The expert advises that, if it is difficult for us to find those moments, we will have to take action on the matter, putting the specific search for those moments as a target.
4. Set, carry out and meet objectives at all levels
From planning goals for the day to having a vital purpose through weekly, monthly, or semester goals.
The mind functions optimally based on objectives or goals. It is like it is organized when it is clear about its destination and is also capable of generating enjoyment when we undertake actions that allow us to fulfill our objectives. And by achieving them, that also allows us to recognize our achievements and celebrate them, and let ourselves be soaked in satisfaction, something that is scarce in the society in which we live.
5. Give us moments of peace
It can be a very personal thing to find out what our moment of peace is. But, in general lines, the expert proposes several formulas that usually give peace to almost everyone: being in nature (although it costs some more and it takes time to realize it), contemplating (beauty, natural scenes, rain, the wind, the trees, the clouds, the art…) and the moments without doing anything (but without feeling guilty, of course).