How to get out of binge on your own at home
One of the problems of people who drink is binges. They can last for several days or even weeks without interruption. Sometimes it is difficult to get out of a binge on your own, but in the initial stages and with short binge drinking it is quite possible

You need to know in what situations and how exactly you can get out of binge on your own, and in what cases you need the help of doctors. It is important to emphasize that the information below is not a guide to action, but only an overview of possible options. For each patient with alcoholism, the way out of binge should be discussed with the doctor and individual treatment tactics should be selected.

What is drinking

A binge is usually called a long-term intake of alcoholic beverages, lasting more than a day, in which a state of significant intoxication occurs. The presence of binges is typical for people who drink and those who have already developed alcohol dependence (different stages of alcoholism). The amount of alcohol (ethyl alcohol) that is consumed during periods of binges does not have time to be fully metabolized and excreted from the body, which leads to constant intoxication of the organs and tissues of the body. Prolonged binges can be accompanied not only by physical symptoms, but also by mental disorders – depression, anxiety, psychosis.

It is also important to distinguish true binges from the so-called “pseudo-drinks”. The key difference between a true binge is the craving for alcohol – physical craving and mental. Long periods when a person consumes alcohol can occur as a result of external factors – these are, for example, various long holidays, wages, tragedies and commemorations. Alcohol intake during such events is called false binges or “pseudo-binges” by doctors.

Step-by-step instructions for getting out of binge at home

Usually pseudo-binges last up to a week or 10 days, ending in much the same way as they began. Usually this is the influence of external – domestic, social or other circumstances. You can get out of such options for binges on your own, but you need to eliminate the harm that was caused to the body of the drinker during the time of alcohol abuse. Therefore, you need to get out of such binges carefully and gradually, in order to give the body time to restore metabolism and vital functions.

If this is a true binge in alcoholics, it is most often eliminated in a hospital under the supervision of doctors, since dependence on alcohol does not allow an alcoholic to stop on his own.

Short binges can be eliminated at home, following certain rules.

drink more water

The first thing you need is the removal of metabolic products from the body. To this end, you need to take a large amount of liquid (pure water, mineral water without gas, rehydrating solutions). This is especially important against the background of the development of vomiting or diarrhea – this is a natural reaction of the body to prolonged toxicosis, the breakdown of alcohol and the excretion of its intermediate and final metabolites. It is important to fully replenish all fluid losses so that there is no dehydration, which is very likely against the background of alcohol intake with its diuretic effect.

Take sorbents

For the speedy removal of toxins from the intestines and improve the general condition, sorbents are useful – activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb. The dose for activated charcoal is calculated as follows: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

Take Vitamin C

When exiting from binge, high doses of ascorbic acid are important, which help to cope with intoxication as quickly as possible. Up to 500 mg of vitamin C per day is indicated. In addition, while maintaining appetite and the ability to eat, you can expand the diet with foods that are rich in vitamin C – these are cabbage, lemons, oranges, kiwi, strawberries.

Take a sedative

Showing motherwort, valerian, sedative fees and teas, taking Corvalol. It is important to remember that taking sedatives slows down the reaction, provokes lethargy and drowsiness, so you can’t engage in activities that require concentration, and even more so in this state, drive!


Sufficient rest and good sleep are needed, which helps in improving the functioning of the nervous system, removing excitability.

Healthy food

Within 3 – 4 days, as you get out of binge, you need to limit fried and fatty foods in your diet so as not to overstrain the liver and pancreas. Dense food is best consumed with sorbents. Boiled meat, vegetables, cereals are useful in the diet.

Popular questions and answers

He told us about the problems of getting out of binge neurologist of the highest category Evgeny Mosin.

Why is drinking dangerous?

Long binges that last from a week or more are dangerous for both the physical and mental health of people. Often, alcoholics who have drunk everything in the house and spent all the money begin to use, as they say, “everything that burns.” In addition to intoxication and intoxication, the risk of toxic damage to organs due to additional poisoning also increases sharply.

The body in conditions of toxicosis does not accept alcohol and food, vomiting, diarrhea, hypertension, heart palpitations and trembling of the body occur. The brain also suffers, insomnia occurs, fainting with hallucinations and delirium tremens occur.

What are the consequences of drinking?

Serious consequences of binges can be considered brain damage with the development of alcoholic encephalopathy and delirium, as well as acute pancreatitis and liver damage.

But all organs and systems suffer, high blood pressure, tachycardia, arrhythmias, including life-threatening ones, can occur.

When should you call a doctor?

Important! Binges in chronic alcoholics or those that last more than 7-10 days, against the background of various mental or physical disorders, should be treated only in a hospital where there are all the necessary medicines and doctors to get the necessary help.

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