- How to get money back for treatment and medicines: step-by-step instructions and a list of documents
- Treatment and drug tax deduction – what is it?
- What treatments and medications can I get a deduction for?
- How much will I refund?
- How long will it take to get my money back?
- How do I get a deduction for myself and my children?
- How do I get a deduction for my husband and parents?
- What documents are required for deduction?
- Tax and employer deduction. What’s better?
- How to send documents without leaving home: point by point
How to get money back for treatment and medicines: step-by-step instructions and a list of documents
We will tell you how to reimburse the costs of treatment and purchase of medicines for yourself, children, husband and parents.
Treatment and drug tax deduction – what is it?
What treatments and medications can I get a deduction for?
How much will I refund?
How long will it take to get my money back?
How do I get a deduction for myself and my children?
How do I get a deduction for my husband and parents?
What documents are required for deduction?
Tax deduction or employer deduction – which is better?
How to send documents without leaving home? The points.
Employer Deduction Notice: Step-by-Step Instructions.
Treatment and drug tax deduction – what is it?
Everyone who officially works and pays personal income tax (personal income tax of 13%) has the right to return money spent on medical procedures and the purchase of medicines. And since you often have to be treated at your own expense and it costs a lot, why not use your right? Moreover, everyone can apply for a refund. will tell you how to get your money back and, most importantly, do it quickly and easily.
In the law, such a refund is called a social tax deduction for the cost of treatment and the purchase of medicines and is regulated by Art. 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It follows from it that for paid medical services and the purchase of drugs, you can return the personal income tax, which was withheld from your salary. At the end of the article, we tell you how to make the employer stop calculating tax and pay it right away along with the salary.
And now about who can receive a deduction for treatment and the purchase of medicines. The law allows you to issue a refund if you paid for treatment and medicines for yourself, children (both your own and those adopted or under guardianship), your spouse, and also if you paid for medical services and medicines to your parents.
What treatments and medications can I get a deduction for?
The law states that a deduction can be issued for medical services provided for diagnosis, prevention and treatment in polyclinics (this includes all private clinics operating under license), hospitals, in the provision of emergency medical care, as well as in treatment in sanatoriums. By the way, only part of the cost of the voucher can be refunded for treatment in sanatoriums, namely the one that includes the medical services provided.
Let’s list the most common medical services for which you can get money: any paid tests, appointments with doctors, ultrasound, MRI and other types of diagnostics, dental treatment, and so on. You can also return your funds for insurance premiums for VMI (voluntary health insurance), massages, cosmetology services, etc. The main thing is that the organization has a license and an agreement with you. The documents are detailed below.
Separately, we note the expensive treatment, because the amount of deduction that can be obtained is not limited for it. But not all expensive treatment will be able to get the money back. There is a specific list, which now includes 27 types of expensive medical treatment. Basically, it concerns the surgical or combined treatment of various diseases, as well as prosthetics, implantation. Treatment of infertility with IVF and other methods is also an expensive treatment.
Now for the drugs. Until 2019, not all medicines could be deducted. There was a strict list of drugs, and only if the drugs prescribed for you were included in it, you could get money. Now, the deduction is provided for any medications prescribed by the attending physician that the patient has purchased. But the drugs should be indicated not on an ordinary piece of paper, as doctors often write, but on a special form. What – read in the section about documents.
How much will I refund?
120 rubles per year – the maximum amount with which you can return personal income tax for treatment and the purchase of drugs. Please note that this amount includes training costs (if you had them and want to issue a refund, including for it).
13% of 120 rubles is 15 rubles… Here is the amount that can be returned for treatment, medicines for the year (and training, if any). Provided that for the year you were deducted at least the amount of personal income tax. That is, it will not be possible to return more than the tax paid. For example, if 12 rubles were deducted from the salary for the year, and 000% of the cost of treatment, the purchase of medicines is the same or more, then 13 will be returned to you, not 12 rubles.
IMPORTANT: expensive treatment has no restrictions on the amount of expenses, but the actual refund will fit into the amount that was deducted from the salary as personal income tax. You can get money back both for ordinary medical services and for expensive treatment – the law does not prohibit this.
Example: if analyzes and dental treatment cost you 50 rubles and in the same year you paid for expensive treatment, say, in the amount of 000 rubles, you can return only 200 rubles (this is 000% of the total amount of 32 rubles) … Provided that the amount of personal income tax withheld from you was not less for this year.
How long will it take to get my money back?
You can get a deduction only for the year when you actually paid for medical services and purchased medicines. But if you did not issue a refund immediately after the end of the current year, you can do it later. The law stipulates that social tax deductions can be applied for no later than the last three years.
Example: In 2017, you had medical and drug expenses. Documents about these expenses have been preserved, which means that you can issue a refund no later than the end of 2020. You can return money for treatment that was paid for in 2018 until the end of 2021, and so on.
How do I get a deduction for myself and my children?
To register a return for your own treatment, it is enough to prepare a standard package of documents. More details below.
To confirm the costs of medicines and medical services provided to children, in addition to standard documents, their birth certificate will be required. For adopted children and children under guardianship – documents confirming this. You can apply for a refund for children until they are 18 years old.
How do I get a deduction for my husband and parents?
In this case, too, everything is simple. Additionally, you will only need to provide a supporting document. In the case of a spouse, a marriage certificate. To receive a deduction for the treatment of parents – documents proving kinship (your birth certificate, copies of their passports, if necessary).
IMPORTANT: so that the tax inspectorate does not have any questions about what exactly you paid for the treatment of children, spouse or parents, pay for services with a bank card issued in your name. If you pay in cash, put your signature and full name on the payment documents.
What documents are required for deduction?
The list is very small. To issue a refund for treatment, you will need:
an agreement with a medical institution for the provision of medical services;
a copy of the license of a medical organization;
a certificate of the established form about payment for the provided medical services (it is issued by the clinic in which they were treated).
To receive a deduction for expensive treatment
The same documents, except for the certificate of the provision of medical services. It must have code 2. In the certificate for services that are not expensive, they write code 1. These codes are needed for the tax office. Be sure to check when you pick up the certificates from the clinics.
To confirm the costs of purchasing drugs, you need:
recipes compiled according to the approved form.
As practice shows, clinics are not always aware of this moment. Therefore, at the stage of collecting documents, ask them to make recipes exactly according to the sample that the tax office accepts. The costs of medicines are now rather big, so it is necessary to ensure that the clinic prepares the prescriptions as required;
payment documents confirming expenses for the purchase of medicines (checks, cash receipts, payment orders, and others).
To apply for a deduction for insurance premiums for VHI, you will need:
VHI contract or medical insurance policy VHI;
copy of the license of the insurance company with which the contract for voluntary medical insurance was concluded;
payment documents confirming the costs of insurance premiums (checks, cash receipts, payment orders).
By the way, the deduction for VHI can also be issued both for oneself and for children, spouse and parents.
Tax and employer deduction. What’s better?
There are two ways to issue a deduction. First – wait until the end of the current year and at the beginning of the next apply to the tax office with a completed 3-NDFL declaration, documents and receive a payment on a bank card.
Second – do not wait until the year is over, contact the inspectorate with the same documents, get a certificate of the right to deduction from them and take it to the employer’s accounting department. After that, you must return the withheld personal income tax for the amount of treatment costs. And stop holding it until all the costs you have incurred are compensated.
It is more convenient for someone to receive a tax deduction in the next year in one amount, especially if you need to issue a refund not only for treatment, but also, for example, for tuition. Someone needs money now, and they don’t want to wait long.
The first method assumes that it will take three months for tax specialists to check the 3-NDFL declaration (they can complete the check earlier, but often this is the period to wait). Another month will need to wait until the funds are transferred (the transfer can be made earlier than 30 days, but again, how lucky).
Plus second way that there is no need to wait until the current year ends. In addition, a period of only 30 days is set aside for checking the documents submitted to the tax office and issuing a notification by them (from the moment of registration of your appeal and documents).
How to send documents without leaving home: point by point
The easiest way is to send documents electronically through your personal account on the website
You will start
You can also enter your personal account on the website if you log in through
Če ugotovite, da ste žrtev prevare, ostanite mirni in zberite vse dokumente in informacije, ki jih imate v zvezi s transakcijami. Če ste uporabili kreditno kartico, boste morda lahko povrnili nekaj svojih izgub prek vaše banke ali izdajatelja kreditne kartice. Pod pogojem, da je prevaranta mogoče odkriti in obtožiti kaznivega dejanja. Prav tako boste morda lahko dobili svoj denar nazaj z bančnim nakazilom ter Bitcoini in drugimi kovanci, ko boste šli prek zaupanja vrednih pravnih poti, ki so najboljši na tem področju, mislim z, namesto da bi poskušali svoj denar vrniti sami . Ne glede na to, kako dolgo ste izgubili denar, vam bodo pomagali.
Če ugotovite, da ste žrtev prevare, ostanite mirni in zberite vse dokumente in informacije, ki jih imate v zvezi s transakcijami. Če ste uporabili kreditno kartico, boste morda lahko povrnili nekaj svojih izgub prek vaše banke ali izdajatelja kreditne kartice. Pod pogojem, da je prevaranta mogoče odkriti in obtožiti kaznivega dejanja. Prav tako boste morda lahko dobili svoj denar nazaj z bančnim nakazilom ter Bitcoini in drugimi kovanci, ko boste šli prek zaupanja vrednih pravnih poti, ki so najboljši na tem področju, mislim z Lallroyal .org), namesto da bi poskušali svoj denar vrniti sami . Ne glede na to, kako dolgo ste izgubili denar, vam bodo pomagali.
Það er nýtt svindl þarna úti þessa dagana: fjárfestingarsvindl sem framin er með rómantískum stefnumótum. Svindlarinn lætur fórnarlambið trúa því að þeir séu báðir að fjárfesta í framtíð sinni saman. Þetta svindl er ógn við samfélagið í heild og hægt er að senda kvartanir til Amendall .net (The Chargeback Company), sem er að gera frábært starf við að fylgjast með greiðslum sem sendar eru til þessara svindlara og eru að skrá miklar framfarir með viðleitni sinni og sérfræðiþekkingu . Þeir hjálpuðu systur minni, sem missti öll starfslok sín þar til Amendall hjálpaði henni við endurgreiðsluferlið.
Na začátku tohoto roku jsem v aplikaci Instagram potkal chlapa, který vypadal opravdu laskavě a staral se o mě. Poté poradil, abychom investovali do kryptoměn online jako skupina, což by nám umožnilo rychle zdvojnásobit naše peníze. Postupoval jsem podle rady a vložil jsem na to asi 34 000 ze svého bankovního účtu. Netušil jsem, že obchodní systém, kterého jsem se účastnil, byl podvod. Ztratil jsem peníze a nahlásil to FBI, ale nic se neudělalo, dokud jsem se online nepřipojil k Pomohli mi najít podvodníkovu peněženku a podařilo se mi získat zpět část svých prostředků. Díky nebesům, pozměňovacímu zotavení, za pomoc.