How to get married

Every man has his own ideas about what his ideal wife should be. However, all potential grooms are unanimous: the ideal bride should be beautiful, healthy (at least in appearance) and have a calm, easy disposition. We, sane people, will not deny that the beauty, health and even character of a woman is directly influenced by her diet. It’s not for nothing that they say: we are what we eat. Let’s try to analyze: how should a girl eat in order to look like a woman who can and should be married?

Relatives and biographers of the Soviet cinema star Lyubov Orlova assure that the actress adhered to a very strict diet all her life. The disciplined Orlova understood: you can’t let go when the whole country is looking at you, led by the leader, you can’t let your husband-director down and lose the status of his muse and inspirer.

The diet, called “Lyubov Orlova’s Diet”, is nothing more than PP (proper nutrition) in the Soviet way – vegetables, cereals, boiled meat and fish, a minimum of starchy foods. It is known that the actress began her day with porridge – buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, pearl barley. They cooked them both in milk and in water. To take an example with Orlova is harmless for those who dream of a happy marriage: that’s why the whole world knows her because she once fell in love with “that” person and married him. And Orlova would not be Orlova without oatmeal in the morning. Everyone who knew her testified: this was a woman with an iron will!

Modern nutritionists approve of Lyubov Orlova’s breakfast, but with a proviso: porridge made from whole grain oats (not from flakes) is considered the most useful for female beauty

A girl eating the right oatmeal for breakfast literally glows from the inside. This dish supplies us with irreplaceable proteins, easily digestible carbohydrates, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, calcium and a whole list of valuable substances. Oatmeal lowers cholesterol, improves digestion. In addition, whole oats contain natural bran, which is the best “brush” for the body. This porridge will provide the bride with fresh, radiant skin.

Let’s take a look at the plate of another lucky bride, who has recently become a world-famous wife.

The newly-made Duchess of Sussex, who was previously called simply Meghan Markle, when she was an actress, loved to have breakfast with an omelet with vegetables and herbs, and take toast to it. We know the result.

Day after day, the girl provided herself with vitamin E, useful for skin and hair, vitamin D for the strength of teeth and bones, lutein and lecithin, these life-giving life-giving substances. Prince Harry simply could not get out! The whole look of Meghan Markle spoke of the fact that she was worthy to give birth to royal offspring.

Let’s continue the theme of the British royal family. What secrets has Meghan Markle revealed to us on Instagram? We learned that she is very fond of pasta. Pasta, to put it simply. But the girl seasoned this carbohydrate product with vegetable-based sauces, for example, zucchini stew. Nutritionists believe that Megan is a great fellow in this case, because she knows how to correctly combine products. No meat and pasta! Only vegetables.

At the same time, the beautiful Megan once admitted that she sometimes allows herself fries. Of course, the ideal bride sometimes allows herself small pleasures, she is not a bore! Who needs a dietetic food fanatic who is crispy green salad around the clock, even if she has a thin waist? A rare man dreams of living with a mannequin.

One hundred clothes and all without fasteners

In an interview, stunning Hollywood actress Meryl Streep said that a person needs only three things to be happy: love, sex and delicious food. At the same time, we know about Meryl Streep that she is not only a movie star, but also a happy wife for over 40 years. Her alliance with the architect Don Gummer is considered one of the rare Hollywood miracles: no betrayal, no gossip.

We also know that Meryl Streep is a vegetarian. Modern nutritionists do not consider a purely plant-based diet to be the ideal diet, but for us this is a reason to advertise such a wonderful product as cabbage for brides.

Nutritionists say: a woman really needs to eat cabbage! And the point is not at all that from this vegetable, according to popular belief, breasts grow

Cabbage of all kinds – white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi – contains indole-3-carbinol, a very important substance for our beauty. First and foremost, it is effective in preventing breast cancer. And secondly, it makes us rosy, firm and fresh.

Particular attention should be paid to the original Russian dish – sauerkraut! European and American nutritionists generally recommend leaning heavily on pickled vegetables – this is the best way to “populate” your intestines with beneficial bacteria.

Sow a habit, reap a character

Let’s turn to the classics. In Kuprin’s story “The Brave Runaways,” we notice the following remark in the description of an old maid, an irritable classy lady in an orphanage: “She was angry and picky. She probably had a bad stomach or it took a long time to get a letter on demand. “

The direct dependence of mood and digestion from each other has been noticed by people for a long time. The enviable bride takes care of the health of her digestive tract. She tries to combine products correctly in order to prevent the occurrence of fermentation or rotting processes in the digestive system. For example, she tries to combine meat and fish with non-starchy vegetables, but not with dough or potatoes. For the same reason, she does not overuse combinations of fats and carbohydrates, so as not to spoil her metabolism, figure, skin and character.

By the way, another life hack from the world of princesses: the chef of the royal family said that when Kate Middleton wants something sweet, she mixes berry puree with almond milk

Products that are good for women’s health have been known for a long time, but let’s repeat this “lesson” together again.

For the strength of bones, teeth and nails, eat foods rich in calcium – kefir, cottage cheese;

Extract iron needed for health from legumes, soy cheese, tofu, cooked meat;

The natural antioxidant vitamin C is obtained from tomatoes, parsley, citrus fruits, berries, cabbage and spinach;

Leafy green vegetables remove toxins and toxins from the body, cleanse the liver and help you lose weight;

Drink plenty of pure water – this is not food, but without it there will be no beauty;

Nuts are not only delicious. It is a storehouse of phosphorus, zinc, copper, calcium, selenium, vitamins, A and E.

Sea fish will bring you a lot of joy and health, and let your appetite be influenced by the knowledge that it contains zinc, iron, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids that help a woman to be forever young and radiant.

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