Today there are many opportunities to “do good”, to do good. Moreover, this topic is relevant not only for adults: a child can realize his desire to help others, the main thing is that he has it. The New Year is a great occasion to talk with your son or daughter about man-made miracles and … start doing something already. Reflects teacher and mother of many children Natalia Nemtsova.
A philanthropist is a person who is not just kind to people. He is actively kind, he acts, literally gives good, and disinterestedly. Can this be taught to a child?
I think not always. It is difficult to do a good deed on assignment or coercion, because of this it loses its miraculous properties. But a child can be instilled with charitable thinking and the ability to notice those who need help, teach them to show sympathy, to help. At first, the main role in this belongs to the parents.
Often, adults begin to consciously approach the topic of mercy for the first time precisely when they have children, and go along this path with them. The main thing is the desire to develop this spiritual quality in oneself and in the child.
It is important to start with things that are subject to the child himself, his capabilities. For example, in the summer, my children and I had such a mission – to save snails that crawl out onto the sidewalk after rain. We took baskets for a walk, collected travelers and carried them to a safe place – on the side of the road. Children felt like heroes who save the world and make it happier. We also fed the birds, collected garbage in the forest. In transport, they gave way to the elderly: you need to do this regardless of whether you are a boy or a girl, tired or alert.
Of course, there are circumstances when you have to make an effort on yourself, to overcome fatigue or cowardice. Then such a technique as identification comes to the rescue – identifying oneself with another person. This property of our nature is often used by screenwriters and writers to arouse the viewer’s empathy for the hero. At such moments, I think about what I would do if my grandmother or mother stood in front of me. Have your child do this. Imagination usually helps.
If there is a benefactor, then there is a beneficiary. And one must be able to be grateful, a happy beneficiary
To save a snail, to give way – it seems to be trifles, but this is the natural involvement of a child in the world of givers of good deeds. This is a step to ensure that at an older age he can show empathy and help those in need on a more complex level: at school, consciously take part in the “Children Instead of Flowers” campaigns, charity fairs and events, at the institute – participate in the volunteer movement, help nature , animals, people, choosing a feasible mission for themselves.
It’s important to show your child that you don’t have to be rich to give to charity. It is enough to be attentive, responsive and generous. And children also need to instill the right attitude to the concept, which is not in our language, although theoretically it should be. After all, if there is a benefactor, then there is a beneficiary. And one must be able to be grateful, a happy beneficiary.
At first, the baby needs to feel the reciprocal positive energy from the good deeds done. I gave way to the old woman – I received a portion of kindness in return. In the future, this will allow the little person to feel the pleasure of charity without relying on someone’s approving reaction, but simply because it is right and good.
Reading books with Christmas stories about goodness and miracles, with a touching plot and always a happy ending, is also a good reason to start a conversation about mercy. Trying on the stories of the heroes of Dickens, Andersen or Rowling – children who survived difficult trials – each of us, regardless of age, receives a charge of hope for the best and self-confidence.
Books do not have to be artistic, fabulous. In my “Cognitive Tales for Toddlers” (Kid, 2019), I answer a variety of encyclopedic questions. But behind the scientific facts in every story there is always the theme of mercy, good deeds, caring for others.
For example, in the fairy tale “How does a smile appear?” readers will learn that a real smile is not only the work of facial muscles, it is an inner light, and it can be given. In the fairy tale “Why do we need leaf fall?” little heroes realize that good deeds are useful to everyone – even those who do them. In the story “Why do we need garbage?” it becomes clear that even an abandoned, useless candy wrapper can save a tree and turn into a new book. Isn’t it a miracle?
Take the first step
New Year’s Eve and Christmas is a time when you want not only to expect miracles, but also to do good yourself. In December, you and your child have a great opportunity to try on the role of Santa Claus’s helper: make a Christmas-style card at home and bring it to
Many joyful events await you at the festival: New Year’s show and competitions, congratulations from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, master classes for children of different ages, educational lectures for adults, a food court and gifts. And, of course, excellent children’s books, among which every child will find something to their liking. All books will be sold at special prices.
About the Developer
Natalia Nemtsova – teacher, mother of many children, scriptwriter of Children’s Radio programs and author of books for children, one of which is “Tales of the Old Burdock” (Wise Cricket, 2016).