How to get in shape in 7 minutes a day

How to get in shape in 7 minutes a day

Each of us wants to have an attractive body, but it is not always possible to find time for daily exercises. Now you will have no excuses. The book with the telling title “7 minutes for fitness” contains exercises for every day that will help to put your body in order.

A healthy body and good physical fitness does not mean that you need to buy an annual gym membership and spend two hours there every day. Take advantage of a workout routine of fast, effective, and effective workouts that will take you about seven minutes a day to complete.

Surely you can sacrifice a couple of phone calls or checking social networks before bed to get your body in order and genuinely enjoy the reflection in the mirror. Ready? Then let’s get started!

1. Lie on your stomach and clasp your hands behind your head.

2. Press your chin to your chest (as if you were holding a tennis ball under it) and lift your shoulders and top of your chest off the floor, keeping your feet flat on the floor.

3. Lower yourself to the starting position and repeat.

This advanced version of push-ups works the muscles of the arms, chest and core.

1. Start with a regular push-up.

2. At the top, with your arms extended, lift your right arm and leg into the air and turn so that your body is perpendicular to the floor, with all your weight on your left arm and leg. The right arm and leg are still extended, and the back is also kept straight.

3. Stretch your right arm and leg toward the ceiling, pause in this position and return to the starting position.

4. Repeat lifting your left arm and leg.

This exercise builds strength in the muscles of the legs, pelvis, and core.

1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, stretch your arms forward and interlock your toes.

2. Perform a reverse lunge by stepping backward with your right foot, keeping your arms outstretched forward.

3. When the right knee begins to drop to the floor, turn to the left, arms are still straight, the body is upright.

4. After the right knee touches the floor, rise to the starting position and repeat the entire movement, starting with the step with the left foot.

Develops agility and coordination of the whole body.

1. Start with a boxing stance, one foot in front, the other in the back, feet about shoulder width apart, knees bent, weight on toes.

2. Clench your fists and, bending your elbows, keep them close to your face, protecting your head.

3. Strike in front of you with both hands in turn, jumping back and forth and left and right at random.

4. Vary the frequency and types of beats, for example, two left, then one right, then vice versa. Every five to ten hits, add a squat to dodge an imaginary opponent. Try to land 30 hits in 30 seconds.

Strengthens the gluteus and outer thigh muscles.

1. Stand on your left leg, slightly bent at the knee.

2. Push it off and jump to the right, landing on the right.

3. To maintain balance, land gently on a slightly bent right leg.

4. Catching balance on the right leg, push off with it and jump back to the left.

5. Repeat the movement at the speed of a skater.

You can find other effective physical exercises in the book “7 Minutes for Fitness”. Upgrade your body and enjoy the results!

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