How to get happiness in any human activity?

Hello! A person spends a significant part of his life at work, at least the average person. And if she does not suit him — just imagine how much he loses. Because every day is filled with sadness, hopelessness, irritation and despair. Terrible, right?

Therefore, today I want to offer ways that will help you achieve happiness in your activities, and not vice versa. After all, it is quite real. Ready?

How to get happiness from activities?

Change your outlook

You need to think in a positive way. If you form only negatively colored phrases, then naturally you will not get any satisfaction from them. Try looking for something that might be enjoyable. After all, even from losses you can take out more utilities and resources than from victories.

For example, if you think that your job is the worst in the world and you will never be a happy person who is proud of what he does. Indeed, the prospects for the future look rather sad, and longing will overcome the soul for a long time.

And if you think that really, in this period of time, the work is not easy, at times boring and tedious, but it teaches something that can be useful in the future.

Yes, at least it helps to learn more about yourself. Let’s say you turned out to be a person with a strong will and a well-developed industriousness, who is able to withstand the vicissitudes of fate and wait until prospects appear in order to take steps towards happiness.

Isn’t this a reason to thank a seemingly hateful activity for the opportunity to achieve such awareness?

In general, if you want to learn how to think positively, follow this link.

How to get happiness in any human activity?

Rethink your social circle

The close environment has a huge impact on us, our life. After all, unconsciously we adopt the habits, thoughts and behaviors of people with whom we often communicate. Especially if they are significant people for us, loved ones.

So, there is such a thing as energy vampirism. This is when, after contact with another person, you experience fatigue, irritation, anxiety, and even quite noticeable somatic ailments.

You can protect yourself from this kind of vampirism, but the best thing is to keep your distance. Otherwise, you will gradually sink into depression, as if into a swamp.

Therefore, think about those who prevent you from fulfilling your duties, even just by their presence or an awkward remark.

It happens that a person works with enthusiasm, gives one hundred percent and is in anticipation of the result. And a colleague passing by throws a word and that’s it, inspiration disappears, and thoughts appear about a really useless creation and the time spent on it.

Or, for example, the wife is cooking something in the kitchen, and the husband comes and just bothers her with questions about why she cuts the carrot in this way, and if she finely chop the onion, and so on. Tell me, will she continue to lovingly invest in the dish? Also enjoying the process? I doubt.

In such cases, you should take care of your own boundaries. Stop or minimize contact with constantly suffering personalities who think only of the negative and limit you, as if «clipping your wings» every time you try to take off.

It is more difficult with relatives and partners, because it is important not to destroy the closeness that has already formed. See in this article exactly how you can maintain a relationship while defending your interests.

Perhaps the manager will agree to give you, if not a separate office, then at least a corner in the office where no one can disturb you while you are working on the task. And the partner will hear you and will no longer interfere. In general, try.

Have a rest

Yes, in order to work effectively, and even enjoy this process, it is also important to rest. Having gained strength, energy, inspiration, it is much easier to solve something than when you are already sick of the situation and the field of activity. But you have to commit violence to yourself in order to force you to continue in the same spirit.

So, if a vacation or a weekend doesn’t “shine” for you soon, but there is a need to enjoy work at the moment, take a short break. During which, be sure to do what will give you satiety and relaxation.

Yes, you can’t get to the sea now, but you can close your eyes and imagine it, and also remember some valuable moment from life. Let’s say how you and your beloved had fun on the beach, or you ran with your child in a race across the sand and timed who would stay under water longer.

Your brain will take in the information and elicit the appropriate response, as if it were happening to you in real time. To complete the picture, you can even turn on the sound of the surf.

How to get happiness in any human activity?

Think About Resources

Take a piece of paper and write down at least 10 points for which you are grateful for your work. That is what is good about it. Even if at first it seems that there is not a single advantage, over time, with careful thought, you can find them. Otherwise, another question arises, what exactly keeps you there?

Also indicate on a separate sheet, your, so to speak, super abilities. That is what helps to endure in difficult labor moments.

Let’s say that some co-workers’ taunts can be dealt with with a sense of humor. And to ensure the implementation of needs at low wages, you can rely on the ability to rationally approach the issue of purchases.


Not everyone feels great in chaos and the process of creative confusion. And even such amateurs sometimes need clarity and at least some structure.

If you are mired in a bunch of cases and just do not know what task to take on first, then it is not surprising that there is resistance to work.

Uncertainty causes tension and stress, what kind of relaxation and joy can we talk about then? So rank according to the complexity and duration of the task, keep a diary and then you will not only do everything, but also do more than before.

If time management techniques are not very familiar to you, follow this link. In it you will find information on how to set goals, prioritize and, of course, plan.

Make a difference

When you have to deal with the same responsibilities every day, you lose interest in them. Because your brain and body are already taking on the task without your conscious inclusion.

Have you noticed how you do something as if on a machine? Let’s say you got home, not being able to remember some parts of the route? Because you walk the same road every day, your hemispheres are taken for other processes that are more important at such a moment. It makes no sense to concentrate on stable, well-studied.

So bring some novelty, creativity into your life. Then the activity will become more interesting, because at least the approach to it will change. Start brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand first, change the way you dress, stop yourself when you are used to actively engaging in an argument, and so on.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! If you have your own tricks and methods that help you be happy in your activity, share them in the comments. We will be very grateful for your feedback.

And subscribe to the site, here you will find a lot of information that will help make your life brighter and more harmonious.

Take care of yourself and never stop there!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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