How to get drunk quickly even with a small dose of alcohol

In order to get drunk, it is enough to drink a lot of strong alcohol. The legends about the “killing power” of low-quality moonshine are true: the drink has a high concentration of fusel oils, and it is difficult for the liver to simultaneously cope with toxins of different types (it also perceives ethanol as a poison). For the same reason, distillates: cognac, grappa, whiskey, tequila – are more likely to cloud the mind than vodka.

Ways to quickly get drunk from alcohol

The more alcohol enters the bloodstream, the sooner a person will become intoxicated. In order for alcohol to work faster, you should not eat anything before drinking it. It’s better not to have a snack: a common truth is that a snack steals a degree. The influence of alcohol is slowed down by hearty meat snacks, fat, thick soups, cheeses and dairy products, sweet butter creams.

After drinking a strong drink, you can smell a crust of bread or a slice of ham. To beat off the taste of cheap or thinner to feel the aftertaste of expensive alcohol, it is seized with an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon.

If you still want to have a bite, you should put a piece of bread in your mouth, drink a few sips of a strong drink, and then chew it slowly. With this method, firstly, the alcohol in the mouth heats up, and secondly, thanks to the vessels in the oral cavity, it is directly absorbed into the blood.

There are several simple tricks to enhance the effect of alcohol:

  • heat up the drink. Strong alcohol is warmed a little, holding a glass in hands, wine and beer – on fire, with spices. But cheap wine in tetra-packs cannot be heated strongly: substances are formed in it that cause food poisoning, diarrhea and vomiting;
  • drink in small sips, stretching, but not interrupting the process. A drop of alcohol is rolled in the mouth so that it necessarily gets under the tongue: there the absorption occurs most intensively;
  • slowly sip the drink through a straw;
  • in winter, leave a warm room in the cold, stand for 1-2 minutes, return to warmth and immediately drink a strong drink. The effect of alcohol is enhanced by temperature stress;
  • move less, leave the table less often, do not dance;
  • smoke immediately after drinking alcohol. Nicotine enhances the effect of ethanol on the body.

Proper alcohol blends

Alcoholic cocktails cloud the mind more than one drink. For some, for intoxication, it is enough to mix vodka or wine with liquor. To achieve the final “success”, cocktails are drunk slowly, through a straw, without eating anything.

There are also especially “stunning” options for alcoholic mixtures:

one). Cocktail “Ruff”: beer with vodka. Both drinks are poured into one container, closed and sharply turned upside down several times so that the beer foams. The ideal temperature of the ingredients is from +1 to +15 °C. Two options are known:

  • “Ruff-Bomba”: a cocktail of 100–150 ml of vodka and 150 ml of beer;
  • “Yorsh-Shpok” (or “Chpok”): for 100-150 ml of vodka – 50 ml of beer.
How to get drunk quickly even with a small dose of alcohol
Wash down vodka with beer – get drunk quickly

2). Cocktail “Northern Lights”: a mixture of 50 ml of vodka and 50 ml of champagne. You can change the proportions if you wish.

The secret of the strong intoxicating effect of both cocktails is in carbon dioxide, which promotes the penetration of ethanol into the blood. To get drunk faster, you can add champagne, beer, cola, plain or fruit sparkling water to any non-carbonated alcohol. A “budget” option for students or summer residents is to alternate light and dark beer.

It has been observed that people get more drunk if alcohol is mixed with a carbonated drink containing a dye. Everything is simple here: food coloring for the liver is an additional toxin.

But in no case should you experiment with energy drinks. A mixture of alcohol and energy drinks is a huge burden on the cardiovascular and nervous system. Such cocktails can provoke a stroke or loss of vision even in a young and relatively healthy person.

How to get drunk quickly even with a small dose of alcohol
The more varied the drinks, the faster the desired effect will come.

stress and drunkenness

Any strong emotions slow down intoxication. A classic example is Athos from The Three Musketeers. Anger, fear, grief, joy, recent stress lead to the fact that even a person who is not too accustomed to alcohol drinks strong alcohol like water: without getting drunk.

Therefore, the first rule of “entering nirvana” is to relax, try to distract yourself from problems. You can turn on pleasant music, and even better – play one of the “alcohol games” with friends.

The most popular “alcoholic games”:

  • “Guess the melody”. The host gives each participant to listen to the beginning of the melody recorded on the smartphone (3-5 seconds, depending on the decision of the players). If the player does not guess, then he drinks a glass of alcohol, otherwise the “penalty” goes to the leader;
  • any intellectual games (“Field of Miracles”, “Erudite”). The participant who did not guess the letter drinks alcohol. After each task, the type of alcohol can be changed;
  • The bear has come, the bear has gone. You will need a half-liter or liter mug, ideally a fondue bowl or a crystal candy bowl, in summer cottages or in a hostel a saucepan or a glass jar is allowed. The container is filled with beer, each player is given a straw. After the participant takes 5 sips, the host tops up the vodka container. Players drink in a circle. When only vodka remains in the container, beer is added to it.

How to get drunk quickly even with a small dose of alcohol

All the above methods of intoxication should not be used often: alcohol is harmful to health.

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