How to get clean skin and get rid of acne, wrinkles, stretch marks, facial hair

How to get clean skin and get rid of acne, wrinkles, stretch marks, facial hair

Masking skin imperfections with tonal means, and extra pounds with loose-fitting clothes is not the best solution. It is necessary to find out the reason for the change in appearance. Rashes, dryness, and pigmentation can indicate malfunctions in the body that need to be cured.

According to a survey by VTsIOM and the pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter in 2018, when acne, facial hair, age spots appear, 51% of women will go to a dermatologist, 22% to a beautician and only 2% to a gynecologist. Meanwhile, the root cause of the appearance of such problems may lie in a violation of the hormonal balance and indicate the presence of a disease, the treatment for which is carried out by a female doctor. With the candidate of medical sciences, cosmetologist, dermatologist Alisa Sharova, we figure out what skin problems arise from and how to get rid of them.

Reasons. This is the influence of the male hormone testosterone, as well as the female hormone progesterone, the level of which increases in the second phase of the cycle (from the 12-15th day from the beginning of the previous critical days), which increase the production of sebum. It clogs the hair follicles, bacteria multiply in them, and inflammation and acne appear.

What to do? External manifestations can be eliminated by a cosmetologist. He will also recommend antibacterial care products, as well as professional procedures (cleaning, peeling). To eliminate the root cause – hormonal imbalance (and it doesn’t matter if you are 15 or 40), contact your gynecologist. He will select a course of therapy to normalize the level of androgens, this will reduce the production of sebum.

By the way, acne (especially on the chest) can also occur due to active physical training: work with weights is more typical for men, so the female body begins to produce more testosterone when the load increases, which, in turn, affects the appearance of acne.

The stress hormone cortisol also has an effect, increasing sweating and stimulating sebum production. So try not to get nervous and do not overdo it with weights.

Dry skin, wrinkles, changes in facial contours

Reasons. With age, the level of female hormones estrogen decreases, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and the retention of moisture in it.

What to do? Contact a gynecologist, he will prescribe a therapy that restores the level of estrogen, and a cosmetologist, he will minimize external manifestations. Drink at least 1–2 liters of water per day to restore water balance in the body, lead an active lifestyle.

Reasons. Unwanted hair growth on the face (above the upper lip, on the chin, etc.) is provoked by an increased content of androgens (male hormones) in the body.

What to do? Visit your gynecologist, symptoms may indicate medical conditions (eg, polycystic ovary disease, swelling, or infertility). You need to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and take a blood test to check the level of hormones. Based on the research results, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Reasons. The culprits are estrogen and progesterone. The first retains fluid in the body (hence the swelling and puffiness of the face), and progesterone increases appetite. Therefore, the closer a woman’s critical days are, the greater the number on the scales.

What to do? Monitor your nutrition at any stage of the cycle. Before your period, increase your protein and zinc (porcini, legumes, liver, broccoli, spinach). Replace sweets with dried fruits, limit salt intake and try not to drink two hours before bedtime. But don’t starve: it increases stress and cells start storing fat for a rainy day. Talk to your doctor to help normalize your hormone levels.

Reasons. Often appear during pregnancy and menopause, that is, when hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. At this time, melanin is intensively produced in the cells responsible for pigmentation. Under the influence of sunlight, it unevenly stains skin areas in a dark color.

What to do? Avoid direct sunlight. The spots after pregnancy will go away on their own. And with those that have arisen due to age-related changes, the cosmetologist and gynecologist will help to cope, making up for the deficiency of female hormones. Limit tanning and beach visits during the second phase of the cycle to avoid the appearance of age spots.

Reasons. May appear during pregnancy or hormonal changes (puberty, menopause). So the structure of the skin is affected by fluctuations in the level of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. In adolescent girls, striae occur due to an increase in growth hormone: the skin does not have time to adapt, the body does not have enough elastin and collagen.

What to do? To clarify the reason, visit a gynecologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist. Getting rid of stretch marks is difficult, so it’s best to play it safe and prevent them from occurring: use moisturizers and body oils, massage, monitor your weight, and be physically active.

Increased waist circumference (apple-type figure)

Reasons. The production of female hormones during menopause is sharply reduced, and male hormones begin to dominate in the body. Because of this, the total amount of fat increases and it is redistributed in the abdominal area.

What to do? See your gynecologist and nutritionist. The first will select therapy, it will help fill the lack of female hormones, and the second will teach you how to eat in order to lose weight. Indeed, with a waist circumference of more than 80 cm in women, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and, accordingly, cardiovascular diseases can develop.

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