How to get back in shape after pregnancy?

How to get back in shape after pregnancy?

During pregnancy and childbirth, the body was damaged. After several months when pregnancy hormones were at their highest, they suddenly drop after childbirth, causing imbalance and severe fatigue.

Here are some tips to get back in shape after pregnancy:

Step 1: take care of your diet

A varied and balanced diet is essential during and after pregnancy. To speed up weight loss, some women are tempted to diet very hard, which should be avoided, especially if breastfeeding. Vitamins and nutrients are essential for the good health of mother and baby.

Favoring proteins, slow sugars as well as fruits and vegetables, while practicing physical activity, will allow you to quickly regain the pre-pregnancy weight.

Some young mothers are also affected by hair loss after pregnancy, which is why foods rich in B vitamins, iron and calcium, for example, should be preferred.

Step 2: do not ignore rehabilitation

The role of the perineum is very important: this set of muscles supports the organs of part of the pelvis (bladder, uterus, rectum).

Indeed, ignoring perineal rehabilitation could pose problems of urinary incontinence or prolapse (commonly called “organ descent”) and compromise the quality of sexual life.

It is generally advisable to start this rehabilitation around 6 to 8 weeks after childbirth, or even later if the young mother chooses to breastfeed.

Step 3: resume physical activity

Necessary to facilitate weight loss and revitalize the body, practicing a sport will also limit the stress associated with motherhood.

Most of the time, it is recommended 2 months after pregnancy, after perineal rehabilitation. However, in the case of a cesarean section or an episiotomy, it will take longer.

Step 4: Take time for yourself

Almost 80% of young mothers are victims of baby blues in the weeks following childbirth. This state of uncertainty, melancholy or even sadness, explained by the hormonal change, disappears very quickly. However, it sometimes lasts: this is called postpartum depression, which affects 10 to 15% of mothers.

The symptoms are similar to those of the baby blues, namely a deep sadness, anxieties, insomnia and loss of appetite, to which is also added a lack of interest in the baby.

To avoid this postpartum depression, it is essential to take time for yourself. Many adjustments will change your lifestyle, which is why you will have to organize your schedule so as not to get overwhelmed and take the time to take care of yourself, to rest or to meet up.

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