How to get a pig out of the hunt and what needs to be done so that the pig comes into the hunt

It is very easy to manipulate the physiological state of a sow or a boar. There are many proven methods, both medicinal and folk, so that the pig does not walk or, conversely, comes into the hunt. All these methods are now used in agriculture and they do not affect the health of the animal.

Signs of sexual hunting in females and males

In pigs, as in all animals, there is the most favorable period for mating, when fertilization occurs with an accuracy of 99%. This is very important for the natural reproduction that most farmers strive for. You can understand that the pig has already gone on a spree by its behavior, if it changes dramatically. The animal becomes strange, the female shows the following signs of hunting:

  • red and swollen nipples;
  • the genitals are bright pink;
  • copious discharge from the genital canals;
  • restless behavior.

When pressing on the back of the body, the pig sits down or freezes. These are the most reliable signs that indicate the puberty of the sow. As a rule, it occurs in the interval from 5 to 10 months. But too early to let the pig into breeding is not worth it. Experienced farmers advise waiting until 10 months of age so that she gets stronger and gains weight well. This is very important for further gestation.

The hunting period for a pig does not last long – from 2 to 5 days. But as practice shows, fertilization is possible for 2-3 days. If this does not happen, then again the animal will take a walk in a month. After successful mating, the sow takes out piglets, gives birth, and after a week she can again be allowed to go to the boar. However, statistics say otherwise, most females come to hunt 40-45 days after weaning piglets or do not come at all. Such animals are culled.

Males have different signs of hunting. Animals become uncontrollable, try to break everything, make wild cries, rub against fences, urinate frequently, and urine has a pungent odor. Some males jump on each other, thus simulating mating.

Important! During the hunting period, males and females have a poor appetite, the feeders are constantly full.
Pig hunting, how to determine when to mate piglets

Why is the pig not walking?

There are cases when a pig does not walk for a long time, which makes mating difficult and requires artificial insemination. There are several reasons for this condition: it can be problems with the reproductive system or external factors. Before proceeding with the treatment of the pig, you need to understand why this is happening.

First, exclude external factors, which include:

  • bad food;
  • tightness in the paddock;
  • frequent change of neighbors;
  • the absence of a boar in the herd;
  • lack of vitamins.

If no problems are identified, then it is worth inviting a veterinarian who will examine the animal and determine how the main organs function. Most often, the pig does not walk, as there is a hormonal failure, obesity, as a result of which the work of the ovaries and testes is disrupted.

The lack of good walking has a negative effect on sexual function. This is especially noticeable in spring and autumn. During this period, the natural reproductive function is reduced. To prevent this from happening, the herd is walked in special pens, and young boars are kept together with the sows.

What needs to be done so that the pig comes to hunt

There are several ways to correct the situation and stimulate hunting in a pig. Alternative methods are more suitable as a preventive measure or for a small herd. On an industrial scale, they do not work, it is worth resorting to drug stimulation of hunting.

Folk ways

If the pig does not come into heat, then the simplest thing to do is to take good care of it. The diet should contain green fodder in abundance, clean water. The pen should be warm and draft-free.

Experienced farmers resort to some tricks, for example, they leave a pig without food for 2 days in a separate pen. At the same time, the drink is not removed, the light is constantly on. Such stress therapy has a positive effect, by the end of the second day the sow begins to hunt.

In order for the pig to quickly start walking, a home-made aerosol is sprayed indoors from the semen and urine of a young boar. Prepare it from 1 liter of urine and 200 ml of semen. The mixture is kept for a day in a tightly closed container, after which it is heated to 60°C, stirred and left for another 2 days. After that, it is poured into a spray vessel and sprayed on the room where the sows are located.

Most often, the problem with hunting in a pig begins after weaning the piglets. To avoid this, resort to ovulation stimulation. For this, the sow is not limited in food. Feed is often distributed, for one individual – up to 5 kg / day. Additionally, glucose is added – up to 200 ml per day per head, fish meal, soy.

Attention! Room temperature matters a lot. On a concrete floor, it should not exceed 20°C. Heat stress reduces the fertility of the pig.


It is possible to provoke estrus in a pig with medication. Veterinarians advise the drug “Estrophan”, which showed the best results. As early as 48-60 hours after the injection, the female shows signs of hunting. The action of the drug lasts up to 76 hours. During this period, the percentage of fertilization is the highest.

How to get a pig out of the hunt and what needs to be done so that the pig comes into the hunt

In veterinary medicine, there are no contraindications for the introduction of “Estrophan”, but the female does not need to prescribe the medicine on her own. Only a doctor will be able to calculate the required dose, usually it does not exceed 2 ml, which is suitable for the weight of a particular pig.

Other drugs

To introduce the female into the hunt, you can use the analogues of “Estrophan”. It can be “Gestavet”, “PG 600”.

“Gestavet” is a synthetic hormone for intramuscular injection. Regulates reproductive function in pigs. Enter 1 ml into the neck, regardless of the weight and age of the animal. Contraindications and cases of overdose have not been identified. The drug is not administered to pregnant females.

“PG 600” is a hormonal drug designed to regulate the cycle, increase the fertility of sows. Enter intramuscularly in 1 dose. It is allowed to administer immediately after weaning piglets or after 2 days.

Important! In order to introduce a pig into the hunt, it is allowed to inject “Oxytocin”.

How to kill a pig

Puberty in pigs occurs at 5 months. The period of excitation lasts for several days, after which it repeats regularly. From a biological point of view, this is normal and does not cause any harm to animals. However, the farmer suffers losses. Early hunting leads to the fact that young females lose weight, there is an overrun of feed, electricity, etc. Yes, and it is too early to start breeding a young pig at this age. The cycle of its development is not yet completed, the female is not ready to bear offspring. The pig hunt must be brought down. For this, there are proven methods among the people:

  • mint decoction;
  • baking soda.

A decoction of mint is prepared arbitrarily. Fresh leaves and shoots are brewed into a tea and then added to the animal’s food or drink. Use 1 liter of solution at a time. You need to water the pig 3 times a day.

Just as effective is regular baking soda. In some cases, it can knock down a pig’s hunt completely. Throughout the day, 1-2 tsp are added to food or drink. soda. The food should be free of acidic additives.

The easiest way to make sure that the pig does not walk is to feed it hard. It is noticed that abundant feeding and excess weight delay puberty for several months.

If pigs are raised for meat, then they should not walk. Castration of the livestock will help to forget about the problem. But if you need to select young animals from the herd for further breeding, then it is better to resort to medical methods. There are many of them, the preparations gently eliminate early hunting and do not harm the reproductive system of pigs. In the future, the animal can be used for breeding.

To prevent a pig from walking, it needs to be given synthetic hormones that are completely identical to sex hormones. They block the maturation of eggs in the ovaries and the female does not hunt. For this purpose, the drug “Seksinon” is widely used. This is an inexpensive remedy available in veterinary medicine. The drug is available in tablet or liquid form. It is easy to calculate the required dosage: 1 tablet or 1 ml of the drug for every 10 kg of weight. The drug is started from 4,5-5 months of age. All livestock should be fed every 20-22 days. The required dose is mixed with feed and distributed to animals early in the morning.

How to get a pig out of the hunt and what needs to be done so that the pig comes into the hunt

Cancel the drug “Seksinon” when the females reach the desired weight. Within a month, the body of pigs returns to normal and hunting begins. But it is better to skip the first cycle, insemination during this period is not the best. From the second cycle, females can be inseminated. On an industrial scale, this is very convenient. It is possible to form groups of the same age, to take away piglets from the sow together, to achieve synchronization of farrowing.

Attention! Pigs that will go for meat must be slaughtered no earlier than 15 days after taking the drug “Seksinon”.


So that the pig does not walk or, conversely, comes into the hunt, experienced farmers resort to proven methods. This allows you to carry out group insemination of sows, receive synchronous farrowing, and simultaneously wean piglets. On an industrial scale, they most often resort to medications, and at home, you can get by with old folk methods. They are no less effective, suitable for a small herd.

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