How to get a person out of a sect: recommendations, video

😉 Greetings to new and regular readers of the site! In the article “How to get a person out of a sect”, you will learn how to determine that your friend has fallen into a dangerous organization. And how to help him.

In our time, the number of organizations of dubious ideology is growing rapidly. They attract insecure and desperate people who are at a dead end in life. In the previous article, we covered the topic: what is a sect.

How to quit a sect

Do not panic ahead of time if your friend or relative is interested in spiritual practices or is looking for God. There is an opinion that the Lord is one, but people of different worldviews go to him in different ways.

Therefore there are so many religions in the world. It happens that someone passes from one religion to another, since the latter more closely corresponds to his inner world.

Signs of a sect

By what signs can you determine that your acquaintance or friend has fallen into a dangerous sect?

  • change in interests, behavior, manner of dress;
  • isolation or, conversely, increased activity and even aggression;
  • changes in speech and vocabulary, the appearance of memorized phrases;
  • excessive devotion to some idea, absolute rejection of alternative points of view;
  • indifference to relatives, friends, as well as to previous activities and hobbies;
  • indifference to one’s health and appearance;
  • large financial costs (for example, borrowing money or a bank loan for an unknown purpose).

Only one of these signs, of course, does not indicate that a person is in a dangerous group. Just a combination of a few facts should make you uneasy.

Additional information for the article in this video:

How to leave a sect and why they fall into sects

How to proceed:

  • make sure this group is really dangerous. Collect as much information as possible about her;
  • if possible, seek out former members of this organization to work together;
  • try to find information about the sect that you can provide to law enforcement agencies;
  • do not attack a loved one with moral admonitions and warnings. This can alienate you even more. Leave him the right to choose, but do not agree with everything. Make it clear that you respect his views, but you also have yours;
  • do not show that you are against the activities of his group, otherwise you may become an enemy for him;
  • carefully ask him about the spiritual leader (leader) of the group. How big is his influence? What he really is;
  • do not give money;
  • find a good psychologist or specialist in sects, introduce him to your friend;
  • if a person is missing, contact the police.

How to get a person out of a sect: recommendations, video

After leaving a dangerous sect, a person feels spiritual devastation, so he needs psychological rehabilitation and support from his relatives. And remember – people join such groups out of despair and moral hunger.

Give your loved ones warmth and normal human communication and then they will not look for the meaning of life in dubious associations.

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