How to get a disability with epilepsy?

Despite the fact that this disease seems quite far from each of us, epilepsy itself and even disability within its framework is a common phenomenon.

Obtaining disability is necessary in the vast majority of cases with epilepsy in children and adults. About what are the rules for obtaining disability later in the article.

Is there a disability for epilepsy?

So, in the case of epilepsy, the granting of disability is quite possible. This is because the disease itself is a disorder of the functioning of the brain in neurological terms, which in any case falls under the criteria for disability. In addition, as a result of seizures occurring during epilepsy, a person loses control over his own actions and, as a result, is not only incapacitated, but also becomes a threat to the existence of others. What are the disability groups for epilepsy?

Disability groups for epilepsy

As with the vast majority of diseases, epilepsy has a number of disability groups: from the first to the third. In accordance with international statistics, they are distinguished from each other according to the following criteria, which should be known to those who apply for them:

  • III is the most common form of disability in epilepsy, which is received by approximately 35-40% of those who have experienced an illness. This group is characterized by seizures of moderate intensity. Each of the epileptics can receive the third category of disability;

  • II – the most common group, which is received by at least 50% of epileptics. It manifests itself in prolonged seizures and sometimes even unconsciousness, a serious limitation of mental processes and, as a result, labor activity;

  • I – disability group, the least common, which is received by no more than 4% of the total number of epileptics. It is she who represents the most dangerous form, especially among children, 75% of whom do not reach the age of majority, faced with it.

The state of health in epilepsy of the first group is especially dangerous because it leads to severe dementia, a decrease in brain volume with a sudden increase in swelling. While in those patients who apply for the second category of disability, seizures of epilepsy often occur. However, due to the created and developing social patronage of children, they may well be trained in specialized educational institutions.

Also, adults are allowed to work in places adapted for this, even if they received a second disability group. The difference between the second and third categories of disability in epilepsy, which you need to know when contacting official authorities, is that specific disorders are also of a moderate nature. Personality changes in the third type are formed most often when there is no medical intervention.

Thus, the vast majority of patients who are granted the third group of disability receive the right to a completely successful continuation of work under the patronage of social services in the most suitable conditions for this. It is also noteworthy that most often children “fall” under the third category. How, knowing all the differences between the degrees of disability in epilepsy, how to get them?

How to get a disability?

In the case when it comes to applying for a disability, you should make an appointment with a neurologist. It is he who will issue a referral to visit all the required doctors and pass the appropriate tests.

 Thus, the prerequisites are:

  • delivery of a holistic analysis, both blood and urea;

  • x-ray of the skull in several projections (preferably at least two);

  • examination of the fundus and vision functions;

  • echo-EG;

  • electroencephalography (EEG);

  • if seizures and deterioration of the condition began less than six months ago, then it is necessary to conduct computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);

  • decision of the psychotherapist.

After going around all the doctors and passing the listed tests, the neurologist must:

  • issue a referral for medical and social examination (ITU) in accordance with the form number 088/a-06;

  • send the epileptic to a special commission, where the presence of the disease will be checked, as well as the correctness of filling out all the documentation.

After that, the package of documents will be certified by the signature and seal of the head physician of the medical institution. This is where the first stage ends. At the next stage, the person must come to the ITU office, where the exact dates for the examination will be indicated.

In the event that a person is recognized as disabled, he is given a certificate of receipt of a particular disability group. In addition, the medical committee, within 30 days from the date of the decision, must develop an individual rehabilitation plan (IRP). Only after the approval of the created program, it must be sent within three days to the social protection department at the place of residence of the epileptic or it is handed over to him at the ITU regional office.

After all the required documents are received, it is necessary to contact the social protection authorities and the pension fund in order to arrange the appropriate benefits, allowances and pension payments.

What is permanent disability?

There is also the concept of permanent disability, which is assigned to those patients who were previously included in the first or second group. At the same time, the epileptic is faced with a permanent loss of the ability to work, and all therapeutic and preventive measures have been ineffective for five years.

Thus, receiving a disability group for epilepsy gives a person not just social protection. This is an opportunity to work without any problems, receive legitimate payments and compensation, as well as adequate medical care.

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