The majestic, ringing Siberian cedars are a real symbol of our country, from which nobility and centuries-old traditions breathe. Answering the question where pine nuts grow – one of the most useful and nutritious fruits in their group – we can say with confidence that the times when the plant could only be found in the expanses of Siberia are long gone. Now each of us is able to grow our own tree, it is enough to know a few rules on how to successfully germinate a found pine nut at home.
In order for you to be able to grow Siberian cedar at home, you need to know many features of the culture, what kind of soil the planted nut prefers, where it is better to plant it, how often to water it, and much more. There are two ways to grow a handsome conifer, like any other tree, by planting a seedling or trying to sprout a cedar nut on your own. Of course, the second method will take much more time, but it will require less financial costs, as you know, cedar seedlings are a rather expensive pleasure.
Video “Growing”
From the video you will learn how to grow a walnut tree.
Seed preparation
For the process to be successful, only high-quality seed must be germinated:
- the selected seeds should be undamaged, not emit an unpleasant or putrid odor. The average germination of cedar nuts has been successfully preserved for 4 years, and with proper care, it can even be about a dozen years;
- Another mandatory condition that must be met is the pre-planting processing of the material, which will help protect pine seeds from damage by a fungus or other infectious diseases. To do this, soak the selected nuts in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0,5%, slightly pink) for several hours. After that, the seeds can be planted.
You should not expect instant germination, as a rule, in order for the first shoots to appear, more than six months should pass.
Stratification of seeds
Before growing a mighty cedar from a small nut, it is necessary to plant the seed correctly, and even earlier to comply with all the rules of the previous processing. First of all, you need to soak the nuts in warm water for three days, changing the water every 24 hours. After that, the water is drained, and the treated seeds are mixed with well-moistened sand. The nut-sand mixture prepared in this way is placed in a spacious box with ventilation holes made – this is necessary to ensure unhindered access of oxygen. In this form and condition, the seeds are placed in a cool dark place, for example, a refrigerator. At the same time, it is important not to forget to regularly moisten the sand, maintaining the humidity at the level with which the box was left for germination.
If suddenly you notice the appearance of mold on individual seeds, they must be removed, and the moistened sand should be completely replaced.
Sowing in the ground
Seed germination will occur no earlier than in 6-7 months. As soon as this happens, the seeds must be thoroughly washed and placed in separate pots (it is best to carry out planting manipulations somewhere in the middle of spring).
Sandy loamy soil is best suited for cedar, while the seeds need to be buried by about 1 cm. Pots with planted nuts are placed in a place with a constant temperature regime of 20-22 degrees. If all conditions are met, the final germination of the future cedar should occur within a month and a half. When seedlings appear, place the containers with seedlings in a well-lit place, but in such a way as to avoid direct sunlight.
With the advent of summer, sprouted trees must be accustomed to the open air, regularly taking containers with sprouts outside. After some time, cedars can be gradually planted in well-loosened, nutritious soil. As a rule, seedlings tolerate the transplant procedure well, while they can be planted at a small distance from each other: they will have to change their place of residence in three years. This should be done in the spring, choosing a permanent landing site, where the tree will spend its entire life. Be sure to consider the actual size of an adult tree – the average cedar grows up to 40 m in height, so about 7 square meters should be allocated for each plant. m of soil.
And one more nuance – when the trees reach one year of age, they need to be shaded. To do this, you can choose the appropriate areas in your garden, or create an artificial barrier from the sun’s rays.
Despite the fact that coniferous beauties grow very quickly – an average of half a meter every year – trees begin to bear fruit only when their age reaches the 40-50-year mark. At the same time, the cones, which contain nuts, appear infrequently – once in about 7 years. But this is in the natural conditions of the wild taiga. If you grow a tree in your garden and provide it with ideal conditions for development, then the plant will reach reproductive age by about 20 years. And yet, the most productive harvest period falls on the interval from 70 to 100 years, while one tree can give about 20 kg of nuts.
That’s all you need to know about how to sprout pine nuts yourself. Be sure to try to grow this noble tree, if only so that a powerful coniferous handsome man flaunts on your site to the envy of your neighbors.
Video “The benefits and harms of nuts”
From the video you will learn what are the benefits and harms of pine nuts.