How to germinate beans: seed selection, planting and care rules

Recently, with the growing hype around the principles of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, more and more people are striving to enrich their daily diet with healthy foods. Beans are one of the most accessible crops, which, moreover, has a lot of useful properties, so sprouting beans occupies one of the leading places in the ranking of fans of healthy eating.

Seed preparation

It is not difficult to germinate beans at home, and the seeds do not require special preparation for this process. First of all, you need to sort the beans, if you find them shriveled, dried out or moldy, be sure to throw them away. That’s all, you can start sprouting by choosing the method you like.How to germinate beans: seed selection, planting and care rules

Remember that not all varieties of legumes are suitable for eating without heat treatment: Mash bean grains are best suited for these purposes. You can not eat raw and red beans, it contains certain toxic protein elements that can provoke serious poisoning. During heat treatment, these substances are destroyed, respectively, the product becomes absolutely safe.

Sprouted beans are a real treasure, they contain a huge amount of trace elements and nutrients that have the most beneficial effect on strengthening immunity and improving the functioning of the digestive system.

Video “Selection of seeds”

From the video you will learn how to choose bean seeds.

Garden head – Choosing the right pea and bean seeds

Germination methods

There are several ways to germinate beans, but they are all based on the same principle: the grain germinates if it is provided with enough moisture and light. The most commonly used options are:

  • germination of bean seeds occurs with the help of wet gauze, the beans are placed on well-moistened gauze, covering them from above with the same layer of cloth. It is necessary to ensure that the fabric layers constantly remain well moistened, but to prevent the appearance of excess moisture – this will inevitably lead to decay of the material. When germinating bean grains, you need to periodically rinse the fabric – this will help to avoid the appearance of plaque. As a rule, the first sprout appears quickly enough, sometimes the very next day. Now bean sprouts can be safely eaten or planted in a personal plot, depending on the purpose for which germination was conceived;
  • another method can also be used: the selected grains are placed on the bottom of a flat glass container and covered with a damp cloth. The dish prepared in this way must be placed in a warm place. This method minimizes the risk of grain rotting, but germination will occur a little later, after a few days. Sprouted beans will be absolutely open to your eyes, so you can watch the development of the sprout through the glass;
  • you can use the cotton ball method, the bean is placed on a well-moistened ball of cotton, all this is sent to a glass jar and placed in a warm place. The plant will need only a few hours to start the regeneration processes, and the sprout will delight your eyes the very next day.How to germinate beans: seed selection, planting and care rules

Sprouting for food

In cases where you are interested in the question of how to germinate beans in order to enjoy useful vitamins, you need to slightly change the process of working with grains. Bean processing technology for these purposes is conditionally divided into several main stages:

  • choice of capacity. You will need a shallow plastic dish with a flat bottom. We make several drainage holes in the bottom (excessive moisture will go through them);
  • the vessel prepared in this way is placed in another, deeper bowl so as not to touch its bottom. This is necessary so that excess water can freely leave;
  • at the bottom of the container with holes, you need to place a fabric folded in several layers, on which dry beans are laid. After that, the fabric is abundantly shed with clean water, the entire structure is covered with a clean piece of gauze and placed in a bright and warm place, best of all if it is a window sill on the sunny side. The material should be regularly, at least several times a day, watered with warm water, making sure that the water leaving through the drainage holes does not reach the bottom of the inner container.How to germinate beans: seed selection, planting and care rules

The first seedlings will appear the next day, but it is still too early to eat such beans. Grains need to be processed for a few more days before the appearance of young leaves. As a rule, the whole process takes no more than 5 days. That’s all, it remains only to peel the grains, and the dish is ready. The main benefit of sprouted seeds is that during development, the nutrients contained in beans are converted into unique compounds that are extremely beneficial for the human body.

Care instructions

Beans are a heat-loving plant, so planting in open ground should be done no earlier than May. It is important to choose a sunny area where there will be enough light throughout the day. The culture prefers light soil, so the ground must be loosened before planting.How to germinate beans: seed selection, planting and care rules

If you have chosen a climbing variety, be sure to take care of the presence of supports; ordinary wooden slats will do for this.

Next, you will need moderate feeding and watering as needed, it is best to water the plants rarely, but quite plentifully.

That’s all the rules, beans do not have high requirements, and the harvest gives very generously!

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow beans.


Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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