How to gently wean baby?

Steps to gently wean baby

In general, the baby is weaned when the mother returns to work or when diversification begins. This is the total cessation of breastfeeding in favor of bottle-fed infant milk. It is a step often dreaded by the mother because it causes physiological and psychological changes. But don’t worry, it is a new relationship that will be established between you and your child. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact a midwife or the pediatrician who will be able to advise you on a case-by-case basis. Try to see this step as an evolution and not as a constraint.

Breastfeeding weaning in practice

To wean your baby gently, you will need reduce the number of feedings and their volume. Milk production will decrease and your body will adapt depending on what you will give your child. For this step to go smoothly, it is better proceed very gradually. In practice, you just need to replace a feeding with a bottle of infant milk of about 120 ml (to be modulated according to your baby’s appetite). Skip a feed and keep that rhythm for three or four days so your baby has time to get used to it smoothly, as does your milk supply. Then skip a second feed on the 5th or 6th day of weaning and keep this rhythm for a few days. Work like this until breastfeeding is completely eliminated.

Weaning during diversification, around 6 months of the baby

Good news, weaning is much easier and more instinctive at the time of diversification. Indeed, it is experienced by the mother as a normal course in the development of the child. As with “classic” weaning, you just need to replace a feed with a bottle of milk or a dairy product. For example, during lunch, have a meal with a spoon, then offer him a bottle of milk. At snack time, you can breastfeed her. As you go, you can eliminate this breastfeeding with a bottle of milk or a dairy snack.

Switch from breast to pacifier smoothly

This is the most difficult step for both baby and mom. Don’t worry if your child refuses the pacifier at first, you have to persevere. Do not hesitate to change the bottles and teats used: nipple with narrow neck or wide neck, physiological, etc. You are bound to find the right one for your baby. You can also switch directly from the breast to another device, such as a sippy cup, depending on your baby’s age. Also, if your toddler asks for feedings, the trick is to offer replacement snacks. Indeed, if you give in to each cry, your child will feel lost and will not understand the withdrawal.

Do not hesitate to take your time, listen to you, and listen to your baby for a gentle weaning.

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