How to gain weight?

Although most people nowadays are looking for advice on how to lose weight and lose weight, sometimes the opposite situation occurs – information on what to eat to gain weight is searched for? The answer to this question cannot be universal and unambiguous, because it depends on factors such as individual metabolic rate, as well as appropriate amounts of food at appropriate intervals.

There are many situations when you need to gain weight – especially if you are found to be underweight. Adequate body weight is also of colossal importance for the proper functioning of the body – inadequate weight can be the cause of many hormonal and cardiac disorders – and the level of its immunity.

To find out how to gain weight quickly, consult a dietitian. However, a general outline of how it works can be provided: eat meals five times a day at two-hour intervals. Meals – and especially breakfast – should include high-quality proteinwhich we can find, among others in lean meat and poultry, eggs, yoghurt or cold cuts.

Complex carbohydrates found in groats, whole grain bread, dark rice and durum pasta are also needed. At the same time, the amount of vitamins should be increased – mainly from the B group. Why? Well, B vitamins are responsible for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Everything must be properly balanced: 55 percent of your diet should be carbohydrate, 30 percent fat, and 15 percent protein. However, nothing by force – the diet must be adapted to the lifestyle and activity, moreover, gaining weight may take some time, so be patient. It is assumed that women need about 2300–2500 kcal per day to gain weight, while men need at least 3000–3500 kcal per day.

If you want to gain weight, avoid fast food. Although it is filling, it does not contain serious nutritional value, on the contrary – it contains saturated fatty acids and acrylamide. They are harmful to health, they only cause the accumulation of unnecessary fat.

It is also worth limiting coffee and cigarettes – caffeine and nicotine accelerate metabolism and deplete the body of vitamins and minerals, which has a very negative impact on the process of gaining weight.

Among the products supporting weight gain there are:

  1. eggs – are a source of high-quality protein and fats,
  2. oily fish – a source of good-quality protein and healthy fats (especially omega-3),
  3. dried fruit – they contain a lot of sugar, fiber and most vitamins and minerals. They can be eaten with yoghurt or added to meats,
  4. oils – it is estimated that 15 ml of a tablespoon of oil added to a sauce or salad during cooking allows you to gain about 100 calories. However, you should avoid processed vegetable oils. Instead, use refined coconut oil for frying and cold-pressed olive oil for cold dishes.

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