How to gain muscle mass correctly?

To get a beautiful body, it is important not only to exercise, but also to approach nutrition, rest and lifestyle wisely. It’s not difficult to build mass, but it takes a lot of effort to make it become new muscles, and not body fat.

Many people want to get a beautiful and embossed body, and for this you need to build muscle mass. This is especially true for the male half of the population, but there are also girls who go to “add” in forms. How to build muscle properly?

Weight gain rules

Very often, amateur athletes are faced with the fact that with regular training and increased load, muscles do not grow. Yes, they become stronger, the endurance of the body increases, but growth is not observed. For muscle growth, three conditions must be met:

  1. Calorie surplus “Every day we need to consume more calories than your body needs so that it has an energy reserve to build new tissues.
  2. Reinforced loads – Having a calorie surplus, you must “show” the body that they need to be used for muscle growth, not body fat. To do this, you need to train hard.
  3. Rest and sleep – Training should not be exhausting so that your body does not enter the stage of stress. You need to rest a lot in between classes and sleep at least 8 hours.

Sometimes muscle mass takes the place of fat deposits. It is not visually visible, but you are already on the right track. In this case, there is an increase in weight, since muscles weigh more than fat. So, if you are training in the gym, the weight increases, and the volumes decrease or remain the same, you can be sure that your muscles are striving to come to the surface.

Tips from professional athletes

By building muscle mass, you can add weight, as well as create a beautiful relief on your body. What tips should be followed to quickly increase muscle volume?

You are what you eat

The main criteria for weight gain are associated with a balanced diet. As mentioned above, in order to gain mass, you need a calorie surplus. But that’s not all:

  • Muscle growth requires protein-rich foods. It is protein that acts as a building material for new body cells.
  • Fats are no less important, because they normalize the hormonal background. To gain mass, you need more testosterone, and you can’t get it without fat.
  • It is better to eat separately, that is, eat proteins, fats and carbohydrates separately. Their ratio should be in proportions of 1:1:4, respectively.

For every kilogram of weight, there should be approximately 3 grams of protein and 4 grams of carbohydrates. The rest is fat. This is approximately 10-30% of the consumed substances.

Foods should be rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is extremely important to monitor the quality of nutrition so that the body experiences as little stress as possible during training.

Rational approach to training

It is important to make the right training plan and stick to it. You should not constantly train the same muscle group, and do not exercise too intensely. Muscles grow precisely during the rest between workouts, so it should be complete.

The rest time for one muscle group should be at least 36 hours. Therefore, trainers recommend alternating loads: if you train biceps and chest on Monday, then on Tuesday and Wednesday it is better to choose other muscle groups.

Alternating activities and rest

The optimal number of classes is three times a week. And there should be at least one day break between workouts. Muscle growth is not proportional to the amount of load, so it is important to rest, take breaks and listen to your body.

Sports nutrition supplements and a healthy lifestyle

Tips for gaining mass include maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Bad habits can ruin your workout.

If you doubt that your diet is rich in protein, then you can buy special sports supplements and protein shakes. However, they should be used within reason. They contain more calories to consider in your diet.

In the gym, you can consult with a trainer who will create a nutrition and training plan for you according to your individual needs.

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